Lloyd Hansen - Suburbia

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To everyone who came across the Barber family, they had nothing but nice things to say about them. Quiet neighbours who would mainly keep themselves to themselves, Andy was a respected ADA for Middlesex county, while his wife Laurie stayed at home to raise their young daughter. The pair would be seen out for walks occasionally around the suburban neighbourhood that boasted rows of perfectly manicured homes as well as tree lined streets.

But behind closed doors? The Barber family were not who they seemed - however it had to be that way, simply for the point of surviving.

Behind these doors, 'Andy' would be monitoring certain people's movements - people who had wronged him in the past. 'Laurie' would simply bring him his whiskey and the retreat back to caring for little Margot - having learnt not to question anything he did.

To the CIA , Lloyd Hansen had died two years prior, his wife Autumn then disappearing with their child months after being rescued from the failed project known as 'Eutopia'. A town that was meant to be paradise, but instead was pure hell. The men would work under Hansen's order, whilst the women were simply there to breed future operatives and keep their husbands happy. Autumn's disappearance had caused concern within the CIA and even to this day she still hadn't been found, and she wouldn't be - because Autumn Hansen was long gone. Instead she now lived under the Barber alias to unknowing neighbours, and the few friends that she had made since moving to Newton.

Lloyd and Autumn had made it their mission to not draw in many new 'friends' or much attention to themselves. It would only blow their cover. They couldn't afford that, especially when they had a child to consider. Now as Lloyd sat in his office, laptop open, he heard the quiet steps of his wife ascending the stairs, before she walked in and handed him the usual after dinner drink.

"Tell me that you're not thinking of more ways to kill Neal". She sighed, knowing that her husband's colleague was a target yet to be eliminated. All because he was an irritating smartass. 

Lloyd snorted. "All I gotta do is shoot him when no one's looking. No one would even bat an eyelid at me being the suspect".

No. Because Andy Barber wasn't the 'type' to commit murder. No blood on his hands at all. In truth he despised posing as a man who did his duty in court when really all he wanted to do was inflict a better form of punishment to the people he came up against. He couldn't though. Well, not yet at least.

"How long do you think it's best to stay here for? Court has said that Fitz has given up the search for me..."

"Fitz will always be looking for you, Auty - even if he says he's not. We're lucky to even have Court still there on the inside for us". 

Autumn sighed. "It's not good for Margot to be uprooted".

Lloyd let out a huff to which she knew he was becoming irritated. "And we won't - at least not yet. I don't like playing this part as much as you do, but for the sake of our kid? We have to".

She nodded silently. "I should go and check on her".

"Autumn..." He turned to her as she got to the door. She looked back at him. "You knew this was what it was going to be like..." 

"I know".

Lloyd sat back and drank his whiskey. "Only way to stop Fitz looking for you is to eliminate him..." He knew that this would ruffle a shit load of feathers within the CIA and it was a risk, but one he'd need to take in order for his wife to stop being traced. He'd need to be tactful about it though. "Auty..." He beckoned her back over with his finger and pulled her onto his lap, lips meeting hers. "You know what I have to do..."

"I know, I just..."

He cut her off again with a kiss before pulling away slightly and murmuring against her lips, "so let me do my job".

She was silent for a moment until she nodded once more. "Ok..."

"'atta girl. Now, we have a part to play". Leaning into her he whispered his next words against her ear. "Don't fuck it up for us".

Behind closed doors, they could be Autumn and Lloyd - but for now? Andy and Laurie Barber were here to indefinitely stay.  

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