Chapter Seven

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another update...why yes! Parts of it lull, sorry. YAY look who comes into this chapter, it's everybody's favourite guitar player...JACK!


Pushing the front door open, Jack popped his head inside his best friend's house. Not hearing anything other than the usual silent house noises, he stepped inside and closed the door behind him. Man he was starving! Making a beeline for Alex's kitchen he slid across the hardwood, his socks gliding nicely as he did so. Rounding the corner into the kitchen Jack stopped short in his tracks.

"Hi." He smiled widely and waved at the brunette sitting at the small table in the corner with a glass of orange juice in her hand.

"Um, hi." She said unsure of what was going on.

"I'm Jack and I see you must be Alex's entertainment from the previous evening." Jack blurted out gawking at his friend who was standing at the kitchen counter with his laptop.

"This is Erika, she's...." Alex paused, glancing at Erika and then at Jack. "A friend."

"Okay, I get it." Jack wiggled his eyebrows at his friend.

"Not like that, dude." Alex groaned rubbing his hands over his tired eyes and shaking his head. "She's in from out of town visiting." He scratched his bare chest trying to think of a reason why.

"It's okay Alex." Erika interrupted giving him a small smile. He was adorable with his hair stuck up every which way. "I'm Erika, like he said." She held her hand out to shake Jack's. "I'm here because Alex has been kind enough to help me through some issues."

"Uhuh." Jack nodded clearly not buying whatever they were selling. "In others words you're sleeping with him for favours."

"No." Erika giggled a bit. Alex rolled his eyes and continued to go about his own business.

"How are you feeling?" Alex asked placing a protective hand on Erika's shoulder. "Did you sleep okay? Any problems?"

"No, I was fine thanks." Erika gave him a small smile as she reassured him.

"Remember, if you need anything..."

"I'm good, Alex." Erika said now focusing on her hands instead of her conversation with Jack.

Pulling his hand off of her shoulder, Alex nodded. He felt bad for making her feel uncomfortable, he hadn't meant to. It had only come to his mind, seeing the half eaten dry toast in the trash can. In another hour or so, Alex would offer her something else to eat. It couldn't be good if a pregnant lady was refusing to eat. In the last couple of days Erika had been getting sick again, she said she was fine but Alex was worried and he knew Codi was too.

"Are you sick or something?"Jack blurted out his questions. He was never one to keep things to himself.

"Uh, Erika?" Alex looked at her, his eyes searching her face for some kind of a hint as to what she was feeling.

Swallowing hard she licked her suddenly dry lips and took a quick drink of her orange juice, this was her fifth glass, Alex had just poured it for her. Her eyes focused on her hands as she played with the hem of her t-shirt. Jack was Zack's band mate too right? He deserved to know, it wouldn't be long before he found out anyway. Pity he was away to miss all the drama.

"I'm pregnant and Alex worries too much." Erika softly chuckled.

"You sly son of a whore!" Jack jumped up, pointing at Alex before hugging him excitedly. "I don't know whether to lecture you or buy a cigar."

"You can stop before you do either." Alex said wrapping his arms around Jack's waist and making a face as Jack kissed his cheek. "It's not mine."

"Oookkkayy thhennn" Jack drug out his words.

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