Steve Rogers - Temptress (AU) PT 2

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I keep to the sidelines and stand sipping a bottle of soda through a straw, watching as the party-goers around me talk, dance, drink. A majority aside from the team, I don't know. It seems as though Stark has invited anyone and everyone to his 'small gathering' as he'd put it earlier. Everyone avoids me though, probably because in the suit and mask I am silently intimidating.

I go to take another drink from a tray as a waitress walks past but she breezes on by before I can reach out to grab one. I spy Steve sitting with the war veterans that were clearly invited by him. Thor and Barton are having a game of pool, Nat's at the bar with Banner, and Tony is mingling.

Sipping at the soda the sound it now makes signals to me that I need another. I look down silently at the empty bottle and then hear Steve's voice. "Having a good time?" I simply look his way but say nothing as usual. "I know right, a load of people here and even I barely know any of them".

How does he understand me even when I say nothing?

"Here, thought you could use another soda". He now passes me one with another straw to hand. I take the bottle and look from it to him. "You're welcome". He smiles, knowing that I'm pretty much giving my thanks.

It seems like we've established our own way of communicating.

"Back in the forties? There were places to go dancing, even when there was a war on. Morale was high, even on the worst of days. It had to be. Even though I was still part of a team, I felt like I never fit in - and now? I still don't feel it. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I know what it's like to feel like you stand out..."

I want to ask him if he'll ever feel like he belongs. He was frozen and then woke up seventy years later to a new world. He's had to adjust. Just as I have.

"Cap, Ursula - you both having fun?" Tony now appears and comes over to speak to us. I give Stark the middle finger at him comparing me to the sea witch from the Little Mermaid. "Cap, she just made a bad language sign". He points out.

Steve rolls his eyes. "Can you at least be nice without nicknaming her all the time?"

"I'm sure she's got plenty of names for me". Stark replies with some amusement. On this I raise my hand to his glass that contains his wine, and levitate it out so it's now hovering in the air and staring him straight in the face. "I'm guessing she's gonna hit me in the face or pour it over my head". Without hesitation, I flick my wrist and make it splash him straight in the face, wine now dripping from him. "Yep...guess I was right - nice party trick".

"Tony". Steve rolls his eyes and grabs a napkin from a nearby table. "If anything you deserved it".

Stark tells me to have a good evening and heads off to join another group. I watch him go and then notice Steve smirking. He also notices me watching him. "You should do that more often when he steps outta line".

I could do worse and drown the bastard where he stands. But I give him a stiff nod, and then turn to walk away.

"You'd be nice to know your name, even if you just wrote it down for me - I don't like calling you 'the siren'. Kinda takes away your humanity, your identity. You're still someone".

I stop and look back at him, gesturing for him to follow and he does. I head to my room and walk inside, finding a pen and some paper before writing down what I want to say.

Do you promise to keep this information to yourself? Pushing the paper to Steve and then seeing him read it.

"Scouts honour". He replies and I hesitate for a moment before taking the leap of faith and writing it down.


He looks at the name and then smiles at me. "It's a pretty name. I won't call you that in front of the others, promise. Thanks for trusting me".

I write down what I feel. No. Thank you Captain, for trusting me when no one else wants to. 

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