Steve Rogers - Abrasion (PT 2)

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Darcie was fashionably late to the party that was happening in the rec room. She knew she would be, hence why she'd had to throw off her doctors coat and simply accessorise her dress that she was wearing. Cursing herself for thinking that she would've actually managed to make it home to change. Her hair probably resembled a birds nest from where she had to unclip it from the usual style and just shake it out. A top up of make up and that was it.

It would have to do.

Tony had organised the celebration as their victory party - gaining back the sceptre that had been located in the largest Hydra base they'd hit, located in Sokovia. Clint had needed patching up but thanks to her and Helen, he was drinking with his team-mates, even if they had told him to take it easy.

Now as she walked in she noted Natasha in a killer dress, helping herself to a drink behind the bar.

"Hey, you look nice!" The black widow grinned, scanning her up and down.

"Shut up, you know I'm wearing today's work clothes".

"No but you're hair too, it looks nice like that - gotta feeling you'll turn some heads, especially with those legs..." Nat said, now sipping her drink through a straw and giving her a suggestive wiggle of her eyebrows.

Darcie snorted. "I doubt it, but I'll take the compliment all the same".

Nat said no more and slipped away to go and join Barton and Rhodey. Darcie made herself a drink and slid onto one of the stools, now swivelling round to survey the guests. Some were dancing, others were sat down, some were having a game of pool.

It was nice to see the Avengers 'off duty' so to speak.

"Doctor Parkes..." She looked across and saw Steve leaning against the bar, beer bottle to hand. Her heart skipped slightly. Darcie didn't know why she was thinking about it, but he had a very handsome side profile.

"Captain". She smiled, "Enjoying your evening? I wouldn't have thought this kind of thing was 'you', if you don't mind me saying".

He nodded, "You're right, it's not - but hey", there was a small shrug, "guess I'm still trying to fit in, plus the company isn't so bad". His eyes looked her up and down intensely. Well, to her it was. "You, look...different".

Now he kicked himself mentally once more before correcting himself. "I mean, you don't look like a doctor, do but..."

Darcie pursed her lips. He was really trying. "Captain..." She now stopped him. "I know what you meant".

Steve scratched the back of his neck, "Guess I'm still not good at this kinda thing...never was, don't think I ever will be..." He now brushed it off, "anyway, you want another drink?" He asked awkwardly, now seeing her glass was still full. "Or...not?" There came another awkward chuckle.

"I'll let you know when I'm done with this one. Who are your friends?" She gestured to the veterans sitting on the couches.

"The only guys I can really relate to". He now looked to them and then back at her. "I mean, all my other friends are dead so..." Even now his mind was screaming at him to abort the mission at hand. All he was doing was embarrassing himself and probably her. "I should leave you to your night..."

Darcie stopped him as he turned. "Don't go..." he now turned back as she nervously tucked some hair behind her ear. "I mean. I don't mind you staying but if you wanna go and talk to someone else..."

He shook his head. "No, I've got no one that I want to, I mean, I wanna talk to you..."

Now she laughed lightly to herself, sending something inside him flutter a little. "We're so good at this - I'm able to talk for eternity when I'm in doctor mode and yet when I'm not working? Nothing..." She said. "Can you see why I'm single?"

Steve found the words escaping his mouth before he could stop them. "No actually, I can't - you're beautiful".

Darcie could feel the heat rising in her cheeks, Steve clearing his throat and now apologising. "It's're probably the first person who has said that to me". She admitted, feeling a little pathetic about it.

Her commitments to SHIELD and her work always had come first before any man. The dates she'd had, had been disastrous. Even the ones that Nat had set up for her. Now here was a man who had old fashioned values and charm. Even though he was still adapting he was still the old soul inside.

Everything she had been told about him by her grandfather was true, even thought she'd never once thought she would be here witnessing it.

"Well I only speak the truth, but seriously? They haven't?"

She shook her head. "No...I haven't really had many successful dates, and some that I thought were turned out not to be. So I figured it was me or the fact they didn't like that I had a job with the title 'doctor'. Some men can be a little intimidated by that kind of thing".

"Well then they're idiots". He insisted.

Ask it now! It's the right moment!

"Captain!" One of the veterans now called over to him.

Oh for crying out loud!

He turned, "Yeah?"

"Come join us! Bring you lady friend too!"

"Oh she's not my...she's erm..."

"I'm his doctor" Darcie smirked smoothly and slid off her stool, turning to him. "Just as well I have a thing for older men". Throwing him a knowing look and walking over to join his guests.

Holy hell...


Steve knew he'd spent most of the night just staring at her. It was probably obvious to all, and was now confirmed as one of the veterans leant into him once she'd gone off to talk with Maria Hill.

"So when are you going to take that poor girl out?"

He smiled to himself at this. "That's the thing, I'm too chicken to ask her.

"Guy like you won't get turned down, but if you don't wanna then you think she'll go for me if I ask?"

Steve smirked. "She said she likes older guys so it's a possibility".

The veteran nudged him. "Now's your chance, you probably won't get another - lots of others have been looking at her tonight".

He had to do it. If she said no then fine. He'd spent a majority of his time being invisible anyway so what was one more rejection?

Rising from his chair, he walked over to Darcie who was now stood alone. "Where'd Hill go?"

"Bathroom, you want another drink?" She asked.

"I er...actually no. I wanna ask you something". He said, confidence rising slightly. Now he realised she was waiting for him and cleared his throat. "Would mean first off you don't have to but..."

Darcie smiled. "Steve, are you asking me on a date?"

"Er...well, I'm trying too - I'm not good at this..."

She shook her head. "Ok, so how about coffee? Or something? I mean I don't know if you get mobbed by women when you walk outta here or..."

He chuckled. "You'd be surprised at the fact that I don't".

"Well then it must be my lucky day. How about tomorrow afternoon? There's a coffee shop not far from here, we could meet there if you've got nothing on?"

Steve nodded with a shy smile. A small victory even if he had felt he'd failed initially.

"Ok, it's a date". 

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