Regency!SteveRogers - Viscount (PT 2)

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The decision had been made. He was going to ask Miss Carter to marry him.


The ring box in his pocket weighed heavy as he took a final look at himself in the mirror, his mother's reflection now in view with a smile on her face. "You look very dashing Steven".

"You approve of her then - you'd have stopped me by now if you didn't".

"She's accomplished and I have no doubt that she will make a good wife. Lord and Lady Carter will be pleased - and so would your father".

Ah yes. The father he'd never met. He'd inherited the title as a young boy, too young to even talk. His mother had run the home and kept their affairs in order per his father's wishes. Had his will not have been in place then they'd have lost it all. Many hadn't agreed with the Dowager Viscountess doing a man's work - but Sarah Rogers became a force to be reckoned with, and soon enough, everyone would look to her with newfound respect. And it had never wavered since then.

He needed a wife like that. Miss Carter was the right choice.

"What if she says no?" He asked and turned to face her.

Sarah smiled and walked over to him, straightening his neckcloth. "And why would she do that? She'd be mad to - unless a Prince is in line for her hand?" Now eyeing him with good humour in her eyes. "In which case? You cannot compete with that".

He laughed quietly. "I'd better go, if I'm back sooner rather than later then you know that it's not gone well".

Sarah rolled her eyes. "She'll say yes, and if she declines then you simply find another - I can tell that your mind is settled on her though".

Seeing him to the door, she watched him disappear down the street, smiling to herself and then getting back to her reading.


Jocelyn had watched as her aunt had fussed over Peggy all morning, an announcement of an engagement soon to be spoken of around society.

Right now her cousin was pacing the parlour, looking out of the window every so often. He'd said he'd call upon them today after spending the afternoon walking with them the day before last. Of course Jocelyn had needed to chaperone, trying to hang back a little way behind to give the pair some privacy - however the Viscount had been gracious enough to include her in conversation, much to Peggy's displeasure.

"Maybe you should sit down before you wear a hole in the floor". Jocelyn craned her neck little to try and look at Peggy as she paced behind the couch.

"You try finding a husband, you'd be the same". Peggy replied brashly and then froze as she spotted something out the window. "He's here..."

"Thank heavens - now maybe we can get this over with". Jocelyn admitted out loud and was met with a disapproving stare from her aunt. "What? She was making me tried with all the pacing".

There was a knock at the parlour door and the servant announced the Viscount, Steve then walking in and bowing to the three ladies.

"How are you today my Lord?" Lady Amanda spoke, "it's nice weather again - did you walk here?"

Steve nodded. "I did and thank you my lady, I'm well - more than well actually. I was hoping I could speak to Miss Carter in private?"

Amanda now fanned herself and quickly got up, looking a little flustered. "Oh, oh yes - of course! Come along Jocelyn, let's give your cousin and the Viscount some privacy..." she said, gesturing for Jocelyn to follow.

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