Part 16 ~ An End Leads To A New Beginning

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TW- Drug Use - Cocaine, Death/Suicide - Jumping Off Balcony

~ 3rd POV ~

Marcus lined up the white powder on the table, teaching Tommy how to snort it while Tommy made YouTuber jokes. "My friend teaches me drug use, not clickbait." He says, laughing, making Marcus laugh. Everything was stupidly funny to the two, so laughing came easy to them. Marcus got up and put a line down for Tommy, who rolled up a piece of paper, snorting it. He held his nose, not used to doing drugs and Marcus smiled at him, "We should probably put this shit away." He says, putting his drugs away, helping Tommy inside. They lock the balcony door and get into their beds. 

In the morning, Tommy felt terrible. Marcus passed him a McDonald's bag and they ate together, talking about last night. "Your nose." Marcus says and Tommy feels the hot liquid running down his face. He gets up, walking to the bathroom, sorting his nose bleed out. Marcus joins him, leaning on the wall. "It's normal when you do cocaine, don't worry." He says and Tommy nods, following him back out into the main room. They get dressed and go about their days as usual. Tommy walked around the beach and Marcus sold drugs. 

Tommy walked back to the hotel, walking in, grabbing the bag of white powder. He sits and snorts some of it, grabbing a bottle of vodka, sitting on the balcony, repeating Marcus' actions, rolling a joint, smoking it. He drinks most of the bottle, going on Twitter. 

'I wouldn't be surprised if TommyInnit had killed himself with all the hate'

That popped an idea into his head. He got up, looking out at the view, drinking the rest of the vodka, dropping the bottle, making it smash. He looks down at it, walking back inside, grabbing the cocaine, snorting another line. He read through the hate on Twitter, making sure pretty much everyone would be happy he ended it. He was happy with the results, making a tweet. 

'IDK how I should write this, by saying bye I guess? It'll be found out soon, but, yes. I've done cocaine, weed, I've drank alcohol. I'm pretty much drunk writing this now as well as high. I'm still sober enough to know what I'm doing, just tipsy I guess. Welp, to the main thingy of my final tweet.

Fuck you all. Fuck everyone who told me to kill myself, fuck everyone who deadnamed me and misgendered me thinking I wouldn't care. 

@.Dream, @.GeorgeNotFound, @.WilburSoot, @.MrsSarahSimons 

I love you guys :), thanks for putting up with me. Thank you in particular Dream for doing that whole brother bit with me. Thank you all for helping me through shit. Thank you Marcus for helping me with the TransTape. I don't think I can thank everyone I want to thank in such short time. Sadly, this isn't my place anymore. Crazy to think this all happened because I left a binder at Wilbur's house.

Cya in another life. 

I'm going to help Techno fight God. Wish us luck. :)

-Thomas Simons.' 

He posts it, watching his phone for a while while the tweet blows up. He gets up, walking back to the balcony. "You'll see him soon, Tommy." He whispers to himself, getting up on the ledge. People on the bottom look up, shouting for him to step back down. It was all basically white noise to him. He listened to his phone ring, messages coming through faster than ever. His legs were shaking and he felt like he was about to break down. 

Dream looked at the Tweet, shouting for Wilbur who walks to him. He shows him the Tweet, and Wilbur's face colour drains. He paces the room, calling Tommy over and over again, feeling a panic attack coming on.

George looked at the trending tab, seeing 'RIP TommyInnit' trending, he clicks on scrolling through, finding the Tweet Tommy made. He stared at it, not knowing what to do.

Mrs. Simons looked at the Tweet, reading through it, breaking down in her husbands arms. He held her close and called the police to warn them about the attempt. He helped his wife to calm down, by rubbing her back. 

Marcus got told by his mates, and he ran back to the hotel, looking up at Tommy on the balcony. He sprinted to the elevator, frantically clicking the button to their floor. When the doors opened, he ran and basically kicked the door open. "Tommy!" He shouted, running over, watching the other man fall forward. He tried to reach for him, but missed by a few centre metres. He turned away, not wanting to watch his latest friend splat on the ground beneath them. 

The hospital waiting room was silent, Marcus stared out the window. Wilbur sat next to George and Dream had an arm around George who was crying, his parents sat arms folded thinking about what went wrong. 

The doctor came out, "Parents, please." He says and his father stands up, walking his mother over. The doctor walked to just outside the room, an apologetic look on his face. "I apologise. He didn't make it, he had various drugs in his system, alcohol in his system." He says. Sarah nods, holding onto her husband. "He didn't make it. Would you like to say goodbye?" He asks and they nod, walking in the room. 

Everyone says their goodbyes. All breaking down.

Tommy opened his eyes, sitting up, looking to his left. He saw someone smiling gently at him. "You idiot. You should've waited." He says, pushing his glasses up his nose. Tommy stares shocked at him, getting up, giving him a hug. He hugs him back, letting Tommy break down in his arms. "You're gonna get my clothes wet, Theseus. How are we gonna beat God with wet clothes?" He jokes and Tommy pulls back, laughing through his tears, wiping his face. "I've missed you, a lot." Tommy says, "Me too. I can't believe I got told to take this annoying child to the gates." He jokes, turning and walking away.

Tommy ran after his brother, talking about everything he's missed since he passed. Techno smiles, listening to every word he has to say. "I visited Wilbur actually." He says and Tommy looks at him, "In the Minecraft dream where you called him a loser?" Tommy asks and the other smiles and nods. "I miss them." He hums, stopping in front of giant, white gates. Tommy stares shocked. "This is so cool!" He shouts and Techno smiles. "I still think you should've waited to see it." He says, helping Tommy through the gates and up the stairs. 

"I'm just glad I got to see you, Techno." He hums, following him. 

"Remember when you asked Wilbur if I'd be proud of you for coming out?" He asks and Tommy nods. "I'm so proud of you Tommy. I always have been." He says and Tommy breaks down again.

Techno pulls him up, walking him up the rest of the stairs, while Tommy rants.

This was gonna be a long walk.


I really wanted to have them meet :(

I like this ending, I might do an alternate ending idk.

Tommy's Trans Teen Survival. // FTM // TommyInnit Angst. // DSMPWhere stories live. Discover now