Part 4 ~ Holy Shit

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~ Tommy POV ~

I woke up and grabbed my phone, scrolling through my notifications. Eventually sitting up after my mother shouted my name for the 7th time. I looked over at the mirror, running my hand down my flat chest. I smiled getting up, getting changed into a T-shirt. I looked at the mirror again, taking another photo. I post it to my Instagram story, to let the fans know I'm still in England. They'd probably start speculating I've gone to America or something. I hum, making my way downstairs, seeing Eryn and Freddie stood in the living room. They look at me, Freddie folds his arms. "Toms, we're going shopping if you wanna come? Y'know, spend time with us before buggering off somewhere." I go and stand next to them, nodding. "Where'd you wanna go?" I ask looking at them, Eryn shrugs, suggesting "Café maybe, for breakfast?" Freddie nods, looking at me. "Yeah, that's fine." I grab a jacket, slipping it on as we walk outside, "You're looking happy today Toms." Freddie says, I smile and nod. "My mum found something that I can use, longer than a binder, I love it. It makes me feel so.. I dunno, it's weird." Eryn smiles and nods, seemingly listening very well.

I loved being friends with Freddie and Eryn, they're both so supportive. We make our way to the bus stop, to wait for the bus to town. We sit and chat for a while, and I check Twitter. People are mentioning Wilbur, he's trending, but I don't think he streamed yesterday or vlogged? Probably those 15 year old girls finding a good picture of him. Probably a picture that will give me gender envy, if I'm honest. I click his name in the trending tab, it's people mentioning that old video of him saying the T slur and mentioning a recent picture of him. I scroll for a bit when I reach the picture they're talking about. It was a picture of Wilbur indeed, but, in a mirror in the back you can see my binder. Very barely, but people are speculating, people are defending, people are being transphobic, and people are being supportive. 'Guys. Remember. Wil uses he/him pronouns, please be respective.' 'Ew. He's a t----y??' What's even worse is that the person had my face as their profile picture. I felt sick. People are disgusting. I go to tweet, shaking as I do so. 

'Hi everyone, um, I'm here to speak about the Wilbur situation. As far as I am aware, he is a cis male. The binder in the back of the picture is mine, I left it by mistake, I am tr' before I finished typing, Freddie placed his hand on my arm, seeing what I was typing so hurriedly. "Tommy, don't if you're not ready. I'm sure Wilbur can sort it out. Does he know?" I delete what I wrote, slipping my phone away. "No, he doesn't. Neither does Phil." Eryn chimes in, "Don't feel obliged to come out to anyone as anything, they don't have to know if you're not ready too. Anyway, our bus is coming." Freddie holds out his hand and we clamber on, sitting on a seat at the back. I go back onto my phone, looking at Wilbur's new tweet. 'Hi, everyone, Just coming on here to say that the binder is not mine. I am indeed cis, the binder belongs to someone I know. I just washed it, that was all. And, if you do bind with a binder, please, do it safely. Do not wear it for longer than 6-8 hours, do not sleep in it, do not exercise in it, and make sure to wash it properly. In the sink, with lukewarm water. Love you all, <3' 

Holy Shit. He probably knows.

~ Wilbur POV ~

After I posted my tweet, I looked at the binder hung up, It was dry now, but Tommy couldn't pick it up until later in the week. I saw his post on Instagram, he seemed happier than last night, less anxious. In the bottom left corner, a suitcase could be seen. When people notice, they're gonna go crazy about it on Twitter. I put my phone down, walking to my computer, I was gonna stream today. Maybe get Tommy in a call before he goes away. I turn my computer on, sitting on my chair, setting up stream, hitting the go live button. I smile and welcome them in, once again, having to discuss the Twitter situation. Once everyone has arrived, I lean back in my chair, just a simple chatting stream would do today. I hum and answer chats questions. " 'Whose is the binder? Name?' Uhm, I can't say. I don't think they'd appreciate me saying if I'm honest." I answer, folding my arms over my chest. " 'Is it . . . C! Tommy's?? /j' Chat, please. Can we not speculate, and no, it's not Tommy's or C Tommy's. I know it's a joke, but it's also extremely disrespectful to the person. Especially if they're not ready to tell anyone." 

I manage to get Tommy in a discord call, "Toms, I'm live by the way." I hold my phone to the microphone. "Hi Wil, Hi chat! I'm just eating my breakfast with Freddie and Eryn at the moment. Hope you're all well." I smile, as the chat spams hello's and stuff. "Ooh, Tommy, there's a question for you." "Read it to me, please Wilbah." As I read the question, it hits me with what it means. 'Tommy? What's the TransTape for? It's in the back back of your Insta story' I search for another question, but now the chat is spamming the TransTape thingy. "Uhm. There was a suitcase, where are you going?" I mutter out, "Ohh, my mum and I are going on a trip somewhere." He answers through a mouthful. I look at the chat, heading over to Twitter, Trans was trending, as well as TommyInnit, and Wilbur Soot. 

I had messed up attracting attention to the TransTape question.


Hiya everyone! 

RIP Techno <3 :((

You Will Be Missed Dearly. 

Terrible Pick Up Line (this one reminded me of Techno :( )

Are You An Orphanage? . . . . 

. . . . . Because I Wanna Give You Kids.

Tommy's Trans Teen Survival. // FTM // TommyInnit Angst. // DSMPWhere stories live. Discover now