Chapter Ten

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update, update! Hope you enjoy, another small filler but with importance.


Zack Merrick looked like his mom. Erika sat silently musing to herself as she listened to the older lady talk. He certainly had a lot of his mom's features, talking to Mrs. Merrick; Erika decided he must get his general mannerisms from his dad. Erika's mind began to wander off with her, silly things really. Would the baby look like her or Zack? Would they act like mom or dad? The idea of being a parent was enough to make Erika want to throw up, every time she thought about it or someone mentioned it.

It was crazy!

How could people honest and truly ever want this to happen to them? Maybe having someone who also wanted children made it easier? Maybe not getting pregnant from some random afternoon lay would make it better? Erika wasn't sure and after this, she wasn't willing to give it another try. Selfish? Yes. She didn't care. Until now, Erika had never even thought of having children, maybe someday she would but she certainly didn't want them now. Life sure was funny.

"So, have you decided on how long you'll be here?" Mrs. Merrick asked.

"Sorry, I was lost in my own little world." Erika apologized, blushing like crazy.

"Baby brain, you zone like crazy just stressing. Silly things, do we paint the room blue or pink? Do I need an extra car seat or not? Is it a boy or a girl? It gets better." She winked.

"Actually I was thinking if I had reminded Rian to pick me up." Erika lied with a chuckle.

"Rian wouldn't forget you. Alex, Jack or Zack, yes. Rian never." Mrs. Merrick answered.

Erika smiled. Rian was pretty good that way. "Um, I'm sorry your question was?"

"I asked if you know how long you'll be in town." Mrs. Merrick had no issue repeating the question.

So far she had been really patient and exceptionally friendly seeing the circumstances. Erika was relieved that the woman didn't walk in and start yelling and screaming at her. In fact she had been taking this all entirely too well.

"Oh, not yet." Erika answered taking a sip of her orange juice. "Codi and I really haven't talked about it. I suppose we should, poor Alex is probably sick of us."

Mrs. Merrick shook her head and smiled. "Alex is too nice to be that way."

Alex sure was friendly, in more ways than one!

"He has been pretty helpful." Erika nodded in agreement. "I really don't get why he's been so nice, but he has and we owe him big. Rian and Jack too."

"Erika, if you don't mind me asking how did you meet Zack?"

The question caused Erika to stop all trains of thought. How did you tell a guy's mother you met him when your friend dragged you to some stupid event? An event that you knew would only end up horribly wrong.

"Codi dragged me to some hustler event. I really had no interest in going, but she insisted it would be fun so I went along." Erika explained with a small shrug. "You know, Zack is a really nice guy and even when Codi and I first got here he was so sweet. He picked us up at the airport. I think he's scared."

Scared. Yes, Erika would go with scared. It was a nicer way of putting things.

"I mean I am why wouldn't Zack be?" Erika continued with a shrug. "I kind of have to face it, because well..." she scoffed and gesturing toward the bump that was starting to show. "Zack can walk away if he wants and pretend it never happened I guess."

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