Twelve: Upsidedown

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Steve walked next to me the entire time I carried y/n. They had dosed off, my arms were killing me, but I wasn't about to let that help Steve get involved. Don't get me wrong. I like the guy he just, doesn't deserve y/n.

"You know man, if your tired-"

"Noooope I'm not one bit tired Harrington". I smirk.

"Why did you all follow me in here."

"Well, you see wheeler over there. She just leapt right in. A sign of true love right there. Of course she shoved y/n out of the way to do it but, it's the thought that counts right?" I grin at him.

Steve was silent.

:Your POV:

I rested my eyes for a moment, I listened to everything Eddie had said. And Steve's silence spoke volumes.

"Alright we're here!" Nancy yells back.

Eddie looks down to check on me. "Nice nap princess?" He grins.

I lightly slap his face. "Oh shut up I just shut my eyes." I look at Steve, he hasn't even bothered looking at me. We stop at the front door. Eddie puts me down, I can't bear weight on the ankle the bat grabbed, so Eddie, kept our arms around each other so he could help me walk.

We make our way through the house and upto Nancy's room. Her box of guns were shoes.

"This doesn't make sense".

"Maybe you hid them elsewhere" Eddie suggests

"There's a three year old in the house I know where I keep my guns" she snaps. Nancy darts around the room, then picks up her study cards, then her diary.

"This should be full of entries. It's not. It dates to 83".

"How's that even possible". Eddie asks.

"Time must work differently here". Robin says.

Steve shouts Dustin from the living room.

"What the fuck-" Eddie walks me out. We see Steve darting around the room like a crazy person yelling Dustin.


Eddie looks behind the curtain. And we all stay quite. We can hear Dustin in the background.

"Will communicated with lights right?". I say

"Maybe we can communicate with Dustin too". Steve suggests.

I limp my way to the chandelier in the room and start touching it. Nothing.

The group joins me and it starts to glow. We all play with the sparkling chandelier, Eddie smiles at me looking me up and down stopping at my lips.

"Does anyone know Morse code?" Robin asks.

"Does S.O.S count?...that's good right?".

"Oh my god Eddie your a genius yes!" I yell. Eddie grins and starts putting in the s.o.s


We're all sitting in Nancy's room where the kids on the other side is waiting for them. I feel myself zoning out.

I close my eyes and when I open them, everyone is gone. "Eddie... Steve..." I call. No answer.

I make my way through the wheelers house and out the front door. I can see in the distance what looks to be eddie fighting bats.

"EDDIE" I try to run over as fast as I can but my ankle slows me down. The earth gives out beneath my feet and I'm falling. I feel like I hit the ground.

I open my eyes and see Eddie standing below me. I crash down to the ground into his arms.

"Holy fucking shit. I thought you were a goner" he cries holding me, rocking back and forth.


"Yeah..." I decide not to tell him what I saw all I know. Is I can't let it happen. No matter the cost.

"Let's get out of here."

"Well princess I've got good news for you, were going to my trailer and hopefully there we will find Dustin and get the hell outta here".

"Let's do it. I want to go home".

Steve walks over two bikes. "There's ah not enough, why don't you jump on with me?".

I look at Eddie, he rolls his eyes and takes his bike. "Whatever man".

Eddie sits on his bike. They both look at me. "Eddie..I need to talk to steve".

"Yeah okay, um, we'll talk later? On the otherside". Eddie peddles off. I jump on with Steve and hold onto him, he follows the group.

"Are you okay y/n?".

"Yeah I just, when I was in there. I seen, Eddie, die.." Steve didn't respond.

"I have to be with him at all costs. No matter what it costs steve. I can't let him die".

"So what does that mean for us?".
He says faintly. I can feel his heart beat slowing.

"It means... I don't think, I don't know. Steve. I loved you, and you chose Nancy".

"Yeah well I was a tool"

"Yeah but you chose her over me. Do you have any idea how much that hurt to see you loving her the way I wanted you to love me, then she chooses Johnathan over you, and you still chased after her. Why after Eddie Munson have me the time of day did you actually notice me".

He was silent. Not a single word left his lips. We pull up to eddies trailer, I jump off Steve's bike and hobble towards the group, Eddie welcomes me with an open arm helping me walk into the trailer.

Once inside, we could see Dustin, Erica, Lucas and Max, they were upside but standing looking up at us.

"Woah..." Eddie sighs.

"Now... If my theory is correct.." Dustin throws through tied together bed sheets and let's go, it hangs perfectly between the world's.

"Alright climb up...or down.." he says rubbing his hat on his head, max and Lucas drag Eddie's mattress to the bottom.

Robin glances at Eddie.

"Those stains are um..." He says.. embarrassed.. I know what they are. The hanky code he has... His handcuff belt. Eddie's a freak.

"Guess I'm first". Robin climbs through and flips landing on her back.

"You next darling." Eddie helps me climb through, I land hard on my back and get winded.

"You okay y/n?" He asks.

"Yeah.. I'm okay." Dustin and max help me up. Eddie followed through next.

"Guys... Something's wrong!" Steve yells looking at Nancy.

"She's in a trance! I have to go back!". I grab the rope, Eddie stops me. "I have music here we'll find something!". We rush into Eddie's room and everyone's tearing it apart.

Erica comes running in "STEVE SAID YOU NEED TO HURRY!!"

"WHAT IS ALL THIS SHIT?!" Robin yells



"THIS IS MUSIC!!" Eddie screams back waving a iron maiden casset in robins face.

Suddenly we hear Nancy's crys. She's okay, she looks through the portal to me.

"He showed me. I know who you are...."

Everyone looks at me confused.

"You're Alice Creel's child."

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