Chapter Thirty Four

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  • Dedicated to to everybody who stuck with me and read this. You rock!

Alright, this isn't the greatest chapter. I apologize. I had so many plans for this chapter, but when I sat down to write this is what I got. Moving on, thank you times a million to those who read the story :) I'm kind of sad to end it, but it was time it got wrapped up.


Erika pulled her small car into the all too familiar drive way, inside her heart was smashing against her chest. She was certain had somebody been in the car with her they'd also be able to hear it threatening to jump out of her chest. This was ridiculous; there was absolutely no reason to be so damn nervous. Peeking out the windshield she sighed and leaned back in the driver's seat, covering her face with her hands.

All she had to do was get out of the car, knock on the door and say what she had to say. In words it seemed like the easiest thing in the world. One of those easier said than done moments you always hear about in life. Erika sat up straight, gripping the steering wheel of the sleek looking blue car. This was not how she pictured things, when she'd gone through it in her head.

For the last three weeks she had been visualizing how this would go. Erika had imagined this being so much smoother, flawless, but at last life wasn't a movie. Damn the movies for making everything look so easy. Leaning forward, Erika rested her head on the steering wheel. By now she should have just gone in, instead of wasting time. Maybe, nobody had seen her and she could just drive away and pretend this never happened. No, bad idea eventually she would have to do this.

"Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!" Erika repeated gently banging her heard on the steering wheel. "So stupid. So, so very stupid!" she muttered.

This whole idea was stupid!

Reaching to the ignition, Erika yelped and jumped flinging her head back when somebody tapped on the window of her car. Clutching her hand over her chest, she patted it slowly, trying to get her heart rate down as she hurried to roll down the window. Seeing Alex standing outside of her car, in his favourite bar man pj's and a pair of slippers she sucked in a huge gulp of air, trying to settle her nerves.

"Did I scare you?" he asked casually, brushing his shaggy hair out of his chocolate coloured eyes.

"I uh... you. Yes." Erika finally managed to answer, feeling her cheeks flush three shades of red.

Caught in action!

Kneeling down, Alex rested his hands on the window of her car and peeked in. "What are you doing here?" Alex asked feeling completely surprised. "I mean, I didn't expect you. Zack said he was going to visit this week, but..."

"I'm sorry to show up like this." Erika apologized, with a small smile.

Alex shrugged it off. "Don't worry about it. It's good to see you."

"You too, you look great." Erika commented.

In truth, Alex looked a little bit like he'd been drug through hell and back. The others had told her that he looked rough, but this was not what she'd expected. His scruff was almost a full beard; his hair was shaggy and very unkempt, which wasn't Alex at all. Alex shrugged at the comment; he knew she was only trying to be nice.

"You look great too." Alex replied.

She did too! Her hair was a little longer, the newly added blond highlights really seemed to help bring out her eyes, and for somebody who had given birth not that long ago...Alex slapped the thought out of his mind. Erika had turned him down enough times, he didn't need to bother coming with the scenarios in his mind that would only disappoint him later on.

"Why don't you get in?" Erika motioned to the other side of the car. "That way you aren't scaring the neighbours in those pjs."

"Where's Carter?" Alex asked opening the door and sliding into the driver's seat.

"He's with Zack." Erika replied glancing at her hands.

"So, why are you here? Are you just visiting Zack?" Alex continued his questions.

He was curious; it wasn't as if Erika just showed up at his door every day. In fact, he hadn't seen her in almost eight months. After Carter was able to move, she had taken off for Toronto and didn't bother to come back. Zack had travelled north to see his son several times; Codi and Rian had also made the trip a time or two. It was senseless for Erika to bother with Baltimore. Alex had spoke with her maybe twice, since she had left. Both times were brief and they didn't really saw a whole lot.

"Alex, I'm here because I think moving to Toronto was a mistake." Erika confessed with a frown. "I'll spare the details, but I've been miserable since the move. Zack and I don't want to be together, but I do know he wants to have Carter closer to him."

"Oh." was all Alex could find to say.

"I was talking with Jack and he said you needed a roommate." Erika said her tone hopeful and her smile sly.

Alex chuckled in spite of himself. This wasn't what he had been expecting at all.

"If you aren't looking, then I can stay with Rian and Codi until I find my own place." Erika continued quickly. "Eventually, Carter and I will need our own space anyway. We can't expect everybody to keep giving up their homes for us."

"You know that you guys can stay here, as long as you need." Alex replied, a slow smile creeping onto his face. "Hell, stay here until Carter goes off to college. Or gets married. As long as you need." He laughed.

"Alex, thank you." Erika beamed, leaning over and kissing his cheek.

"What do you say we go inside? My neighbours are going to start having nightmares if I sit out here too long." He motioned to his clothing choice.

Getting out of the car, Alex jogged around to the driver's side, opening the door for Erika and helping her out. Linking his arm in hers, he walked them toward the front door; his smile couldn't get any wider. Opening the door for Erika, he ushered her in. This was something Alex had been waiting for, but never held out hope. It was foolish to think she would want to come back, even if she wasn't technically his, he was happy to have her around.

There was something about having Erika in the house that Alex had loved. While she was gone, he had been miserable without her around. The two months she and Carter had stayed with him, before they left had been better than anything Alex could have expected. Watching them pack up and leave nearly tore him apart. Now he didn't have to worry about it, now all he had to worry about was how happy he was to have them back.

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