Part 13 ~ Dream :D

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TW - Mention of Self Harm.

~ Tommy POV ~

I wake up, getting showered and dressed, I look at the mirror with my binder on instead of the TransTape. It looked fine, I wasn't going to be outside a whole lot today, mainly just in my bedroom with my 'brother' streaming. My mum shouts me down, and I put my shoes on walking downstairs. We eat and get in the car, driving to the airport. "What made him want to come to England?" She asks, "We both came out and got loads of hate, I took it to heart, he helped me through it. Maybe even more than Wil, but, you know. I made a joke about him visiting and he bought the ticket." I say and she nods. 

The whole drive was pointless conversation about our days and what me and Dream would do, and if he'd call her mum or not. Soon, she parked the car and I got out rushing in, her following me. I walk and stand against a wall, being recognised. "Excuse me? TommyInnit?" They ask and I look at them, smiling. "Wait, are you flying out somewhere?" They add on and I shake my head. "I'm actually waiting for my brother. Not Wil, he's back in Brighton." I hum and my mum looks at them, "He went to university abroad, studying coding and stuff." she says, I was about to speak before we heard, "Tom!" Being shouted, I looked at a man not that taller than me, dirty blonde hair, plain green mask, and some of my merch. He had a black suitcase and an over the shoulder bag. I smile, "Clay!" I say, rushing towards him, he brings me into a hug and we laugh. 

"God, this feels surreal." I say, looking up at him. "I didn't expect you to actually come." I laugh, folding my arms. "Obviously I'm gonna come see you, it's been years since we've seen each other Tom." He laughs out, walking over to my mum. "Hi dear, we've missed you." She says and he hums, "I've missed you guys too." He says, putting on a very good British accent. I look at the fan, "Sorry, I've just missed him so much. Did you want a picture or anything?" I ask and they nod, "Can I get a picture with you and your brother? I won't post it if you don't want me to." They say, and I look at Dream who nods. "You can post it if you want." Dream hums and we take the photo. "Can I have your account name? I'd love to see the post of my two boys." My mum says and she gets told it, waving the person goodbye.

In the car, I sit beside Dream's suitcase browsing Twitter for the picture. I find it, liking it, replying to the tweet. 'He is real, and back. I couldn't be more glad if I'm honest.' I tweet, putting my phone down. Dream gets a call from Sapnap, answering it, putting it on speaker. "Dude? What the fuck? When did you decide to go to England?!" He asks, "Yesterday, Tommy asked me over, so I went." He hums, "But when George asks you over, you say no?" Sapnap asks, "Bro, have you been on Twitter recently? Tommy's going through shit, he needs someone to help him through it. I know how he feels not being accepted for who he is." Dream says, "Relax, I'm not mad you went to England, I'm pissed because I ordered you a breakfast this morning, as a nice surprise and I had to eat it myself." He says, "Anyway, I'll let you go. Cya." Sapnap hums, hanging up.

We get home, and I walk upstairs showing Dream his room, walking to mine. I sit in the chair, changing stream information, then title to 'QnA with my brother/brother reveal' waiting for him to arrive. He walks in, pulling a chair up beside me, sitting down. "You ready?" I ask and he nods, keeping the mask on, I pass him some sunglasses and he puts them on. I push the 'Go Live' button, keeping the screen black, muting myself. "What are we gonna do when you go back to Florida?" I ask and he shrugs, "Tell them the truth I guess, I'm keeping the mask on pretty much all the time though." He hums and I nod.

I look at chat spamming things like 'The Twitter Post Guys, It's Not Wilbur', 'WILBUR??' and 'HI KING :D' I unmute myself, shoving Dream out of the camera view, changing screens, putting my face cam on. "Hi chat, how are we today?" I ask and they spam the word 'good', I nod, sitting up properly in my chair, "My brother? Ohh, no, it's not Wilbur, it's my actual brother." I say. "Lemme find the post.." I say, heading to Twitter, changing screens, clicking on it. "He's fucking tall, I'll tell you that much, and.. a Dream 'stan'." He jokes, shaking his head while smiling, pulling him into frame. Dream waves at the camera, looking at the chat, using his British accent. "Hello, I am real. And no, I'm not a Dream stan, I'm more of a George stan." He hums, looking at me. "Of course you're a gogy stan, you probably find him hot." I say, jokingly. He shrugs folding his arms.

"Uhm.. 'You remind me of Dream' How so?" He asks, and I look at the chat, " 'your voice'? He can do an amazing Dream impression, if you wanna show them?" I ask and he nods, "What do I say?" He asks and I shrugs, "Ask George out or something, I want people to clip it out of context and send it to him." I say and he nods, coughing, using his normal voice. "George? Yeah, I really wanna ask him out. If I had the chance to say "Will you date me?" to him, seriously, I probably would. He'd probably think of it as a joke though, even if my feelings are genuine towards him." He says and people start sending clip links in the chat, I click on it, listening to it, laughing. "Chat, chat, send it to him." I laugh, closing the tab. 

(I'm gonna include some angst in upcoming chapters probably)

Tommy's Trans Teen Survival. // FTM // TommyInnit Angst. // DSMPWhere stories live. Discover now