Chapter Twenty Four

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and here you go, another update. enjoy.


Insisting that Codi's parents stay at his house, Rian was a bit tense now that he had them there, they were constantly within ear shot of him at all times and it made him that much more nervous.

At first he thought having his girlfriend's parents in his home was going to be a nightmare, surely they would pick out things that they hated about the house and the owner. They would make snide comments and little digs, trying to get under Rian's skin, testing him, seeing how far they could push the mild mannered drummer before he snapped.

The first day it seemed as though Rian's expectations were going to come true. Codi's mother was a very stern woman, it was clear to Rian that she was taking no bullshit from anybody and that she wore the pants in her marriage. At least he knew where Codi got her bossiness from now. Craig Bergstrom may be just as bad as his wife, although submissive to his wife, he certainly had an iron fist on every situation and that scared the living shit out of Rian.

What else did Rian expect from a former Judge and a Banking CEO? Of course they were stiff people. The fact that Codi was nothing like that made Rian very thankful to have her. Her insane perkiness and happy go lucky, never worrying about a thing attitude certainly had helped him during the first forty eight hours with her parents.

They had arrived exactly two days after Rian's twenty fifth birthday, now he was stuck with them until sometime next year. It sounded so horrible when he put it that way, but technically after New Year's Eve, it was a new year and they weren't leaving until after that.

Even if they did hate Rian, they had got on really well with his mother and step-father, which was a hopeful sign. Huffing as he flipped the grilled cheese around in the pan, Rian rubbed his tired eyes and yawned. It was a little passed two in the morning and he had been doing nothing more than tossing and turning like a maniac in bed. If he kept it up then he would wake Codi and she'd likely rip his balls off right then and there. She hated to be woken up without a purpose.

Scratching his leg with his bare foot, Rian sighed as the material from his flannel sleep pants rubbed soothingly against his skin calming the uneasy itchy feeling. He didn't know if it was an actual itch or his nerves, again. During dinner he had barely sat still, due to his nerves. When Rian got nervous, he got itchy.

"Something smells really good." A voice slightly startled Rian as he jumped in surprise. "Oh sweetie, I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Rian replied quietly turning to see Codi's mother emerging from the dark hallway. "I wasn't expecting anybody else to be awake."

"Are you kidding? Craig snores like a lawn mower, when he is somewhere new. I'm shocked your entire block isn't awake and calling the cops for noise complaints." Dana chuckled softly.

Did she just make a joke? Rian scrunched up his face, shaking his head. Crazy. This woman had done nothing but intimidate him since she met him.

"Uh, did you want..." Rian asked gesturing to the grilled cheese in the pan.

"I'd love one, but don't worry, point me to where everything is and I can make it myself." She answered moving to stand next to Rian at the stove.

"I'd offer you this one, but I'm not sure how you'd feel about peanut butter on a grilled cheese." Rian answered nervously as he moved about getting things out for another sandwich.

"Did my daughter get to you too?" Dana asked with a smile. Rian smiled his famous mega-watt Dawson smile and nodded. "Codi is...influential when she wants to be."

"She certainly is." Rian agreed, his smile growing wider. "She's really helped shake things up around here since she arrived. In a good way though."

Expect the Unexpected (Zack Merrick/All Time Low)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin