Steve Rogers AU - Brooklyn (pt 2)

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All three guys were literally rooted to their chairs around the table as they watched practically open mouthed at Fern doing her morning stretches in front of them. One leg now being pulled right up past her head.

It was only then she turned and they quickly tried to make like they had been doing anything but watching her. Sam shook his head slowly at her. "Don't say it..."

She smirked at this.

"No..." Bucky now warned.

"Stare. Jar" Came her fatal words that the three of them really didn't want to hear.


"Shouldn't have been watching then, you guys have phones and other places to look" Fern scolded, hands on hips.

Steve huffed, getting his wallet out and plucking a dollar from it as payment to the jar that their roommate had recently created. "And you have a room - can't you go and do your bendy stuff in there or something?"

"If you hadn't noticed, there isn't even enough room
to swing a cat in there - you guys just need to avert your eyes". She noted, holding out the jar so as the fine of a dollar could be paid by each. The amount they had to put in every time she caught them watching her. So far the jar was half full...

"I could've spent this on something worthwhile". Sam grumbled, stuffing the money in. "Anyway I was barely watching! These two were the perverts".

Bucky glared him. "You were the one who alerted us that she was working out! If anything it's your fault for making us look!"

"I live with idiots". Fern muttered, putting the jar back on the coffee table. "And don't even think about trying to get your money back. I'm keeping tabs on the amount and so far you guys are just about funding a new outfit for me".

"Is it lingerie?" Sam now looked interested.


"Lace?" Bucky questioned.

Fern smirked. "Wouldn't you perverts like to know..."

All three guys immediately got out their wallets and stuffed some more money into the jar. "Here's some more, buy yourself something nice".

She looked mildly amused. "Guys, I'm not buying lingerie just so you can stare at it in the dryer and freak out!"

"So what are you buying it for? Or should I say WHO?" Sam now sat her in the chair and began to 'interrogate' her with the lamp that was on the table.

Fern rolled her eyes. "I have a date and there's a chance he could come back here for the night, so whatever happens, don't even think about embarrassing me".

Bucky snorted. "Like we ever do that".

Steve looked at her. "So...this guy, where'd you meet him? Do we need to hide the valuables".

"And the knives?" Bucky put in.

"Relaaax I met him last weekend".

Steve looked to the others. "Could still be a mass murderer - what's his name?"

"Quentin ".

Sam snorted. "What kind of a name is that?"

"A mass murderer one to me" Steve put in. "I don't trust him already. What does he do?"

"He's a professor".

"Uh huh! That's a red flag riiiiiight there!"

Fern got up. "Will you guys just stop! You bring girls back and I have to hear them through these stupids walls all the time!"

Bucky shifted, "yeah but they're not murderers".

"And how do you know? For all you guys know I could be biding my time waiting to kill you in your sleep".

They all stared at her before Sam replied. "Well if you're gonna kill me with anything then snapping my neck with your thighs? That's just for future reference..."

She stomped off to her room, muttering "unbelievable" to herself as the guys watched, all three of them then glancing to the stare jar and then going to take back the money they recently put in there.

Immediately Fern's appeared. "Don't even think about it!". The three of them now backed away and made their half assed excuses. "I'm taking the jar!" She snapped and grabbed it, returning to her room once more.

"So...that went really well..." Steve said, going to make himself some coffee.

Sam's eyes narrowed. "We need a way to get that money back..."

"Why how much extra you give her?"

"Twenty dollars".

Bucky snorted and laughed, then looking seriously at them. "Ok, so this date of hers...I'm already not liking the sound of it".

"Guess we're just gonna have to do what we do best". Steve shrugged

Sam frowned. "What do we do best?"

"Be annoying, drive him away. She may kill us but she'll thank us in the long run".

"What are you thinking?" Bucky knew his friend had a plan already.

Steve smirked. "We play Marvin Gaye full blast".

"Genius. Anyone ever tell you that". Sam grinned

Bucky leant into him and muttered, "Ass kisser", then causing the pair to start a full on slapsies war.

"Guys!" Steve came between them. "Come on, we have a date to sabotage..."

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