Steve Rogers AU - Brooklyn

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He had no idea how long they had been staring at the dryer for, but the three men now gathered around it hadn't spoken for quite some time. All of them not really knowing what to say or do.

He'd been summoned by both Sam and Bucky to the chorus of "STEEEEEEEVE!" Heading into the laundry room to find his two friends simply staring at the object that had been the cause of his summons.

"Soooooo...." Sam broke the silence.

Bucky rolled his eyes, "Shut up Sam, just be a man and pick it up"

"I don't see you picking it up!" Both of them then paused and turned to Steve who held up his hands.


"She likes you better than she likes us". Sam stated with Bucky now nodding. "If anything she may have left it in there to get you to go take it back to her room and give it to her".

Steve sighed and looked at the bra that was in with the rest of the guys laundry. The owner in question was their roommate Fern. Sam and Bucky having been eager for her to take the room not just because she was a girl, but because she was a dancer. Steve had just told them to decide whatever, as long as they could all pay their share of the rent. Now just a few months later he'd become used to having her around. She was actually quite fun, a little quirky but he didn't mind that. He was the serious one of them all - even he knew that.

"It's obvious it got caught up with our laundry, so for crying out loud just take the stuff out and go give it to her". He now said.

"Shhh! Keep your voice down, she might hear, then she's gonna be asking why we're all staring at her damn bra!" Sam hissed. "I'd just feel awkward picking them up, they're her booby baskets!"

"Oh and we wouldn't?" Bucky threw him a look

Steve closed his eyes and sighed deeply. "If I get the damn tongs and fish them out will you both calm down?"

Bucky and Sam both looked at one another and then to Steve. "Yes".

Making his way to the kitchen, Steve grabbed the tongs and went back to the laundry room m, the three of them now standing around the dryer.

"You gonna get stuck in there ooooor...." Sam began.

"I'm prepping..."

"Prepping for what?" They all jumped, Sam letting out a slight scream as Fern was now stood alongside them frowning. "Why are we all staring at the dryer? Is it a new game?"

The three guys now immediately launched in to a chorus of "yeah!", "we think it could be broken", with Sam now awkwardly muttering "we totally weren't looking at your underwear..."

Fern raised an eyebrow and pushed them out of the way. "Seriously you're freaking out over a bra?"

Bucky scratched the back of his neck. "It was erm...too nice to pick up and ruin..."

She rolled her eyes and grabbed it from the dryer. "Just as well it wasn't one of my thongs then..." now seeing Steve look like he was about to pass out. "I'm joking Rogers, no need to have a heart attack - anyway I'm heading out to meet some friends, don't wait up..."

They watched her exit, Bucky now calling back, "we will!" Them now seeing her middle finger appear around the doorway. "I mean, are they dancer friends?"

Fern fully appeared back in the doorway. "Why?"

"No reason..."

A cunning smile crossed her lips. "You want me to set you up - I have the perfect girl!"

"I mean, Steve's always looking, right?" Bucky now grinned but then received an elbow to the ribs.

" I'm really not" he replied through gritted teeth, now feeling highly embarrassed.

Fern smiled at him lightly, "shame, it could have been fun". Now looking to Bucky, "if you really wanna come to girls night then be ready in half an hour, I have a friend Nat, I think she'd be your type".

"Hell yes, girls night!" Bucky fist pumped the air and left the room, Fern now rolling her eyes and doing the same.

Sam glanced at Steve who was still watching the doorway where Fern had been. "You ever gonna say something to her? Feelings and all that?"

He gave a small nervous laugh. "Nah...girl like her would never go for a guy like me".

"Erm, have you seen you?"

Steve wasn't about to launch into this conversation. "I need to go pick up a few things at the store..." making his getaway before his friend could question him more.

The last thing he needed was Sam playing Cupid and trying to set him up with their roommate. Things were better just left as they were.

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