Chapter Six

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thanks to @ifeellikedanni and @isTHISnametaken for the help on this :-) It's a filler, but it's really long...IDk how that happened! I just got the mood to write. A few parts in this are kind of key to the rest of the story I guess. Enjoy :-) Sorry if parts of it are really horrible spelling, grammar etc etc it's late LOL


No matter how hard Erika tried to sleep, her conversation with Zack just kept replaying over and over in her mind. Talking with Rian had helped a little, especially after he had steered the conversation topic away from Zack and started talking about how he and Erika seemed to have a mutual love for cheesy reality tv shows. Due to Zack's reaction, Erika felt that Rian and Alex shouldn't be this pleasant with her, yet for some silly reason they were.

After a few short, three to be exact, hours of sleep Erika woke up when she felt the bed shifting. Opening an eye slightly, she groaned at the sunlight that flooded through the bedroom. Alex's bed was so comfortable she never wanted to move. Feeling the bed shift again, Erika groaned and opened her eyes the full way. Sitting on the end of the bed like children waiting for their parents on Christmas were Alex and Codi, Rian was kneeling next to the bed resting his head on the side. All three had huge grins on their faces, scaring Erika a tiny bit.

"Good morning sunshine!" Codi sang out happily, bouncing on the bed before stopping quickly. "Sorry, I forgot you still get queasy easily."

Waving her hand in the air, Erika brushed it off. "No, I'm not sick as much anymore thank god!"

"It was a real shit show her first few weeks." Codi said glancing between Rian and Alex with a disgusted face. "Our bathroom reeked for days!"

"Thanks, I love you too!" Erika snapped with a chuckle. Sitting up she rubbed her eyes and yawned. "What do I owe this pleasure?"

"We." Alex said moving so that he was not sitting beside Erika. "Are taking you to..." He said flicking her nose with his index finger and glancing at the other two.

"A fun fair!" the three exclaimed in unison, complete with "jazz hands" and goofy faces.

"Wow! Did you rehearse that?" Erika asked with a slightly skeptical look.

Rian and Codi nodded, leaving Alex beaming with pride at his idea.

"You guys are so lame!" Erika comment before flopping back in the bed and pulling the blankets up to her chin. "I'm really not up for fun or fairs."

"And we're not up for you laying in bed feeling depressed, so let's go!" Rian urged getting back to his feet. "We're leaving at eleven." He announced with authority.

"It'll be fun, I promise!" Alex chimed in, bouncing off of his bed, grabbing some clothing from a laundry basket and following Rian out of the room.

The door clicked as Alex pulled it to a close, leaving Codi sitting on the bed cross legged looking at her best friend. Blinking a few times and swatting a strand of blond hair out of her eyes, Codi continued to smile, her dimples lighting up her face. Erika groaned and shook her head, she knew that look too well. If Codi wanted to go she was cool with that, maybe she could just hang out and catch up on some sleep.

"Erika." Codi said quietly.

"Codi." Erika whispered back, sitting up to face her friend.

"Please come with us. Rian and Alex just want you to have some fun and so do I." Codi explained crawling up to sit next to Erika. Wrapping her arms around her best friend, she smiled at her. "We know you're upset, but you need to be happy!"

"Happy?" Erika scoffed, wrapping her arms around Codi. "How can I be happy, Codes?"

"By coming with us to the fun fair." Codi answered in a silly tone of voice. Erika just sighed. "Erika, I know you're upset and I know you're angry at Zack, but until Zack comes to terms there isn't much we can do. So, while we're here why not enjoy it?"

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