Vol2: Heaven or Hell

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I grab Steve's bat and wedge it further into the Demogorgons face. I scream, it was if sound waves admitted out. The Demogorgons head split in two. I rip Steve's bat out of it and walk back inside. Eddie sees the Demogorgon mutilated on the ground.

"Holy fucking shit".

Steve was cold and losing his life. Robin was holding Dustin in an embrace.

"I got you Harrington." I start stitching his wounds and he cries in pain.

"HOLD HIM DOWN!". Johnathan and Nancy hold him down with Eddie.

Steve cried in pain as I pushed the needle through his skin. Eventually he blacked out and I would finish stitching him.

"Alright let's get him to the couch, he's gonna be really fucking sore and scared when he wakes up".

I walk to the kitchen and hang over the sink. "Fuck.."

"Darling...it's okay". Eddie hugs me from behind and kisses my cheek. "It's okay. You saved steve he will be okay".

I sob. "I have to fucking kill him Ed. Even if I die. He has to fucking die".

Everyone had managed to get some sleep, even Eddie. I sat on the floor next to the couch steve was on.

He hadn't woken up yet. I looked at Steve's beaten body. He can't take much more. Steve always put himself up front to protect the kids to protect everyone. Hell. He was even there for Eddie after I died. Even though he lost me too.

I grabbed steves hand and shut my eyes.

His mind was light. He was happy. His memories were filled with everyone. He even watched Eddie and Dustin playing with their bin sheilds before we went in for battle.


"Hey! Y/n...what are you. How are you?".

I giggle "I hitched a ride. I'm in you .. technically". He smiles and tucks his hands into his jeans pockets.

"Yeah sorry, I just. I'm exhausted ya know I need to just ..."


"Exactly... How are you?".

"Well I ripped that demo in half and got your bat back, Steve... I hate to ask".

"You need a favour?"

"Yeah. . When it comes to it. I need you to be the hero again, but this time. It might be Eddie that beats the shit out of you."


"Because I think I know how to kill vecna. It's going to boil down to El or me. One of us will have to sacrifice ourselves to make sure he goes down too. Els just a kid. It has to be me. So when that time comes. No matter what shit Munson pulls. You need to be there".

"Y/n you're asking me to watch you die.."

"I know. But Steve...if someone doesn't stop him. We will all die. That Demogorgon was just the start".

"Yeah...okay, have you talked to Anyone?".

"No just you. No one knows I'm even in here right now...I'll see you when your up...and Steve..."


"You better wake up."

I open my eyes and see Steve still sleeping soundly on the couch. I check around the room. The kids are still asleep. I make my way to the room Eddie was in, Joyce's old room, he was laying on the floor with the only pillow left for me.

I lay down next to him and he pulls me in kissing my forehead.

The next day I wake up, Eddie is gone. I can smell pancakes cooking. I make my way out to the kitchen and see Steve at the stove.


I rush upto him and hug him. He winces.
"Sorry oh my god I'm sorry". He pulls me in again. Eddie smiled.

"Hey y/n..." I wipe a tear from my eye.

"You asshole." He laughs.

"Thanks for saving my bat".

"You're welcome Steve". I leave Steve's embrace and Dustin hugs me.

"Thank you". I smile. "Anytime kiddo".

"Well, I hate to break this up but.." she pulls back the curtain and Hawkins has almost completely fell to the Upsidedown.

"Shit .. and sign of El and Mike."

"Yeah actually, they're asleep in Johnathans room".


We sit down to eat. Will keeps grabbing his neck.

"You okay.".

"He's getting closer. I can feel him".

"It's okay.." I grab his hand. "I've got this".

Eddie bashes his hands on the table pushing himself away, the chair squeals and he storms outside slamming the door behind him.

"I've got it." Steve limps after him clutching his ribs. I watch from the window, they sat on the deck Eddie was hysterical. Steve looked back with tears in his eyes and turned back to Eddie.

Steve pulled Eddie in for a hug. My heart sank. I hated tearing Eddie and Steve apart like this. But I will not let eleven be the one to sacrifice herself.

"Y/n can we talk?".

"Yeah ...sure". Nancy leads me into Joyce's room.

"Look I don't know how to say this but"

"Nance. It's okay. I know I'll have to die to stop vecna. I do. I went into Steves mind last night, he knows. But Nance. Eddie will do whatever it takes to stop me. And if he gets through Steve I need you to do anything and everything it takes. Shoot him in the foot if you have to. Just. Stop him".

Nancy nods. We rejoin the group. Everyone is sat in the living room. We run over the plans. Eddies face is blank and serious all at once.

"Okay so

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"Okay so...does everyone understand the risks?". Everyone nods. Except Eddie.

"No matter fucking what. You are NOT the heroes. Okay?."

"Alright... Let's kill this son of a bitch".

"Right. Steve. You're with me."

"I'm coming to! ".

"No. You're saying here. It's okay we are only scoping it out."

"Well maybe I should come to. you know, for Eddie".

"Sure. Nancy, robin you stay here with the kids".

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