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Darling, just fucking own it

So I finally somehow managed to calm myself down and accept all of this

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So I finally somehow managed to calm myself down and accept all of this. And shit i just remembered i have a meeting with my family at 7pm and thank god it's only 4pm and my family on Dad's side is living in the UK.

And yes, i had already made a background check on them all literally–and i have found out they are a British Mafia. Even though all of them were born in Italy, my grandfather decided to give his Italian Mafia to dad while he takes a British one with my uncles and cousins.

So right now we are all standing and some sitting in the hallway waiting for our family to burst through that door anytime now.

My nerves were all up, because well- hell first i have a meeting with this family and now i have to meet my other family which takes so fucking long.

I bounce my foot while playing with my hands on the little couch that I'm sitting on with Ezio because I asked him to keep me company.

And I guess he saw my nervousness and put his one hand on my knee, I turned my gaze from the floor to meet his smiley face.

"Hey relax," He says with a soft tone. "Trust me everything is going to be well." He took his hand off my knee and I smiled warmly at him.

"Tell me something about our family, like are there any warnings I should know?" I turn my head to see everyone is nervous and shit even Dante.

He let out a chuckle and moved his hand to point at everyone around. "You see everyone is sweating like they had stayed in sauna for about hour?"

I nod and he continues. "Well they are all scared- well no they are fucking terrified of our beloved grandfather." He says in a whisper like he tells a most dark secret and that made me let out a soft laugh.

"He shows no emotions at all. He's as cold as ice, not as our father or uncles. But our grandmother and aunties god they are angels but if anyone and i mean anyone threaten us or touch us ohh they will kill you without thinking twice. I really think they are more deadly than you are little sis." He says moving his gaze at the door.

I snort. "I'll believe it when I see it little bro" I replied and just as I finished my sentence that bloody door burst open and I jerked up and fell down off the couch.

"Ouch." I murmured before someone helped me up. I looked up to see Vin was holding me under my arms, picking me up and checking me to make sure i'm not injured.

I moved his arm from my shoulder softly and met his gaze and smiled. "I'm fine Vin, go." I giggled and he sent me a warm smile and returned back to his previous spot. Just as he did that I heard a sweet warm feminine voice that I would have listened to forever.

"Massimo, my baby, how are you my darlin'?" A soft voice asked my father.

"Mamma, I'm so happy you're here." Dad responded and soft voice giggled.

Their Lost Mafia Princess| PAUSED Where stories live. Discover now