Thirteen: Eddie the Freak

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**this chapter has smut if you're uncomfortable with that skip the smut**

As we arrive back at home, Eddie is walking me inside. I look over my shoulder and see Steve watching us from his car. He hasn't said a word to me since what I had said.

Dustin opens the door and we walk inside. "Let's get you cleaned up princess". Eddie walks me up the hall and turns on the shower.

"Alright I'll ah, be outside if you need anything".

"Eddie.. wait, i- .. need you. Please". Tears started rolling down my dirt covered cheeks. Eddie's eyes turned soft, he brings me in for a embrace.

"It's okay y/n it's not your fault".

You cry in Eddie's arms as the room starts to fill with steam. Eddie pulls away.

"For what it's worth... I choose you, Eddie Munson. I choose you".

He smiles "over steve?".

"Especially over Steve". Eddie wipes a tear from my cheek and looks at the shower.

"Let's get you clean huh?". He unbuttons his vest that I'm still wearing dropping it to the floor. His eyes wander, he bites his lip.

He unbuttons my pants and removes them, Eddie's face turned red. He looked up at the ceiling.

"Shit. Sorry I ah-"

"It's okay." I pull up his hellfire shirt over his head, he kicks off his shoes and undoes his buckle for me. I remove Eddie's pants. We both stare at each other. Eddie picks me up, I wrap my legs around his waist, he walks us into the shower.

"Is this okay?". He asks.


I can feel him throb against me.

"Sorry about that.." he puts me down and starts to wash the dirt off me.


I laid in bed thinking about Eddie, despite the things people say about him and what I know. He never touched me. He respected me, he didn't put his needs first. Not ever. I got out of bed and walked to the wind.

Just as I was to open it Eddie was there.

"Hi.." he whispers, I blush and smile.

"Can I come in?". I nod and open the latch for him. He climbs in through the window.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?"

"Of course Eddie..." He gets undressed and gets into bed with me. Facing each other I can feel him again pressing into my leg.

"Fuck... I'm sorry I"

"Don't be.." I bring his fingers to my mouth and suck on his index finger.

"Oh fuck.." he whispers. I move his hand down. He touches me. His breathing is getting heavy, he reaches for something on the floor.

"You sure you want to do this princess.." he asks with a grin.

"Fuck me Eddie Munson". He bites his lip and pushes me to my back sitting on top of me. He snaps his belt in my face. "Give me your hands... Now." He cuffs my hands together and ties the end of his belt to the headboard.

He kisses my lips, to my neck then down my chest until his mouth reaches me. I gasp as he begins going down on me, pulling at the head board with his belt holding me there.

Eddie looks up at me with a mischievous smile.

"Uncuff me".

"Make me.."

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