Part 14 ~ George

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TW- Unsafe Binding

~ Tommy's POV ~

After the stream, Dream and I had eaten our tea and were sat in my room. I watched him speed run the game, laughing at him when he died and he rolled his eyes. I got a notification, seeing that George had tweeted something.

'wtf?? @.DreamWasTaken.' and then it was the audio, edited onto Dreams character running around. I show him and he looks at it, playing the clip. He looked at me, getting his phone, tweeting a response. 

'What? That's not me, I swear.' 

He puts his phone down, going back to the game, humming. I refresh the page, waiting for Georges reply. A simple 'Oh.' was all it was. I show him again and he smiles, finishing killing the dragon. "How long was I?" He asks and I check my timer, "43 minutes, 17 seconds." I say and he nods, opening Discord, seeing George in VC2, probably streaming. "Wanna join him?" I ask and he nods, putting his accent on, joining the VC "Hi Tommy." George hums, "Hello, my brother's here by the way." I say and he hums.

"The brother who asked me out with the Dream impression?" He asks, clearly unhappy about it. "Yeah.. sorry about that." I say, "Oh, no. It's fine. Honestly." He says. Dream looks at me, frowning. "So, uhh, how are you doing Gogy?" I ask, pushing Dream out of the way so I can sit at my desk. "I'm okay. What about you and your brother?" He asks, and Dream starts speaking. "We're good." He says and George hums. 

After the stream, Dream goes to a separate call with George and I sit in the back. He no longer has the accent. "Okay, I've ended the stream now." He says, "George?" Dream says and it goes dead silent. "No way." George says. Dream chuckles lightly, "Yep." He says. "Are you in Tommy's house, or are you just on his account?" He asks. I watch him put the mask and glasses on, turning on the face cam. "I'm in Tommy's house." He says, pointing at me. I wave at him and I kid you not, George probably cried.

"If you want, we can meet each other?" Dream offers, looking at me, "Yeah, when?" He asks, "It's getting pretty late now, so tomorrow?" Dream asks and George hums a yes. "I'm gonna head off to sleep, I'll see you in the morning." he says, hanging up. Dream looks at me, "George is probably gonna come here, so just be up and ready in the morning." I say, forcing a yawn. Dream nods, getting up and leaving.

I probably set up a date with that, but that means I'm gonna be left out. I walk to the bathroom, closing the door, looking in the mirror. I'd definitely worn my binder for too long, but it was fine. It didn't hurt or anything, so I assume I was safe to sleep in it. I brush my teeth, and walk back to my room, changing and laying down. I put my phone on charge and go to sleep.

The morning was terrible, but, I pushed through. I get up, going downstairs, seeing George in the living room. "Hi Tommy." He says and I smile, walking and sitting next to him. "Hi George. Where's Dream?" I ask and he shrugs, "I got here like 5 minutes ago." He says and I nod, Dream walks downstairs, mask on. He was wearing a hoodie and some jeans. He walks into the kitchen, grabbing a drink, walking to the living room on the phone to Sapnap. "What if he hates me?" He asks, "He'd probably not show up if he hated you." I say and he looks at us, hanging up. Almost dropping his glass of water.

George looks at him, getting up. I get up and leave, I can't be arsed watching this scene from something like a wattpad book. I walk and sit in the kitchen, listening to them talk was like when me and Tubbo interacted for the first time in real life. I decide to just continue wearing the binder instead of taking it off, It's just easier and it makes me feel better.

It's not like anything bad can happen. 

Until something bad happened. I was in pain as the day went on, but, I was out with Dream and George so I couldn't exactly take it off. I was also in a plain T-shirt, so my chest would be pretty noticeable. I could ask Dream but that's awkward. 

This particular time, the pain got worse. That bad, it caused me a panic attack. Dream helped me through it and stayed in the toilets while I took the binder off. George stood by his side, probably holding his hand or something. I sat on the floor of the toilet stall, binder in my hands. "How long have you worn it for?" Dream asks, "Uhh, since like 10am yesterday or something." I mutter, "Tommy, the wearing time limit thing is like 6-8 hours, not 26-28 hours." George says. 

"Are you coming out, yet?" Dream asks, "No. Last time I did that it didn't go well." I joke and Dream laughs a bit, "Out of the stall." He says, "Oh, no. You can see my chest." I say, folding my arms. Dream slides his hoodie under, and I pick it up. "Put that on then, we need to get you home so your mom can see if there's any major damage done from the binder." He says, knees cracking as he stands up. I get up, putting the hoodie on, breaking my back leaning forward to hide it as I leave the stall. George takes the binder, shoving it in his bag and we leave.

Dream was from Florida, so he was freezing in his t-shirt. George laughs at him, still holding his hand as we walked to the bus stop to head home. Dream wraps his arms around George to 'keep in the heat' but I think they're in love or something. On the bus, it doesn't change. Until we get recognised. 

"Wait, TommyInnit?" They ask and I smile  at them, nodding. "Can I get a picture?" They ask and I nod, not really liking the DNF in the corner of the bus, "George is over there if you want a picture with us both." I suggest and they smile, nodding. "Clay, let go of George, a fan wants a picture." I hum and he glares at me, letting go, putting on his accent. "It's fucking freezing Tom." He says and I nod. We take the picture with the fan and they compliment us.

Masculine compliments that I relish in. They make me so happy. 

Dream wraps his arms around George again, who takes his jacket off, wrapping it around Dream. Then, it started raining. "Fuck sake." I say, looking out of the window. Dream puts the jacket on, luckily it being his size 'cause George got the wrong one. "George, are you gonna be alright?" Dream asks and he shrugs. I look at them, then back out the window. I push the stop button and we all get off, basically running to my house, going inside. 

The rain didn't seem as though it was stopping any time soon either. I went to the kitchen and made a nice hot cup of tea for everyone, they walked in and sat down, Dream taking off the jacket, George being soaked. Dream opened his shoulder bag, throwing a hoodie at George, putting one on. I put the tea down and we sat, talking and drinking it. Dream took off his mask, with a lot of hesitance, and George stared at him like he was the hottest mother fucker on the planet. He drank his tea, awkwardly looking down. George hadn't seen his face yet, so this was a surprise to him. 

"What shall we do?" I ask and George shrugs, dragging his eyes away from Dreams lips or something. Dream looks at me, "Do you have any rainy day games?" He asks and I stare at him like he was stupid. "This isn't the 1900's Dream, when you were like 7 did you skip rocks?" I ask and he looks at me, "What year do you think I turned 7?" He asks and I think about it, like, genuinely try to work it out. "19... 81...?" I ask and he puts his cup down. "I'm not 40!" He shouts, making George laugh, "Why are you laughing? That would make you 45!" he says, and I shrug. "When I was 7, I was playing video games and making friends. Not skipping rocks like old people." He says, "Really?" I ask and he nods. "When I was 7 I would throw rocks at kids." I say.

We play some 'rainy day games' and Dream has more fun than George and I do combined, I think George stuck around so he could stare at Dream for longer. He could easily get a taxi to the train station and leave, but apparently, the millionaire 'can't afford' a £10.00 taxi ride. Dream offered to pay but George declined stating he doesn't like to spend other peoples money.

He's clearly in love with the fucking American.

A few red flags here and there, the biggest one being he's an American and isn't used to the cold.

Tommy's Trans Teen Survival. // FTM // TommyInnit Angst. // DSMPWhere stories live. Discover now