Steve Rogers - Cirque USO (AU)

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It started the night he'd first laid eyes on her, and since then, Steve Rogers had never ceased to take them from her again. Everything that she did was effortless, flawless, she'd move in ways that made him wonder whether she'd simply tumble to the floor - and at one point in her part of the show, he'd almost believed that she would. But the silk that wound itself around her was strong, and would always stop anything from happening - that as well as her talent.

That was the only reason she was there, why they were all there...

Monroe Gray was no stranger to aerial acrobatics, such as the trapeze, but her forte was silk dancing, suspending herself in the air before tumbling and moving her body gracefully which left her audience captivated. It had been how they'd met. She'd tumbled to the ground, the silk catching her right in front of him, and for a brief moment their eyes were locked - a beautiful smile crossing her face before she swung herself away.

He'd watched her act every night from then on, and since then had made an effort to get to know more about her. Well...sort of. He didn't know how to approach her, talk to her, and even when she said 'hello' he would stumble over his words. Because that was how she made him feel. Speechless.

The circus itself was like no other. Acts consisting of the usual ones that you would find such as a fortune teller, fire breather, however the stars of the show were the ones who were different than that. The ones who possessed powers and enhancements like no other. And Steve Rogers was just one of them, because after all - why let a talent like his go to waste? He didn't see it as that though, he just saw himself as normal despite his abilities. Monroe? She was classed as normal by those who came night after night to see them all, yet he saw her as more than that.

When she wasn't in the tent performing, Monroe could be found talking to visitors from a birdcage-like construction. She'd simply be there for show, swinging back and forth on the hoop that hung inside it. But she wasn't a caged animal, and nor was she treated like one. In fact, this was the only place where perhaps people would see them differently as opposed to being frightening or just weird.

"Hello Captain". Her voice rang through the air as he passed the area where she usually was. The smell of candy floss and melted chocolate dipped apples hung in the air. It was another beautiful night, and still there were a lot of people walking around.

Steve stopped and turned, now seeing Monroe just swinging back and forth in her cage. Currently she was wearing a sparkly bodysuit that left little to the imagination, but he just shook the feeling off and walked over with a small smile. "Miss Gray..."

"Come talk to me, I'm bored". She asked, body now arching back and allowing the hoop to spin her. How she could stay on it still remained a mystery to him. "How was your show?"

"The usual". He managed to get out. "I've been watching you..." Then he mentally cursed himself and explained further. "I mean, I've been watching your show..."

She sat back up and clasped either side of the hoop. "I know, I see you every night - you always are sat in the same seat".


"Oh, erm...well, I..." He began to trip over his words again and she laughed, hopping down from the hoop and coming over to the bars that separated them both. She could get out easily if she wanted to, but she remained where she was. 

"I like that you watch me, Captain".

"'s Steve, you can me that..." He trailed off realising he now sounded rather stupid.

She nodded at this. "Steve", now repeating his name which was like music to his ears. "Although I admit that I prefer Captain..."

"You can call me whatever you want..."

Where had that come from?!

"Hey Steve! Howard and Chester wanna see us, pal". Bucky was now standing watching the pair a little across from the side of another tent. There was a huge grin on his face, and rightfully so considering his friend couldn't talk to girls for shit. He'd been silently cheering him on for the last five minutes, really not having to want to interrupt, but he knew he'd need to.

Monroe gave him a delicate wave and then turned back to Steve. "Duty calls".

"As always...have a good evening Miss". He was going to walk away quickly, but her voice pulled him back once again.

"Steve?" He looked back to her, "It's Monroe" She smiled knowingly. 

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