Steve Rogers AU - Stripped

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"Well, well - look who came crawling back!" I roll my eyes but hug my uncle anyway, considering he's been this accommodating to allow me my old job back - partly. I just won't be on the stage anymore, but I guess I can live with that.

Just like I'm having to live dependant on medication for the injuries that have robbed me of being able to properly dance again.

"How've you been Caro?" He asks, gesturing for me to take a seat across the desk from him. I gingerly settle myself down, my hip choosing today of all days to make me look like an invalid. "Glad you kicked that asshole to the curb, your mom's been waiting for it".

I shrug. "I guess it was long overdue".

"The guy almost killed you!" my uncle grunts. "You should've come back after you got outta the hospital instead of sticking it out and wondering whether he'd take care of you".

My now ex was the reason I left here in the first place. Being young and stupid to believe that I'd have a better life and a family, instead I was pretty much the only one working my ass off to keep a roof over our heads, and the money he got from work was going on alcohol and drugs (so I found out later). That was before the accident. Should've known amongst other things that the idiot was a shit driver.

"My bad... so judging by the line already manifesting outside, business is going well?"

My uncle Chester owns USO, the most popular club in town. It's where I started out dancing before I left, and I may be blowing my own trumpet here, but I was pretty good at it.

Now I'm going to be serving drinks instead of taking my clothes off. Not sure whether to be thankful or not. Either way it's a start to get money coming back in to pay the bills.

Both men and women dance here on different nights so the club caters for everyone unlike some that are just men or women only. I think that's what makes it so popular.

"Well as it can be. Steve is the one who the girls come for though".

"In more ways than one probably" I snort.

"He certainly isn't short of girlfriends". Chester smirks, "but he's a nice guy".

"I'll only believe that when I see it - anyway did you want me to start tonight?" I ask, not wanting to dwell on anything else. I'm here to work after all.

Chester simply waves it off. "You wanna start tonight then go for it, you know this place inside out, nothing's changed other than the faces since you left", his expression changes, as though a light bulb has appeared in his mind. "As a matter of fact, I have some girls auditioning in a few days - being the veteran that you are, you can help me pick out the talent, maybe show a few of them how it's done".

I bite my lip. "You're forgetting I can't really push it as much as I used to".

"You off those meds?"

"I'll never be off them, but hey - I'm not gonna cry about it". I shrug. I have to play it down so as I don't get frustrated at the fact that I'll be reliant on pills for the rest of my days. I don't need anyone's pity.

There's a knock on the door and Chester calls for whoever it is to come in, a rugged guy with longish blonde hair and a beard now appearing. "Sorry, this a bad time?" His eyes go from my uncle to me.

"Not at all, Steve this my niece Caro, Caro this is Steve - or as the women know him? 'Captain'.

I smirk and look him up and down.

"Nice to meet you". He now says, doing the same.

Already my guard is up. "It's really not".

"Caro used to dance here before she fucked off and messed up her life". Chester now graciously says as I throw him a look of daggers. "But lucky for us she's opened her eyes and has come back - you need a drink she'll make you one".

"Bar girl eh?" Steve nods.

Already I hate that term.

"You call me that and the drinks will be over your head", I threaten.

"Be nice missy". Chester warns, "Anyway, what's the problem?" He now turns to Steve.

"Vision's gonna be out for a while, twisted knee, plus we can't replace him tonight as it's too short notice".

Chester groans. "Shit - can you guys do it without him?"

"Gonna have to, but don't blame us if it looks shit with odd numbers".

"Do we know when he's gonna be back?"

Steve shakes his head. "It's a knee injury, so probably a while. We're still training Peter but he's not stage ready yet".

"Kid wouldn't say boo to a goose, fuck knows why Barnes made me hire him". Chester mutters. "Fine, just go out and worry about your own shit - I'll sort this out".

Steve nods and then glances to me with a smirk and parting words. "Bar girl".

"It's Caro!" I yell at him and turn back to my uncle. "I hate him already - seems like he's like all the other asshole dancers. Smug, annoying..."

"Money bringers" Chester eyes me. "He's just kidding, you need to lighten up - you've been a grumpy bitch since they put you on those meds".

"You think?" I snap and sigh as I get up. "I'll go get started".

"Caro". I stop and turn back to see my uncle smiling knowingly. "Welcome back".

*This is a taster of a potential story that could be in the works*

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