Chapter Eight

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Here is an update, not sure how good it is.


"We can't tell Erika know." Codi said quietly, lacing her fingers together and sighing heavily.

"I hate to agree." Jack added hanging his head.

"I kind of feel bad." Codi confessed. Jack laughed. "Stop it!" she whined hitting him in the chest.

"Ouch, you're abusive." Jack complained pulling away slightly, before grabbing her and tickling her sides.

Codi wiggled and screeched out, trying to make him stop. Gasping for air, she continued to laugh even after Jack had stopped tickling her. Regaining her composure, she sat up straight on his couch and pulled her knees up to her chest. Resting her chin on her knees, Codi wrinkled her nose in thought.

Life was really shitty sometimes. After last night, it proved it even more. They had arrived at the party and about thirty minutes into it, Jack announced they were leaving. When Codi questioned his sudden upset and mood change, he only said he'd tell her later. The pair ended up back at Jack's place for the evening watching movies and playing video games. Finally, Jack gave in and told Codi that he had ran into Zack and Alex's ex-girlfriend. Jack said that Alex would take the bullshit pretty okay, but Codi was worried about Erika. Her best friend wasn't as tough as she seemed when it came to gossip, especially if it was about her.

"Ready to go?" Jack asked waving his hand in front of Codi.

"Huh?" Codi sat up, staring into his big brown eyes.

Jack laughed. "I asked, are you ready to go? You know, to Alex's. It's almost noon, they'll be up now."

Jack had insisted taking Codi to breakfast, seeing as they had stayed up all night talking, getting to know one another and generally having a good time. After their morning outing they retired back to his house until they knew somebody at Alex's house would be out of bed. Normally it wouldn't stop Jack from just going anyway, today he wanted to be selfish and keep Codi to himself just a tiny bit longer.

Arriving at Alex's house they found the front door unlocked, casually walking in Jack made his way to the kitchen where he could hear someone moving around. Greeted by a fully function, dressed and ready for the day Alex, Jack stopped in his tracks looking at his friend wide eyed.

"Holy fuck did you shit the bed? You're never up before noon!" Jack exclaimed, causing Alex to insult him and Codi to laugh.

"How was the party?" Alex asked smiling at the other two.

"Uh..." Codi paused.

"Great!" Jack answered enthusiastically.

"Must have been a hell of a party, if you two are just rolling in now." Alex laughed, nudging Jack in the side.

Jack rolled his eyes. "Dick." He muttered.

"Have you talked to Rian or seen him?" Codi asked looking around as if to magically make Rian appear.

She had no idea why that was her first question, it just was. It was safe to assume he would be at Alex's house, he hardly left the place.

"No." Alex shook his head.

"Oh." Codi said feeling a little downhearted. She kind of wanted to see him, just because.

"Tell me, how'd it go? You two get into much trouble?" Alex chuckled taking a seat on top of the counter, looking over at them sitting on the counter stools.

"Zack was there." Jack confessed, might a well get it out of the way.

"So?" Alex shrugged. "Cookie? Erika made them this morning before she went to shower." He said offering up the plate of chocolate chip cookies.

Expect the Unexpected (Zack Merrick/All Time Low)Where stories live. Discover now