Regency!SteveRogers - Brooklyn Place

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A/N - Back to Regency England we go! 


"For Lady Rogers". The messenger said, passing the letter to Vivian who looked at the handwriting.

"It's from him..." She uttered excitedly and turned immediately to run to the parlour, not caring whether someone like her shouldn't be seen in the state that she was. "Lady Rogers!" She called, bursting into the room as her mistress almost spilt her tea from her cup. "It's from him..."

Lady Sarah Rogers beckoned her over and took the letter from her servant's hands, reaching for the silver letter opening and swiftly cutting it through the paper. She scanned the contents, one hand clamping to her mouth as she let out a joyful cry. Her eyes went to Vivian. "He's coming home..." Her accent had not faltered once since their arrival in England from America years ago. Back when Lord Joseph had been the man of the house. Since his passing, it had simply been Lady Sarah, and her son. Lord Steven, now known as Captain Rogers due to rising through the ranks while fighting in the Napoleonic wars. "He's really coming home!"

"It's over?" Vivian asked, a little shocked. She'd not seen Steve in years. Not since he'd gone away to fight. Sarah had begged him not to go, but he'd insisted. "No lady of standing wants to marry me mother - I can make myself useful elsewhere". He'd said one evening during a conversation that Vivian shouldn't have heard, but she did.

"And fighting a war is that?"

"I'll probably learn a great deal more than I would wasting away in the study here".

He'd left the very next morning, with Vivian spending the next month comforting her mistress before she managed to pull herself together again.

Vivian herself had taken over from her own mother as Lady Rogers lady's maid. On coming to England, she'd been in service as a child for the family - Sarah taking an instant shine to her. At the Rogers estate, Brooklyn Place, the servants were dressed to the highest standard to keep up appearances. There wasn't a rip or tear in sight. Shoes always polished, caps the whitest of white. If anything, her servants clothes were the finest that she had always owned. Sometimes her mistress would let her sit with her the piano while her mother was running and errand - and although she'd never learnt to play, Vivian enjoyed watching and slightly picking up simple tunes.

"It's over...he's coming home". Sarah now fanned herself. "We...we've gotta have everything for him..."

"I'll speak with the butler and then ensure that the servants start cleaning from top to bottom..."

"And flowers, we need flowers...tea..." Sarah now got up and began to pace. "He is due back in two days, we have time..."

Little did she know that in fact, it was the opposite - because in the early hours of the next morning, there came a banging at the doors, the butler yawning as he was woken from his bed and coming down to answer. Of course the banging had woken the house anyway, and now Sarah appeared at the top of the staircase, Vivian also appearing from her room and keeping by her mistress' side.

The doors opened and Sarah almost crumpled as she saw the person standing there, tired and soaked through the from the rain. The Butler also looking shocked.

"Captain Rogers?"

Steve stood there and grinned, droplets of rain falling from his blond hair as he looked past the butler and walked in. "Sorry about the wake up call mother..."

Immediately Sarah was down the stairs and throwing her arms around her son, Vivian watched with a smile before Steve's eyes met hers from over his mother's shoulder, his face changing slightly. Sarah pulled away and looked at him. "Look at you! Taller, muscular, what on earth did the war do to you?"

Steve flashed his mother a smile. "Made me grow up to be better I guess".

"I'm so glad you're home, and a must've seen some things".

"A lot you don't wanna know about, but it's over. I'm home now".

Sarah nodded and then turned to Vivian. "Vivian, could you prepare a bath for the Captain..."

Steve shook his head. "It's the middle of the night. Just some dry clothes and my bed would be fine for now". His eyes once again went to Vivian.

"I'll prepare your room now". She quickly nodded and hurried off, heart racing fast. He was a far cry from the boy who had went away. Laying out some clean clothes, Vivian then turned as the door opened and Steve walked into the room, slowly closing the door behind him and then looking at her. "Captain Rogers..." She quickly bobbed a curtsey, feeling a little shaky.

He shook his head. "Remember we did away with formalities Vivi...if I can still call you that?"

She nodded. "Of course...Steve..."

"That's better". He said, running a hand back through his hair and looking around. "Sorry I'm early, didn't mean to wake you all. Just arrived back sooner than I predicted".

"It's ok, I'm glad you're back..." She went to leave but he stopped her, fingers gently grasping the crook of her arm.

"I'm glad I'm back too...goodnight Viv".

"Goodnight, Captain". She hesitated, deciding to stick to formalities for now and then leaving him to get changed and settle for the rest of the night.

Vivian knew that the women in society who hadn't given him a second look before he'd gone away would now be fawning over him, mothers throwing their daughters under his nose. And she would simply have to stand there from afar and watch as the battle for Captain Rogers heart and hand began. 

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