One : Eddie Munson

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I was in the bathroom stalls of Hawkins High. Throwing up into the toilet. My head was pounding. I had been having bad headaches for a few days. Also, visions. I keep seeing a tall, thin man in a white suit. Who he was, or what it meant I had no idea.

"Hey are you okay in there?".

"I'm fine, please just go away". A few moments pass before small foot steps get fainter, the door creeks open and shuts behind the person.

"God". I sigh. Flushing the toilet, I stand up and tidy myself. Exiting the stall looking into the bathroom mirror. My cheer uniform was clean. Like nothing had happened.

*Bell rings*. "Thank god. Lunchtime".


Entering the cafeteria, I see my younger cousin, Dustin, at the Hellfire table. Moving down the line with my lunch tray, I hear Eddie "the freak" Munson, stand up on the table making his stand for the week.

"OR TOSSING BALLS INTO LAUNDRY BASKETS!!" I turn and face the table, picking up my lunch tray, walking towards hellfire.

"YOU WANT SOMETHING FREAK?!" Jason yells back. Eddie, makes noises and pulls out his tounge making devil horns at Jason.

I brush past Jason. "Sit down Jason you look like an imbecile."

"What and he doesn't?!".

Eddie flips Jason the bird and shuffles back into his seat, he picks up some food and begins eating.

"Hey! Y/N come here!" Dustin motions me over. I walk over to the table. Eddie gets up from his seat picking up his lunch tray. Swaying his arm inviting me to his seat.

"No thanks Munson. I won't be staying".

Eddie smirks.

"What do you want Dustin?".

"Why don't you sit with us?"

"Ah because I'd rather eat alone". Dustin raised an eyebrow.

"Okay... Well-"

"Goodbye Dustin". I roll my eyes and walk away.

:Dustin POV:

Eddie's grin that's pulled into his mouth means trouble. He sits down and leans in.

"They're feisty huh?". He grins.

"Yeah, that's the word for it".

"Do they play DND?".

"No they don't. So they can't sub". I roll my eyes. Eddie is so into Y/N but they won't give Eddie the time of day.

Stabbing my food on the lunch tray Eddie speaks up. "Henderson!" I look up. His grin is still firmly on his face. "Yes Eddie" I sigh. "Get them to meet me at the bench". Eddie slams his hands down on the table, gets up walks off.

"What how am I meant to do that?!".

"I don't know Henderson, figure it out or no cult of vecna".

:Your POV, After School:

Dustin and Mike sat at the picnic tables waiting for me.

"Was up nerds." I tease. Dustin jumps up, grabbing my arms shaking me.

"You need to meet Eddie!!" He squeaks.

"Munson? Ew no thanks." I knock his arms off me.

"Aw come on please! I won't be able to play DND tonight if you don't!".

God did Eddie black mail a kid. "PLEASE Y/N" I roll my eyes.

"Fine where is he." Dustin points across the field into a tree clearing.

"You've got to be joking." Dustin smiles.

"Fine". I drop my bag with Dustin and walk off towards the trees.

As I walk through the trees it just gets more and more creepy

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As I walk through the trees it just gets more and more creepy. Suddenly I hear a clock, what the fuck, looking around me, a big tree had a grandfather clock wedged into it.

"What the fuck..." I reach out for it, upon touching it, I get snapped into a vision, the man in the white suit is talking to a young kid. I can't make out what they're saying. I step back and bump into something. Snapping me out of the vision I jump and turn to see Eddie with his hands up.

"Woah woah, just me, sorry I didn't mean to scare you".

"You didn't". I walk towards the bench and sit down. Eddie joins me. Putting down his tool box.

"What are you smiling at Munson?". Eddie's smile grew wider.

"Nothing, I just ah- can't believe he convinced you to come out here".

"Well you did black mail my cousin so".

Eddie laughs. "Well here we are. And this isn't the first time we hung out you know?"


"Nope. I remember when you first visited Dustin here. You came to where my band was playing..."

"Corroded coffin?!"

"Yeah.." Eddie smiles.

"That was you?. " Eddie puts his fingers on his lips, looking bashful.

"Yeah that was me".

"Wow munson. I remember the singer being pretty hot."

"That was me."

"No it wasn't."

He pretends to get shot and falls back into the leaves. scrambling to get up. He stands and crosses his arms.

"You don't remember me?!."

I stand up and walk towards him, plucking the leaves from his hair. He smiles at me.

"It's okay I wouldn't remember me either ." He says.

"No Eddie. I remember you I just."

"Then why are you so mean to me".

Over the years of hurt I don't trust anyone. The only boy I've ever trusted was Steve Harrington. Last summer. He saved me from a Demogorgon in the bus.

"Eddie. Look, I've been through things, things no one can really explain."

"You can tell me."

"No I can't. I just hope you never find out".

"Dustin also mentioned you are into Steve".

I scoff "that little shit. What no, well, I don't know. Eddie . I just simply don't know".

"Look Eddie. I've got to go, what do you want so you'll let Dustin play?".

"How about a date?".

"A date?."

"Yeah, you come to hellfire tonight and .."

"You'll let Dustin play. Okay, yeah. Fine".

You walk away from Eddie. "I'll be there".

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