Steve Rogers - Adagio (AU)

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"They're going to eat me alive". I sigh as I put down the letter of confirmation - recommended with honours for something I know full well I probably won't survive. I only just managed to scrape agent status and even then didn't think I'd last as long as I have. It's probably because Phil Coulson is my mentor and had kept me from death's door - but now as I have read the letter over and over, I'm starting to think this is a joke. 

"I didn't even manage to make it into the Widows intake, so what exactly makes you think I'm capable of becoming a super solider?" I ask. 

Phil looks at me kindly from across the table. "Because you have the same chance as everybody else, you proved yourself to be a good agent - so why not aim higher?". 

"Because I don't actually think I'm going to last a day?" I tell him seriously, and I won't. I just know I'll end up breaking my neck or something. "I don't have what it takes, besides - I like being an agent. I like being mentored by you and stuff - unless you're actually sick of me and are just doing this to get rid of me". 

Phil scoffs. "Like I would. But you need to have more confidence in yourself and your skills. You were meant for more than just being another agent of shield". He sits back. "Look, they've accepted you, just try your best and if it doesn't work out then I'll have you sent back to the agents division". 

"Promise?" I ask. 

"Pinkie swear" He smirks, "Don't worry about those around you either. Everyone has their own skill set". 

"Mine being 'pure fuck up'" I mumble. "Why now?" Then asking. Recommendations and intakes have only just been to train up more Widows and Hawkeyes. Never once has their been one for super soldiers. Perhaps SHIELD are trying to raise an army of their own. 

Phil looks like he's debating telling me, probably because it's classed as 'classified' or some bullshit like that, but in the end opens his mouth. "We've come into possession of another serum..." 

Now it's my turn for my mouth to fall open, gawping at him. "There was only one though? The formula died with Erskine when Captain Rogers was created?" Everyone knows the story. 

"Over the years Howard Stark dedicated his work to recreating the serum. He used Captain Rogers blood to examine his genetic code. All traces of the formula were locked in that. As you know his work continued through his son after he died. It seems like Tony Stark is just as much a genius as his father. He managed to figure it out, recreate it. Shield needs another super solider out there with Captain Rogers. 

"And you really think I'm the person to receive it?" 

"I  don't think it. I know it" Phil states confidently, then again he is ever the optimist. Even in the most dire of situations. Either way I can't back out of this unless the recommender actually withdraws their candidate. It's a stupid rule that they have apparently. Either that or the only other exit is through death. 

I'm not a coward, so dying trying is the only option I see, even if my mentor thinks otherwise.  

Intake is tomorrow, so I have twenty four hours left before I'm transported from the sanctuary of Triskelion, to another campus where training will commence. At least I can keep in touch with Coulson and keep him in the loop as to whether I'm failing, or failing miserably. 


The campus we're sent to is in upstate New York, a modern newish looking building that I remember Phil telling me was once the old Stark warehouses. Either way it looks pretty expensive. Inside, shield personnel of all kinds roam. Some are technicians, a couple of medical staff head in the direction of where I'm assuming the hospital wing is. No doubt I'll be spending most of my time there getting patched up. 

"Name". An woman with a pad stops me as I reach the end of the line I've been waiting in. 

"Agent Kennedy" 

"Full name". She presses, looking up at me with a sharp expression. Something tells me that she's wondering why I'm here. Believe me, I'm still asking myself the same question, - even if Phil has apparently given me the answer. 

"Agent Alessandra Kennedy". I try not to drone. 

She brings my file up on screen. "Recommended by Coulson...of course". She utters the last part under her breath like it all seems to make sense to her now. "Head over to that desk, and they'll assign you a room". She points in the direction of the desk that has a few people hovering around it, waiting for their room assignment or probably just asking questions. "Briefing will be at 3pm sharp - someone will come and get you". 

My eyes go to her name tag. Hill...wait - Maria Hill. She's the commander and Director Fury's right hand. This must be serious for her to actually be here and doing intake. It's certainly below her status. "Thanks" I give her a nod and make my way over to the desk. As I look back, I note the most handsome man ever to grace my eyes now deep in conversation with Hill, looking to the pad in her hands and then looking over to me. He seems to inhale and then shake his head in what looks like disapproval. Perhaps it's because I'm staring him out, now turning my focus back to getting my room assigned, but I can't help but sneak another look back - and I wish I hadn't. 

He's looking at me with the most darkest expression ever - now I realise two things. The first is that like everyone else here, including myself, he knows I'm basically a liability and not 'super solider' potential. 

And the second? 

That man is the one who will be training us up, and determining who will receive the serum at the end of it. 

Captain Rogers....

A/N - Currently this is a story in my drafts that may be published depending on how much interest and feedback it receives. Thought I would test the water with it first. 

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