Chapter Nineteen

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another filler, but it has some importance! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! thank you all for the awesome feedback you always give me :-)


The doctor's office was quiet, there was a soft classical music playing in the background from hidden speakers, the receptionist behind the desk typed away at her computer filling the small room with a clacking sound from her keyboard and the clock on the wall ticked letting people know that time was passing by while they sat here waiting.

A nurse appeared from behind a wooden door and called out a name, a very pregnant lady maybe in her thirties stood up and waddled toward the nurse before disappearing behind the wooden doors, Erika could hear faint chipper chatter between the two ladies before everything went back to the noises that filled the room. Erika hated these doctor visits, each time she had one she'd beg Codi to go with her and essentially hold her hand the whole time, even when she went in with the doctor she made Codi tag along.

Her next visit would be in January, just after Codi left with Rian for a month to live on a tour bus. Erika was scared out of her mind, it wasn't that she didn't trust the doctor; Jack's dad had set her up with the very friendly Dr. Haueisen. The older lady was a really nice doctor, but the fact Erika was never thrilled about her visits probably made things a bit difficult. Most of the others in the office always seemed to happy and thrilled to be there, Erika always sat quietly never bothering to so much as smile. It depressed her being here, especially when the nurse would get all jolly about looking at the baby or hearing a heartbeat. Those visits were the worst, mentally, Erika always left in tears it was like a sick joke reminding her of everything wrong with this situation.

"Do I need to go this time?" Codi asked, shattering the silence.

"Please." Erika nodded, her eyes pleading with her best friend. "You know I hate doctors."

"Eri, she's taking your vitals, poking you in the belly and sending you on your way." Codi replied with a slight chuckle. "You can do this on your own? What are you going to do when you get home? You'll need to see a doctor."

"I can find someone to go with me." Erika squeaked. "M-maybe."

"Why bother? Why go home?" Codi asked flipping through an outdated parenting magazine.

"I have a life there, remember?" Erika asked sitting down her own copy of an outdated parenting magazine and turning to her best friend.

"You hate your parents, you always bitched about your fake ass friends do you really want to go back to that? Here you have real friends and people who care." Codi pointed out, resting her magazine on her lap.

"I know, but it would be nice to go home at some point. Plus, I can't keep bothering everybody here." Erika replied softly, her shoes suddenly very interesting.

"You aren't bugging anybody. Alex would give you his house, if he thought it'd make you stay. Jack carts you around like his prized possession and Rian talks about you more than he does anything else." Codi smiled.

"Except for when he's talking about you." Erika giggled, watching Codi turn a shade of red.

"The point is, why not stay at least until Christmas. If you're still unhappy, then go home after the holidays." Codi tried to reason.

"Why not go home for the Holidays?" Erika questioned.

"Your mom is going to Cuba and your dad is going to Hawaii, you'd be home alone." Codi replied with a shrug.

"What, I can't spend Christmas with the Bergstrom's this year?" Erika joked.

Since her parents' divorce the holidays were always the same, her mother and her partner always went to Cuba and her father and his new wife always went somewhere just as lavish for the holidays, leaving Erika home alone. Each year Codi's parents would take Erika in for the holidays; it was nice having a "family" to be with.

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