[Chapter 6] - Hereeeeeeee's Pinky

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[Name] POV

It was the next day. Uhhhhh, I couldn't sleep at all after last night. I yelled at doodoo brain Professor, but he said nothing. I was too afraid to turn around an look at him to see the impact of my response. I sighed and looked at the post it notes of the names in my hand. I was meeting with the kids that failed his recent assignment in the library before class started. It was ten kids total. I was a little nervous  Surprisingly they were all juniors. I was nervous, so I brought Ravyn along. 

"Are you okay [Name]? You've been looking tired these past few weeks. Tiredness causes bags and bags are ugly. You know I don't have ugly friends," she said. "You don't have ANY friends. From what I recall" I said. "That's meannnn" she cried. Was she not just calling me ugly a few seconds ago? "I'm just trying to be supportive. I don't see why you should care about everyone else's grades anyways," she pouted. I let out a small laugh. She's not wrong why should I care? Cause he'll probably get fired... so what. Before my thoughts could progress any further, ten of my classmates sat down in front of me. 

"Hi everyone I'm [Name]" I introduced. "We know who you are" one said. "Yeah, why'd you call us here?" another spoke. "Well.... I was here to talk to you about your recent assignment grades for Professor Uchiha's class" I said. "Oh.. that guy" one said. "Uhhh I hate him so much" another added. "I understand he can be quite irritating, but we're not here to talk about that right now. I called you guys here to see what all you didn't understand about the assignment. I want to help you guys reach an A" I said with a smile. 

"Oh we understood the assignment" one said. "Huh?" I questioned. "Yeah we just didn't do it" the other spoke. "But why? That can hurt your chances of passing and finding a good career after college," I said. 

"[Name] I'll be right back! Hot guy at 12 o' clock walked in I gotta go greet him okay!" Rayvn said before running off.  I sighed. 

"You wanna know why? Come here" one motioned for me to come closer. "We don't even need to take this course," one said. I was completely confused. "Then why-" "Because I heard he was gonna get fired if he didn't meet a specific number of passing grades." 

My eyes widened, that's not entirely correct because its the number of drop outs the class has, but the low grades will certainly effect his ego on always having a class with 96% or above. "Why would you do all that to get him fired. You'll just have to take the course again, and might even get stuck with a worse teacher" I said. "Come on you saw it, no one is worse than him. You experienced his cruelty on the first day," one said. I let out an awkward laugh. "Yeah.. but he's been more forgiving since then don't you think?" I said. I'm talking out of my ass at this point. That man forgiving HA! If it weren't or me he wouldn't have a forgiving bone in his body.

"I will say he's gotten a lot better by having PowerPoints and that Hall of Fame thing in the room" one of them said. 

"Seeeee so why not try better on the next assignment" I asked. 

"MMMM, NAAAAAAH" they all said simultaneously. "We'd rather see him get fired like the asshole he his," one said. 

I was about to say something, but the bell rang and they all left. I sighed and Rayvn came back. "Soooo how did it go?" she questioned. "Not good they wanna get him fired" I said. "...So" Rayvn questioned. "Soooo, that's not good they're gonna fail jut to try an get this man fired. That's dumb" I said. "Well actually that's kinda smart cause they could just take the class next semester with a better teacher" Rayvn said. I glared at her angrily. "There's no guarantee there will be a better teacher. To be honest, yes Professor Uchiha is an asshole, but the hard work and knowledge I put in and acquired during that class, no other teacher could do the same. This class  has taught me not only the requirements, but discipline, time management, the ability to focus. The list goes on," I stated. "Are you sure that's the only reason you're doing this" Rayvn asked. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why else would I be doing this? I care about my education" I said. Rayvn looked at me. She looked as though she was studying my glared carefully before she spoke. She shrugged "Whatever but if I were you I'd hurry Miss Time Management because you have 5 minutes to get to that class that's halfway across the school." My eyes widened as I quickly grabbed my stuff and ran. 


I gasped for air as I just barely made it to class, but when I got there the class was empty. I was confused. "Did you not get the message? Class is cancelled for today?" spoke a familiar arrogance. I looked up to see the Professor sitting at his desk with a cup of coffee in a pink mug. "Message?"


I checked my phone at the just now coming in email. Stupid Wifi...

I sighed. "Well... Anyways I got good news" I spoke. I felt a bit awkward seeing as these are the first words I've spoken to him since my out burst yesterday. "It's about the lower than B grades you got-"

"Actually, I've been meaning to talk to you about that. Don't worry about it. It's my responsibility as your teacher to handle failing grades. I was wrong to even put the blame on you an for that I am sorry. You are a student and should be focusing on your grades only. So, we can forget about the challenge, okay?" he said. I was at complete loose for words. Why would he say that? Does he not care about getting fired if the whole class fails? No, that's not it he cares. Then what is it? Why is he pushing away my help. 

"Sasukeeeeeeee" exclaimed a voice. Before I could turn, a pink haired woman walked passed me. I could see the Professors deminer stiffen. Then he sighed and muttered what sounded like a curse under his breath.

[Sasuke] POV

Of all fucking times to be bothered, you choose now Sakura. I was immediately engulfed in a hug. "Have you finished the tea I made you?" she asked. "Sakura, please not now. Can't you see I'm dealing with a student?" I questioned. "Hmm? Where?" she questioned turning around. I looked and she was right [Name] was no where to be seen. Shit.

[Name] POV

*heart beats*

I see now...I realize..... I'm starting to like him. That's why he's distancing himself.... And if that's the case... 










he's doing everything in his power to not like me...

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