Chapter Seventeen

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                             we go! Another update in the same week, yep I'm on a roll haha!


Way to be obvious! Erika rolled her eyes and scoffed, they had to do a lot more than talk! It didn't take a genius to know this.

Being hostile wasn't going to help her situation. Forcing herself to say something, anything, Erika choked out what she thought was an "okay". Zack nodded and told her to wait a minute, before he ducked back into the room shutting the door behind him. Right now would be the perfect time to call or text Codi and tell her what was going on, so nobody would worry when Erika didn't show up to leave with the others. Instead of Codi, Erika sent Rian the message, he was less likely to go protective and he was going to be the last person to start getting upset over the idea.

As predicted, he sent a friendly little text back, saying that he would let the others knows she had other plans and told her how good it was that Zack decided this. Erika knew Rian was right. In the pit of her stomach, something told her that this could go one of two ways, either way it went it was progress. Zack was willing to talk, more than he had been doing in the last few months.

Leaning against the wall, Erika closed her eyes and took a slow, deep breath. She wasn't sure what to expect, but she wasn't going to put out any hopes or expectations. It was easier that way, in case Zack decided to disappoint.

"Hey, sorry about the wait." Zack apologized coming back to Erika, this time all of his clothing on. Pulling on a dark jacket, he turned to face her.

Towering over her, Erika glanced up at him; it was funny how a person could change once you got to know them a bit better. When she had first met Zack, she was completely smitten. He was the classic tall, dark, handsome not to mention charming, funny and just a really sweet person who made her enjoy being around him. Zack had been almost like Jack was in personality and then he decided to be a jerk.

"Can I drive you back?" Zack asked standing there, staring at his shoes. "Ya know, so we can talk."

"Um, sure." Erika nodded taking a step back to let him by.

"How are you feeling?" Zack questioned nervously as he headed for the exit.

"Imagine walking around with a whole watermelon stuck in your stomach." Erika replied casually with a bit of a smirk. Zack smirked and nodded. It was a fair answer. "So, why the solitude?" she asked, following him to his car.

"I was using the room, because I knew nobody else would want to see me. I could feel Alex murdering me with his eyes on stage as it was." Zack explained as they walked toward his car. "So, am I taking you to Alex's or Jack's?"

"Just take me to Alex's house." Erika muttered as Zack unlocked the doors and opened the passenger's side for her.

Erika would text Rian again later, to tell him she went to Alex's house. Jack had asked her to come to his party, but Erika didn't want to be bothered with others, not after this. Jack would understand, besides he had Victoria to keep him company.

The first few minutes of their drive was silent, except for the soft hum of the car motor and the quiet noise from the radio that had been turned on to break the tension and no doubt silence. Erika wanted to shout at Zack to just speak, he had asked her if they could talk so why was he not talking. If he had something to say, she wanted him to just say it and get it over with. Let her have it straight up.

"So, Rian and Codi huh?" Zack finally broke the silence.

Erika a slightly annoyed, knowing that he hadn't asked her to talk simply to discuss Rian Dawson and Codi Bergstrom's relationship status. If he wanted to know that, all he had to do was check the internet. Rian certainly wasn't one from shying away from his love life in such a public domain. Codi had found out just how much Rian liked her when he had tweeted about it instead of just telling her. Either way it worked in Rian's favour.

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