Eight: Max and Billy

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Steve and Dustin explained Nancy's findings on the creel house. Her and Robin have gone to the asylum he resides in now to see what information they can find. Max handed us letters. To my surprise. I got one too. We were told not to open them unless she were to die.

We spent the entire day driving Max around to finish her list of things just in case.

"I hate cemeteries." I say, Steve and I sat in his car, Dustin and Lucas was outside keeping an eye on max as she read her letter to billy.

"So do you want to talk about it?". Steve says bluntly.

"Talk about what?".

"Eddie the freak Munson." Steve grips his steering wheel tighter. "Do you want to be with him?".

"What Steve, where are you getting this?".

"I see how you look at each other. Just be honest".

"Look...Steve. I like you both okay. I just don't know. What to do".

"Choose who makes you most happy". Steve looked defeated. I haven't seen him like that since Nancy left him for Johnathan.


"It's fine your just exploring your options y/n just, choose wisely okay. I want you to explore with Eddie, but, I will fight for you." He says softly.

Steve checks his watch and sighs. "Alright I'm calling it." Steve gets out of the car and goes upto max.

I get out and Dustin approaches. "so I over heard, you can't choose between Eddie or Steve?"

"Yeah.. they're both great and all. I just. Don't know what my heart wants yet.." I look up at Steve. He's waving his hand over Max's face.

"Something's wrong." I rush up the hill and reach max and Steve. Her eyes are glazed over white and she's twitching. "She's fucking in there!" I put my hands on Max's shoulders. "MAX MAX!".

everything goes dark and I'm standing at Billy's grave alone.

"You can't hide from me Maxine"

I run towards the voice, I can hear max sobbing as she's running.

"MAX ! MAX!". I follow the man's voice, the fog turns red. And I hear a clock chime. I get pulled into my own vision. Except this time. I can see Robin and Nancy, talking to a man with scratched out eyes.

"ROBIN ! NANCY!!" shit they can't hear me. The man was humming and rocking on his bed.

Oh my god... "Dream a little dream of me" its fucking music.

I scream at the top of my lungs "STEVE WAKE ME UP!!"

:Steve's POV:

"Holy fucking shit!" Dustin screams. "they're both in there". I scream. I grab dutsins shirt "GET ROBIN" I shove him, he flips over himself and runs for the car grabbing the walkie.


"Y/N IF YOU CAN HERE ME. GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW. WE NEED YOU. WE FUCKING NEED YOU!" I scream, watching y/ns body jolt and spazum.

Suddenly they gasp and their eyes rolling back forward.

"DUSTIN GET THE MUSIC!" they shout.


Dustin comes running up with three boxes of cassets. "LUCAS WHATS HER FAVORITE SONG?!"

"Ah shit I dunno, Kate Bush, Running up that hill!"

"FIND IT." as we all scramble through the cassets. Steve finds it and slams it in the walk man.

A few moments pass and max starts levitating. "SHIT SHIT THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT EDDIE SAID HAPPENS!". Lucas yells. They all yell Max's name.

"Screw it." I grab Max's foot and get sent back to where she is.

"MAX!" She was pinned to a post. I could see Chrissy's body and a couple others as well. The man had her locked there with his hand covering his face. Kate bush started getting louder.


Max grabs at his neck and runs through the water and debris. Dodging falling pieces.

I look at the door frame and recognize the glass in the door. Creel house..

Max leaps through the portal where you could see everyone standing. You see Max drop to the ground.

The man, looks at you. "You..". He grumbles.

I run towards the same portal. "I know you see me." He yells. I keep running, looking at Steve yelling at my lifeless body. "You're time will come soon enough." He says. I look over my shoulder still running. I look back to the portal and jump.

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