[Chapter 9] - I Challenge You!

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[Sasuke] POV

I sighed as I parked my car in my usual teacher's parking. We'd finally made it back to the school. I really spent my entire Friday babysitting one of my students. Good thing I declined Naruto's offer before and didn't go out drinking or who knows what might have happened. I looked over to [Name] and sighed again. I have so many questions...

Suddenly, [Name]'s eyes slowly opened. She caught me staring at her. I quickly looked away. 

[Name] POV

I opened my eyes, and was met with a stare from the "great" professor. Honestly, I never know how to feel with him. Do I take him seriously? Do I not? Is he angry? Which is usually always a yes, but then there are these rare occasions when he's not. I yawn and looked around. "We're back?" I questioned. "Yeah, I was just about to wake you" he said as he unlocked his door. We both got out of the car, and a voice can be heard. "Sasukeeeee!" I remember that voice it was that pink haired woman from earlier. Suddenly, Sasuke grabbed my hand and was dragging me down the hallway running. We stopped at our dorm room, and he closed the door and locked it. We caught our breath. I forgot that I had drank prior to this little marathon, but my body didn't. I grabbed the nearest trash can and hurled. 

....Great, now I have something to be embarrassed about. I quickly gurgled mouthwash and took out the trash. "Sorry.. about that," Professor said. I was still gargling, so I gave him the thumbs up signaling it was okay. I opened a nearby window, and spit. Few second later, I heard a scream, and I quickly shut the window. Oops... "What was that about. Was that not one of your lady friends?" I questioned. He glared at me. "I don't have "multiple" lady friends. To be honest, I don't have any lady friends," he said. My eyes gleamed and sparkled. "So that means you have guy friends. It makes sense cause you and Naruto definitely seemed close and-" The Professor gave me a nooogie and stopped my little fantasy. "I don't have guy friends either," he said. "Well, I don't get it. It seems like miss pink hair likes you. I mean sure you got a poor attitude, but it most eyes you'd all under the highly attractive category. This would technically classify you as a "bad boy" type and most if not all girls and guy love that type. Professor's eye twitched. "I will ignore that ENTIRE statement. "I'm well aware that Sakura is attracted to me. However, those feelings aren't reciprocated and -" he paused as if he realized something. "Nevermind, I shouldn't even be talking about this topic with you," he said before turning over to his desk. I smirked evilly. 

[Sasuke] POV

I turned to my desk, and began creating new assignments. Suddenly, [Name] popped her head into view. "So, her name's Sakura, huh? Seems ironic for a girl with pink hair," she said. "You're one to talk [Name]." I said. She puffed her cheeks. "My name isn't ironic!" she exclaimed. I rolled my eyes, and a smirk left my lips. 

[Name] POV

I watched the professor smirk. It's was nice to see the tension between us fading. It was always awkward to see him and pretend it didn't affect me. I'm just happy to see him not stress again. I let out a smile. He noticed this and looked down in thought. He opened his mouth to speak, but quickly shut it. "What is it?" I questioned tilting my head to the side. "I... It's just... did you really take 40 shots?" he questioned. I had no way of knowing, but I had a feeling that wasn't his original question. I answered anyways. "It was definitely more than 40. I make it my goal to always beat my prior record, so I think this time it was in fact 78-83" I said proudly. I awaited to be praised, but all he simply said was. "You're an idiot." I fell over in grief. I smirked. "Keep going and you might be able to beat my friend Naruto. He got his liver surgically removed just for the purpose. However, you might also end up in AA if you keep going like this"  he warned. I ignored his warning and asked, "what's Naruto's best?" "I stopped counting after 103" he said as neatly stacked some papers. "EHHH?! Such an ability needs to be put to a test!" I said. The professor twitched and got up. I forgot how much he towered over me since I have the top bunk. "Don't get an ideas. You are absolutely not drinking tonight, and I won't be responsible for my friends getting you drunk," he said. I rolled my eyes and mutter, "You're no fun..." He would have probably killed me right there if my phone didn't ring. I answered. 

"Hello?" I said. 

"[Nameeeee] how you doing? Just checking up on you? You sober yet?" asked Rayvn.

I could hear in the background clapping noises. I sweat dropped. 

[Sasuke] POV

I eavesdropped as [Name] took her phone call. 

"Yes I'm fine and sober. But, you know I don't like you calling me during your activites" she said. 

There was a knock on the door. I looked at the time and sighed. It's late who could this be. 

"So you expect me to believe you're at an opera and they were just clapping cause it was the finally" [Name] exclaimed. 

I snickered. Sounds like something Naruto would say if he could actually get any. I got up and walked over to the door. 

"It sounds more like they were clapping for you to reach your finally." [Name] said. 

"Yeah whatever.... bye" [Name] said before hanging up. 

I waited for her to finish the conversation before opening the door. NO ONE needed to here that.

I opened the door slightly only for Naruto to burst in the door.

[Name] POV

Naruto burst in the room, and behind him was the woman known as Sakura.

 "I have liquor!" Naruto announced. 

I looked at Sasuke and he looked extremely puzzled, and slightly annoyed. "Naruto what are you doing here?" Sasuke asked. 

"Well, you couldn't come out and party, so I decided to bring the party to you," Naruto said. 

"Yeah Naruto said you were babysitting," Sakura said while looking at me. It made me want to laugh because she is the type of people Rayvn would beat up for picking on me in middle school. 

"Now that I think of it I don't see a bay Sasuke. Were you lying to me... Your best friend," Naruto said with fake tears. 

Sasuke said squinched the bridge of his nose. "no," was all he said. 

I walked in front of Professor Uchiha which kind of surprised him. I smiled at Naruto. "So, you're the famous Naruto the professor has been bragging about." 

Naruto eyes gleamed as they teared up with joy. "Sasuke brags about me?"

"And I'm Sakura, I'm sure you heard Sasuke talk about me," she said. "I don't believe he has, but it's very nice to meet you Sakura." I said shaking her hand. I could feel her tight grip on mine as she glared at me. I could see Sasuke facing palming in the corner of my eye. "So, Naruto hear that you have a drinking record," I said. "Yup 113" he said proudly. I grabbed a bottle from Naruto's pack he was holding. Opened the cap with my teeth. Mental note never do that again cause it FUCKING HURT.

"Well then Naruto, I challenge you because I can beat that score."

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