Dark!SteveRogers - Thief

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I am well and truly fucked.

A stupid mistake after so many years of having perfected the art of stealing has practically cost me my life. Or at least, it will do. I've heard what the King does to people like me, makes examples of them in more ways than a simple beheading or hanging. Looks like I'll be joining the list of those who endured it before me.

Violence and death has always been a part of Hydra. I wasn't born here. To be honest it was the only place I could go after...well, never mind. That part of my life isn't relevant anymore. For a King who has so much blood on his hands, you'd believe his city would be the complete opposite - but it's not. It's gained a reputation, and a bad one at that, purely to scare off enemies and outsiders.

My back aches against the stone wall of the cell that I was thrown into, a split lip and gash to the head throb away. They were graciously given to me by the guards who arrested me. I deserved it though. Over the years I've learnt how to keep to the shadows, perfect my silence, take what the higher ranking citizens of the city do not deserve in exchange for coins or something better.

"You're an idiot Hera". I mutter to myself and hug my knees. There was always a risk of ending up here, lately my fighting stance has got a bit sloppy. Oh well, no point in working on that now.

The door at the top of the steps that lead down to the row of cells opens, and footsteps descend them. A figure now stands looking at me through the bars that separate me from freedom and he just lets out a small scoff. I know him. Everybody knows him.

King Johann's best. Better than his army of Winter Soldiers.

He's the captain of the guard, although to everyone in the city he's known simply as Captain Hydra. And not only is he an intimidating killing machine - and underneath the mask? Well. I wouldn't know what he looks like apart from his jawline. I hate him. He was responsible for the death of a few fellow members of the group I stick with. Then again, they were pretty stupid to think they were good enough to try and steal from him.

"Hera Montgomery?" He clarifies as I nod, but make no attempt to stand. "The King wants to see you".

I frown. Is this a trick? "Why would the King want to see me?"

He says nothing and takes a key, unlocking the cell door. "You might wanna be quick about it, he's not got all day".

I get to my feet and reluctantly walk from the cell. I could run? Or at least try too - but that would be a foolish move. Hydra Cap would shoot me down or whatever he does within seconds. Instead I just look at him.

His eyes are blue, I can tell that much.

"C'mon, let's go..." Is all he says and I'm escorted to a large hall where King Johann is sat awaiting my arrival. "Miss Montgomery". Is all the Captain says and then leaves my side to go and stand beside his King.

The King sits back and a smile creeps up upon his lips. Accent thick as he addresses me. "So you are the infamous shadow thief".

"I didn't realise I had a title". I shrug. Well, I did. I've built quite a rep for myself here, but like the Captain's, my identity remained unknown until now.

"I must admit Hera, I was excited to hear that you'd finally been caught".

"It was a bad day for me". I just fire back, not really caring considering he's probably called me here for the privilege of killing me himself.

The King just smirks. "Well then perhaps I can change that into a better one for you. I'm guessing you'd rather keep your life? I want to make you a deal".

I blink. "A deal?"

He nods. "I've been told you're a master at not being seen, blending in when you have to. Plus your skill for thievery...you could be of use to me. A debt repaid to me for the price of your life". He doesn't wait for me to answer but carries on. "I'm in need of a spy, one who won't fuck up and is able to take what I need from under the noses of my enemies".

"I see, and you're asking me to do it".

"You become my spy and you'll be rewarded with more than just keeping your life. You'll be pardoned, have accommodation within the castle itself. Occasionally the Captain will need you with him for missions I'll send him on".

My eyes now find the Captain's. He's just stood there staring down at me, hands resting on his belt. His stance is strong and bold. I swear if he fell on top of me then I'd most likely be dead from being crushed. "He doesn't exactly look happy about that arrangement".

"He's not, he told me that it's wrong to trust you - but I'm giving you another chance Hera. You join us and serve me then I assure you that you'll be benefiting more than you ever were from stealing a few coins here and there".

I look from the Captain and back to the King. It's a no brainer. Say no and die, or say yes and just try to enjoy the 'benefits' the King is promising. "Fine. I accept your deal".

The King smiles as he paces back and forth, hands clasped behind his back. "I knew you were a smart girl. The Captain will show you to your room. I'll call for you to meet with me later to discuss this further".

On this, the Captain grunts but doesn't protest, giving the King a stiff nod and then walking to me, his hand tightly gasping my arm as he almost drags me backwards towards the doors. "Come with me, thief". Is all he says. I try yanking my arm from him and eventually he lets go. "Your room is up here - this wing is solely for advisor's and people like me".

"Confidantes then?"


He stops outside a door and opens it, allowing me to walk in while he lurks in the doorway. "This room is yours. Keep to it until you're called back to meet with the King today". He tells me and then goes to leave.

"Wait..what do I call you? If we're going to be working together?" I frown.

His eyes trail over my body and then meet my own. "Captain", he grunts in response, almost like he's disgusted to even look at me. Then he's gone, echoing steps fading away down the hallway. 

The One Shot Chapters (18+)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora