Steve Rogers - Temptress (AU)

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"So she just doesn't talk at all? Wait - how do we even know it's a she?" I stand there calmly, silently in the corner from where I've been listening to the latest Avengers briefing. I'm 'like a spectre' so Stark had put it earlier when I'd almost given him a heart attack as he'd entered the room. No one has ever seen my face apart from one - well, two. I prefer not to speak, my face not to be seen. Hence why I'm always in my suit and mask.

I'm ashamed of what I've become - but now I want to help fight against it. I was more than willing to take Hill up on the offer to take down Hydra bases, because they are the very ones who made me what I am. All because of illegal human experimentation. They took me, pumped me with whatever kinds of drugs they could - and I became a killer. I lured innocents to their deaths with my voice, and so I chose not to speak anymore for fear I could kill others. And when I refused to take orders? They shut me away. If it hadn't been for Fury and Hill, then I'd still be there.

"Tony..." Comes a tired voice and my eyes find Captain Rogers now scrubbing his face with some frustration. "Leave her - Hill said we can trust her".

Stark glances over to me. "Did the mean old sea witch take your voice?"

I just stare at him even though he can't see my eyes. I've heard all the jokes by now. Well, all the sea related ones. I'm a Siren after all.

"Good talk". He nods when he realises that even he can't break me. As far as I'm concerned, these people will never see my face or hear my voice. "So, we have Ariel over here who can probably get in through the waterway entrance - Cap's gonna take the stairs..." Tony continues and I turn my head, seeing that Cap isn't actually listening or watching his teammate. He's watching me.

He probably thinks I'm about to unleash a pretty little song on Stark at any moment. I won't give him the satisfaction though, plus it's a waste of my 'talents'.

"Ok, I think we're all clear - meeting adjourned". Stark just shrugs and everyone gets up. I watch them filter out one by one, except one.

Captain Rogers, who says behind to collects the pads that everyone's been making notes on. "You'll soon realise that Stark likes to try and make everything that's serious, a little less serious". He says as he gets to me, "I'm Steve", now holding out a hand for me to shake.

I look down at it, but don't take it.

Instead I move past him and pick up the remaining pads on the table, before passing them to him. "Thanks".

I turn to leave but he stops me. "You know, if you don't want to talk - you could always write it down. Might be better to get your words out that way if it's a problem".

It's more than a problem. It's a curse.

I look back at him stiffly, and then look away. I guess Stark was right when he asked if they took my voice, because they did in some ways.

"Hill said you were a Hydra experiment...I'm sorry". My fingers flex slightly to stop myself from becoming angry. I won't. Steve is only trying to make conversation which will always be one sided. I appreciate it though. "You've got a name, I know that much - it would just be nice to not refer to you as 'Temptress' as Tony put it earlier".

I have a name. Many names. Temptress, siren, jezebel, Lorelei, sea witch, seductress. I haven't heard my real name in so long. I bet that hearing it from his mouth, it would sound heavenly.

He can't know.

I remain still, silent. At this point Steve knows I am a lost cause, but I also know that it won't stop him from trying to talk to me.

"You should come to Tony's party tomorrow night. You never know, you might enjoy it". He smiles kindly at me. "And if you get bored, well - you could try and put Stark to sleep to shut him up".

Behind the mask, he doesn't see my lips turn up slightly into a smile. I could have taken the comment the wrong way, but from him, I know what he means.

"My room's just down the hall from yours, you need anything then just come knock..." He says, signalling that this conversation has come to an end. name is Norah, and thank you - I want to say to him so bad, but I can't. I can't take that risk. 

As far as I'm concerned, I'm a danger to everyone, and yet I'm being given a chance. I could have drowned Stark just by the flick of my hand earlier, but I didn't. I have a lot to prove to show them that I can be trusted, and not to be feared. 

At least I can maybe count on the Captain not to be afraid of me. 

The One Shot Chapters (18+)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon