Pirate!Steve Rogers - Wrecked (AU)

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She'd not set foot in Port Asgard for years, and for good reason. Only the lowest of the low dwelt within a place like this. Pirates and wreckers, smugglers, escaped convicts. They were all here, because this was the only place they could come without judgement.

All cut from the same cloth.

She'd have liked to have thought herself a 'respectable' woman one time, but even now she realised that she never was. Instead she'd become ruthless, a name spoken on the sea breeze, but never once seen until it was too late. The blood on her hands was endless.

The Valkyrie docked and immediately drew attention to those around, Grace sensing the air turning as stale as it possibly could. It would be even worse once she managed to find herself a tavern. She needed a drink though, something other than the shit they'd had to put up with for the last few months. It was meant to have been quality wine, but clearly that had been a lie. Still, they'd looted a lot from unsuspecting merchant ships. It would fetch a good price here.

"Are we just gonna stand here? Or are going?" Brunnhilde, her second in command now joined her side, looking at the port. "Or are you having second thoughts?"

Grace knew what that meant. It had been a risk coming here anyway but she was beyond giving a fuck about the reason she'd stayed away. "No second thoughts, go get yourself a drink - I'll see you there". She told her and then headed to her quarters to reload her pistol. She was bound to need to use it. Upon opening the drawer, she noted the object inside that she'd not had the heart to throw overboard, even though many times she'd come close to.

His compass.

Slamming the drawer shut, she new she needed the drink now more than ever. Besides, he wouldn't be here. She'd not seen his ship at least.

From the moment that Captain Grace Barrow set foot into The Red Skull, the whole room fell silent, with only the sound of her boots crossing the floor as she made her way to the bar. The reactions were mixed. Some men eyed her like they wanted her for supper, others looked unwelcoming, but the most hateful gaze of them all was coming from a corner where one now eyed her more closely than the others, his lips now muttering "You've gotta be shitting me..."

Grace smirked, knowing that she was causing all kinds of carnage with just her presence. Good. They could all suffer. "Rum, and it better not be shit". she ordered, chucking a few coins at the surprised innkeeper.

"Or what? You'll shoot him?" Came the same voice from earlier.

She smiled sweetly as she turned, coming face to face with the man she'd not laid eyes on in years. He still looked the same, perhaps a little tired, but he'd not changed. At least his attitude remained, even though now he looked at her with different eyes. Where there was once lust, was now replaced with hostility.

"Hello Captain".

Steve Rogers just glared back at her. "You've got some nerve..."

"Yes, and apparently more balls than all the men in this bar combined". She looked around at just who it was filled it. Different men from different walks of life, but all with one thing in common. Condemned. They may have been ruthless at sea, yet when it came to hearing the name Grace Barrow - it seemed as though they wouldn't chance their lives, well, except for the man in front of her. Once upon a time he'd have taken every chance for her. "It's good to see you too".

"It's really not. You're lucky you're still standing".

"As are you. I just came to drink in peace".

"Well Port Asgard was the wrong place to choose". Steve argued. She knew he would more than likely be there, so was this her way of torment? A slow torture until her ship sailed out of port without a care in the world? No man in this bar would risk touching her, not unless they valued their life.

Grace just shrugged. "We needed to make Port and this was the closest? I wasn't about to risk the noose docking at Port Stark, plus I have wares to fetch me a price. Just as you do". She crossed her arms, knowing he wouldn't be pulling a pistol on her anytime soon. "Did you miss me Steven?"

"Fuck no". He replied gruffly and took a swig of rum from the bottle in his hand. "No one could miss a face like yours".

"Except you". Her eyes went to the pistol on his belt. "Because you haven't the heart to blow it off".

"You of all people know I don't exactly have a heart anyway".

She took the bottle of rum from him and swigged it, wetting her lips after whilst her eyes kept themselves fixed on him. "Then that would apparently make two of us". 

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