Vol2 Fear of the dark

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Steve, Johnathan and I walked around Hawkins scoping out what has been lost. Steve kept looking at me with a concerned look.

"What are you looking at Steve."

"Johnathan...can you give us a second man".

Johnathan nods and walks ahead. 

"Y/n I'm sorry but I have to say this. I know you're with Eddie but, if you die and I never told you, it would eat me up inside".

"What is it?"

Steve sighs.
"I love you. Okay I always have. And it hurts, it hurts and its hard, it sucks to see you with Eddie because that's what I want. That's what I've always wanted. It's always been you, there's nothing I want more than to have six little Harrington nuggets with you."


"Yes! Six. I've always wanted a big family you know. Get a RV like the one we stole, drive off for vacation..."


"I just... Look I know it doesn't matter now. And I don't know why I'm telling you this now but I just wanted you to know."

"I appreciate that.." I kiss Steve on the cheek. "I will always love you too Steve. But.."

"Eddie I know. It's okay y/n". He smiles and we catch up with Johnathan.

"So ah... That doesn't look good."
He points at the red sky, the mid flayer was faint.

"No...that's not good ...wait somethings wrong". We all put our backs together, Steve lifts his bat.

Growling and foot steps can be heard from a distance.


"Yeah... I hear them...".

One launches itself at Johnathan knocking us to the ground. Another launges at Steve.

Steve pushes his bat into the dogs mouth. Johnathan was holding his back with his hands. Bats started screeching in the distance.



I grab the demodog by its tail and pull it off Johnathan. It turns and snarles at me. Johnathan rushes to his feet and helps steve.

The dog jumps on me knocking me to the ground it's jaws opened wide and it's saliva hit my face. I started pulling at the sides of it's mouth and screamed.

It splits in half, I rush to Steve and Johnathan.

"STEVE MOVE YOUR HEAD!". I stomp on the back of the dogs head driving steves bat through it's skull.


We pull Steve up and start running back towards the house. We reach the gravel road with the bats and the dogs still on our tail.

"SHIT!". Steve slips and hits the ground. He holds his side and screams in agony. I run back to pick him up. He's busted his stitches.


Nancy rips the door open. Eddie tries to run out after us. Nancy and Robin hold him back. El grabs Steve with her powers and slides him into the house.

As she goes to step outside I slam the door shut in her face. "Sorry El".

I turn and face the bats and demodogs.

"Alright you fuckers. Let's go". I run off from the house I can hear Eddie screaming out my name.

****Steve POV****
"GET THE FUCK OFF ME!". It took everyone to hold Eddie down. I glance outside and see y/n running.

"Shit..." I sit up and feel an intense stabbing in my side. "Ah fuck!". Nancy rushes over with robin to tend to my wounds. Eddie punches Johnathan and makes a break for the door.

I kick my foot out and trip him. He hits the ground hard.

"WHAT THE FUCK MAN!". he reaches for the door. El uses her powers and pulls Eddie away from the door. She pushes him againt the wall. "now".

Mike rushes Eddie. "SORRY MAN". and plunges a needle into his neck. Eddie drops like a tonne of bricks.

"Shit man that was too fucking close".

"I must help y/n. The plan still goes."

"Holy shit man. Holy fucking shit".

"Yeah. Plan still goes. Ah fuck- Nancy pushes a needle in- and that fucker over there needs to stay like that or he will get himself killed."

"What about y/n they're my family I can't just leave them!".

"NO. You can and you will Henderson that's an order. Or I'll give you a tranquilizer next". Dustin sits down.

"They'll be back. They always come back".

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