[Chapter 5] - I Don't Understand

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[Name] POV

I fummed as I sat on my bed looking at my bullshit Chemistry homework. Like math with letters wasn't complicated enough. When I find the person who made chemistry equation, I'm gonna shove these problems so far u their ass.... Sadly, they're probably already dead though, so I'll never get that chance. I out my work aside to and noticed the Professor looked irritated himself. It's probably best not to bother him...

"[NAME]!!" his voice screamed. Or not.... "Y-yes Professor Uchiha?" I questioned. "Look at this!" he said handing me a paper. It looked like on of his grading papers. "W-what's wrong with it?" I questioned. "Look at the grade..." he said. I looked and it read D. "It's a D...." I said. "No shit... out of all my years working here. I have never had a student get lower than A be on ANY of my assignments. It appears your little Hall of Fame plan isn't working, and is dwindling my performance. So starting tomorrow we are going back to the old way. No more power points and no more decorations. It seems like students work better in prison," he scolded. He stormed out the room before I could even say anything. Did he just curse? Geez, he must be furious but does he have to acts so childish? I guess he has a reason for it this time. I snooped through his other grading papers while he was gone. So far, it looked like out of 20/32 students he graded already 7 got a C or lower on this assignment. It is a bit odd since I put the Powerpoints up there myself and I made it as easy as humanly possible. I took a notepad an wrote down the names of all the students that didn't get at least a B. He didn't finish grading everyone, so I'll have to figure out if there are more students later. I'll ask those students tomorrow what they didn't understand about the lecture maybe I can help. Plus they're ruining my chances of being able to not take the final. "What did I tell you about snooping through my stuff" "EEK-" I yelped and quickly turned around hiding the sticky note of names in my pocket. 

"Sorry, Professor Uchiha. I was just looking to see what grade I got on the assignment" I lied. He walked passed me and handed me a paper. It read: 89% BOOYAA!! "Do better" he said instantly ruining my parade. I opened my mouth to say something, but he instantly cut me off. "You're the one making the PowerPoints, so there should be no reason for to get less than an A on my assignments. If the student making the PowerPoint can't get an A, that means nobody else will either," he said. He's really blaming me for these failing grades, and won't even let me get a word in. "Professor I-"

"It's U-CHI-HA" he said coldly. It kind of scared me. I simply lowered my head and nodded. "Yessir" was all I could say. Seeing how harsh he was being, he clicked his teeth, and left the room without a word. After he left, a small tear shed from my eye. I quickly whipped it away. I wasn't sad... I was angry. He'll see... I'll get me and everyone else in that class an A on the next test. He'll fucking see, and I'll do it without those stupid PowerPoints. 


It was later that night

[Sasuke] POV 

I made my way back to the dorm room. I would've been there sooner, but this place is so fucking big, and my drunk ass got a bit lost... Not to mention I entered the wrong room, and some students were doing "it". If you're gonna partake in those activities LOCK THE DOOR. I sighed as I opened the door to the room, and saw [Name] passed out on her bed with her laptop open. Papers surrounded her. At least they weren't on the floor this time, but does she not realize she can cause a fire that way. I closed her laptop, and noticed that the paper surrounding her where notes from my class. I clicked my teeth annoyed remembering what I said to her earlier. Why does she make me feel like such an asshole. Normally, she would at least have a comeback or as sarcastic remark ready, but earlier... I guess I didn't give her much of a chance. I facepalmed. I even curse at her. I could get fired for that. She looked so happy to receive that grade. I should have just said good job. I sighed and walked over to my desk. That's right I still have to finish grading these disappointing papers before tomorrow... That's when I noticed my papers were stacked neatly and a sticky note was placed on top of it. It read:

Dorming with My College Professor (Sasuke Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora