Regency!SteveRogers - Untouchable

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He hadn't expected her to be so young - younger than he was. If anything Steve didn't know what his father had been thinking when it came to marrying again. He'd accepted his father would have taken another wife since his mother has died years ago, but to take one so...young?  She was only just shy of her twenty first birthday. Surely she couldn't be happy? Could she?

Her name was Jayne. Jayne Stapleford. The daughter of wealthy parents, but not as wealthy as his father. His father was a Duke, and he was next to take the title.

The other thing that he hadn't prepared for, was just how beautiful she was. The moment he'd met her, he was jealous that she was out of bounds. Out of reach. Technically she was his new step mother, so it wasn't possible anyway - but when he was forced to look at her everyday? The sickening feeling only grew in his stomach.

So what did he do? He avoided her at all costs. Didn't make much conversation with her. He kept up his guard and could see she was hurt. She was trying her best to get to know him, but instead he continued to push her away.

Steve didn't exactly have a choice after all.

Tonight he was forced to go to the Stark's annual ball, a social gathering that everyone looked forward to. His father was speaking to a few people whilst Jayne kept to his side.

She didn't look happy.

Never once had he seen her smile.

She must have sensed him watching because now she was looking his way, then giving him a weak smile.

He didn't smile back. Instead he downed the rest of his drink and made for the gardens.


He may as well just leave, he was bored to tears anyway.

"You're avoiding me".

He turned and saw Jayne now stood watching him, delicate hands clasped in front of her.

"I'm avoiding everyone - not just you".

She moved closer toward him but stopped a short way, still keeping the distance between them. "I was never brought in to replace your mother you know - far from it". She started. "I just want to talk to you, but you never let me. You look at me like I offend you".

"You don't offend me". He said through gritted teeth.

"Then why do you hate me so much?".

"I don't hate you".

She scoffed at his. "You must do for you not to look at me. It's like you can't stand to be around me".

"You're right. I can't".

Jayne felt the tears prick her eyes, but swallowed the lump in her throat. "I never wanted to marry him you know - I only did it because I had no choice...I was hoping we could have been friends. I feel quite alone actually. Your father pays me little attention, he has important work to do after all. In a way I'm glad of it, because it means that I'm away from him too".

He had been right. Of course he had. There was no way that this woman had married his father willingly.

"Does he treat you well?" He asked.

"He doesn't beat me if that's what you're assuming? He will present me with the odd gift now and then, but aside from that? I am lonely. I often wonder why he married me".

Steve snorted. "Easy, another heir incase I die"

The thought of his father in bed with her only made him all the more nauseous.

"Well it hasn't happened yet". She replied. "He doesn't visit my bed regularly as of late, so if it's another heir that he wants then he's going the wrong way about it".

He threw up his hands. "I don't need to know about your bedroom antics. You want opinion? My father made a great mistake in marrying you".

Her face crumpled, but she did not cry. Instead she nodded in agreement. "May I ask why?"

Steve stared at her, the walls he'd built around himself beginning to crumble. He couldn't do this. He couldn't watch her glide around their home and wallow in sadness.

"Because you are too much perfection for him to fully appreciate..."

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