Part 10 ~ Streaming With Dream.

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TW- Mention Of SH, Mention Of Suicide.

~ Tommy POV ~

After Wilbur had gone downstairs, I overheard my mother talking to him, "Thank you so much for being there for him, we appreciate you, a lot Wilbur. I know Tommy does as well." He laughed awkwardly, "He is my younger brother, it's my job, anyway I should go." He says, "It's getting late, you can sleep in the guest room if you'd like?" She offers, he thanks her and they chat for a while. I turn to my desk, humming, "Tommy? We're gonna do a mining stream if you wanna join?" Ranboo asks and I shrug, "I might get off now Ranboo, I'm getting pretty tired." I say, and he nods, "Bye Tom!" Bill says and I say goodbye, leaving the call. I turn off my pc, walking downstairs, I smile at my family, opening the fridge. I grab a coke, closing it, opening the cupboard, grabbing a packet of crisps, I close it sitting at the table next to Wilbur. I go on my phone, avoiding Twitter, humming. "I'm making chicken and chips for tea, is that okay Tommy?" My mum asks and I look up at her, "Yeah, that's fine, thank you." I say and Wilbur looks at me, laughing a bit. "What?" I say, looking at him, "I've never heard you be so polite?" He says, and I smile. "Well, you know, different personalities you have with different people, innit?" I hum and he nods. "Yeah, I know what you mean." He says.

I stand up, grabbing my crisps and coke, heading for the stairs, "I'll see you guys later, I'm just going to take my binder off." I say and my mum nods, I walk upstairs, and into my room, putting my stuff down. I look at the mirror sighing. "I hate this life sometimes, man." I say, taking off my shirt then binder, putting my shirt back on. I lay on my bed, scrolling through Twitter, humming. I see the usual transphobic tweet, until, I see one using my deadname. I sit up, clicking onto it, reading replies.

 'Come on, ____ is such a pretty name. I wouldn't be trans if I had it' 

'Isn't that personal information? I don't really think he'd want that out on the internet'

'_____Innit sounds much better than TommyInnit imo'


I sigh, closing the thread, deciding to leave it alone. I scroll further through Twitter, seeing cool art of me holding a trans flag, I like it, scrolling through again. 

'TommyInnit's a girl?? She might actually be accepted by lesbians now'

'We'll never accept her. - A lesbian.'

I give up, making a tweet about it.

'Hi everyone, 

Just coming on here to say, please be respectful, this isn't something I thought I'd have to say to my fanbase, yes, my deadname has been put public, not by my choice, all I ask is that you please, please continue to use Tommy/Thomas/Tom for me, and He/Him/His. I'm okay with fanarts about it, I find them very cool, thank youu'

When I hit the tweet button, my replies were filled by hate and support, the hate outweighing the support by a lot. I delete the Tweet, and put my phone down, sure I was upset by the hate, but, I was also pissed. I turn on my pc, heading to Twitter. I get a notification, looking at my phone.

Dream: 'Hey, you doing alright?'

Me: 'I guess so, just a bit upset that when Ranboo comes out he gets all the support because he's not problematic, but when I get outed and it's not my fault, everyone hates me'

Dream: 'I know what you mean, wanna call?'

I put my phone down, calling Dream on discord, he answers and we greet each other. "Wanna talk about it?" He asks and I shrug, even though he can't see me. "I dunno, I feel selfish about it." I say and he hums. "You can rant to me if you want, or we could do lore, or just talk?" He offers, and I look at the call. When I don't answer, he speaks again, "We could go live on my account?" I hum, "Yeah, but what would we do?" I ask, "We could address the situation? Or we could just have fun?" He offers, "Up to you." I say and he hums, I hear him changing the stream information, "Join my world." He says and I join the world, standing next to his character. He defeans, greeting chat, undeafening "Tommy, say hello." He says and I smile, "Hello!" I say, in my usual happy tone.

After a while of me chasing Dream around, killing him, then him chasing around trying to kill me. I scream at him, when Wilbur walks in, "Dream! Stop, stop, stop! Fuck you, man!" I joke and he wheezes. "Tommy?" He says, and I turn around, "Yeah?" I hum and he smiles, "Foods ready." He says, "I'll be down in a bit." I say and he nods, leaving, closing the door. I turn back to my monitor, "Was that your mother?" He asks, "No, that was Wilbur." I say and he hums, "Tommy, watch out." He says and I turn around to see him shoot me, "Fucksake!" I laugh, and he laughs, going back to collecting supplies. I go out of my house, picking up my stuff again, going to help him. "Someone in your chat just told me to call you Clay." I laugh and he can audibly smile, "I don't know why they say that, like people don't call me Clay in real life." He laughs, "Me neither, Culay." I laugh and he laughs, "Why'd you say it like that?!" He wheezes, "CUlayy!" He laughs.

After a while, I hum, looking at Dreams chat, "My friend saw Tommy in hospital, just wanna make sure he's okay." Dream says, "You were in hospital?" He asks and I open my coke, "Yeah, It's a triggering topic though so if I do talk about it, be careful if it's triggering to you." I say and Dream moves in his chair, "I uhh, I'm okay now, but, my mental health was pretty bad, I.. cut myself, not allowing it to heal properly. I slept on them, on purpose to hide them from Kristin and Phil, nearly.. killing myself." I explain, and Dream speaks up, "We're thankful you're okay now Tommy, It's getting late so if you wanna end now we can?" He offers and I hum, "Do you wanna?" I ask, "We don't have to, I was just thinking since blood transfers can be pretty tiring." He hums, "I'm okay, we can continue if you want?" I ask and he speaks "Alright, I was thinking we could go on the dreamsmp?" He asks and I smile.

We stream for like 2 more hours before ending it, and I head to bed. 

Tommy's Trans Teen Survival. // FTM // TommyInnit Angst. // DSMPWhere stories live. Discover now