Dark!SteveRogers - Bones

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"And it just fucking appeared outta nowhere? That's impossible". Steve snapped, a little disgruntled at Romanoff from taking him away from spending some rare time with his children.

"Nothings impossible from what we've seen, you being one of them" she eyed him as they turned the corner of the building and came to a stop.

Steve's eyes narrowed at what exactly lay in front of him. "Well that's a fucking security breach for a start!"
In front of him sat a portal of some sorts, orange sparks fizzing from it every so often. "Anything come through yet?"

Nat looked up at Clint who had his bow armed and pointing towards it. "Anything does then he's ready".

He surveyed the random hole in the air. "Been cast using magic, that much is obvious".

"Yeah but by who?"

Steve glanced to her, "guess we're gonna have to find out, but I'm not fucking happy about this, if Madame saw this she'd have a fit".

"Good job we got to you first then". Nat replied, studying the portal. "There's something through there..."

"Secure the area, no one comes in or out, anything comes through this thing then I'll be ready for it".

At his instruction the widow headed off to make sure everything was taken care of.

The more Steve watched the portal, the more he could sense that something was coming. And it was anything but good.

He could hear some kind of chatter, and then a figure began to show its shadowed self, slowly approaching the portals point of entry.

With a quick flick, something was sent spinning from within and now as Steve watched it knock Clint out, he instantly knew what the weapon was.

But it couldn't be...

The shadowed figure came closer before they stepped through the portal and looked Steve straight in the eye.

He glared back at them, knowing that this was indeed the enemy. Dressed in red, white and blue, the patriotic star adorning the chest of his suit and shield.

Now, as he looked at a version of himself that had appeared to have stayed how he had originally been, he let out a rather patronising sigh and shook his head slowly, eyes never leaving those of himself (if that made any sense - it didn't to him) as they stood now in a stance prepared to fight.

"You've gotta be shitting me..."

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