Chapter Two

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here is the second part, please enjoy. Let me know what you think. Is it awful? Is it good? Do you want to see more drama? More comedy? Move love? Maybe Jack dancing naked in the rain with Vinny playing the bagpipes? Hmm? hmm?

So yeah read, vote, comment let me know :-)


Packing her suitcase, per Alex's instructions, Erika sighed and sat down on the side of her bed. Codi gave her a small smile from where she sat on the floor going through all of Erika's clothes, picking out what to pack in her own suitcase seeing as not everything fit Erika the greatest right now. When Codi started going through Erika's stuff, Erika didn't even bother to question her. Normally, Erika would be flipping out if Codi took her favourite fitted sweater dress and didn't bother to ask.

Laying back on her bed, Erika rested her arms outstretched over her head, her feet dangling off of the side. She didn't want to go, why couldn't Alex just give her Zack's phone number? Sure, Alex had been correct when he said it wasn't his number to give, but in this sort of situation what did it matter? Somehow, someway whether it be by smoke signals or carrier pigeons Erika had to tell Zack. Telling him face to face was just going to be so much worse.

Groaning, Erika covered her eyes with her hands and blew out a breath. Stopping what she was doing, Codi glanced up at her best friend sprawled out on the bed.

"S'up, Heat?" Codi asked eyeing her curiously.

"I'm just nervous. I know I shouldn't be, but this is huge and I'm scared." Erika confessed, sitting back up to face Codi.

"Remember what Alex said, it'll be fine. Besides, even if it doesn't work the way you want it, I am sure Zack is still going to be chill." Codi tired her best to sound encouraging.

When they had called Alex, he had done everything he could in his tired state to reassure Erika. Whether or not he had made any difference, Codi didn't know. He sure was a compassionate guy if nothing else. He had talked to Erika for almost two hours just trying to calm her down from crying. Before he had hung up, he had made a deal with the girls that Erika would be brave and tell Zack face to face.

Since neither Codi nor Erika had any idea how in the hell that would happen, Alex had made it easier for them. Alex had been kind enough to send two round trip tickets for the girls; he insisted they let him help out in Erika being able to talk to Zack. Really, who better than Alex? He was over confident that the second Erika told Zack, he'd be thrilled and that worried Erika. If Zack was thrilled, it'd be one step up from her but what if he wasn't?

"It's just odd that Alex would be so nice about it all."

"Alex Gaskarth is a really decent guy, he always likes to help and clearly this is his way of doing it." Codi pointed out. It was a bit odd, but from what she knew being the resident All Time Low fan, Alex always did whatever he could to make someone else's day.

"Yeah right, because everybody is so nice when you tell them their friend got you pregnant out of a casual afternoon fuck." Erika scoffed.

"You suck at taking kindness did you know that?" Codi laughed.

"It just seems fishy that without question, he offers to pay our airfare, let us stay in his house and just be so nice. Aren't people like him supposed to laugh, tell us I'm some kind of whore trying to use Zack and then hang up?"

"Clearly you don't listen when I talk." Codi rolled her eyes.

"Sorry, forgot, super obsessed All Time Low fan you were saying?" Erika joked.

Super obsessed was such a nasty way of putting it, but Codi knew Erika was just being sarcastic. After all it had been Codi who drug Erika along to the party.

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