Chapter Twenty Three

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this is a bit of a filler, it seemed everybody really liked the idea of Rian meeting Codi's parents, when asked so here is some of that. It's fun, this story needed some fun and cute, I promise this will all tie into the plot later on. Wait until the next chapter when we get some ever adorable Jalex! yep!


"Holy shit it's alive!" Rian declared with a burst of laughter, holding his hand on Erika's midsection along with Codi to feel the baby moving.

"You have another human inside of you that is so gross!" Codi squealed as the baby moved again.

"What's gross is to think that just a few months ago it was nothing but a bunch of little sperm." Rian continued. Codi wrinkled her nose and laughed.

"Oh my god, think of how many kids Jack wastes a week!" Codi shrieked causing Rian to laugh harder.

"You guys are horrible! If you're going to be like that, then no more!" Erika said pushing their hands away from her.

Hearing the laughter and squealing inside, Alex opened the patio door letting the dogs in and knocked the fresh snow off of his boots. Kicking them off in the kitchen, he pulled his hoodie tighter around his body and went to investigate what his friends were up to.

"What's going on?" Alex asked walking in with the dogs.

Codi was still on the coffee table and Rian was stretched out beside Erika on the couch, the three of them laughing hysterically.

"Oh, we were just feeling the baby moving." Codi replied regaining herself. "And making dirty jokes, what else is new?"

"You guys really are something." Alex shook his head, taking a seat on the opposite side of Erika from where Rian sat.

This was the closest he had been to Erika since their blow out several weeks ago. Zack still hadn't came around to talk, like he said he would, Alex knew it was bothering Erika although she said nothing of the topic. Things had a slight awkwardness to them when it came to the duo, which didn't go unnoticed even though most of the time they were the only ones in the house. Codi had basically moved in with Rian and Jack was around, but at the same time he was occupied with Victoria before she left with her family for the holidays.

"Do you want to feel Zack's sperm too?" Erika asked with a laugh.

"Uh...what?" Alex asked with a stunned look.

"Do you want to feel the baby moving?" Rian asked out right, laughing himself.

"C-can I? Or are you going to be all mad because we're feeling you up. I thought pregnant women hated that."

"Jack has been rubbing my stomach and talking to it since I got here, I got used to it pretty quick." Erika added with a shrug. Holding still for a minute or two, waiting for the baby to move again Erika held onto Alex's wrist. When she felt the baby start to move she positioned his hand above the spot.

"Holy fuck!" Alex exclaimed, moving his hand across Erika, feeling the baby move again. "That is so gross!"

"You are all horrible." Erika giggled, moving Alex's hand off of her and kicking her feet up onto Codi's lap.

"Is this the first time it happened?" Alex asked curiously.

He and Erika didn't say much to one another, but he suspected she would have shared something like this with him before now.

"No, it happened last week. Jack was the first person to feel the baby move. I am shocked he didn't run through the streets yelling it." Erika laughed. "He was with me at the mall when it happened."

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