[Chapter 15] - WHO DO WE WANT!

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[Rayvn] POV

I sat at a nearby table across from [Name]'s study group. Ever since her old Professor was fired she's been doing nothing,  but studying with a whole bunch of random people. Yes, I am a little jealous because she's my bestfriend and we don't get to hang out anymore. More importantly, she looks like she's fighting a whole bunch of pain. Once I find out who's behind this I'm going to ring their neck.

"If you keep staring like that you'll pop a vein," Itachi said. 

"I can't help it seeing my best friend so hurt is literally killing me," I said sadly. 

"Figuratively," Itachi said. 

"Now is not  good time for that! What are you even doing here anyways," I glared at him. 

"I came with good news of course! I found out a way to get my brother back, but it depends on how well you are at convincing. It might also reveal who's behind this as well,"  


[Name] POV

Everyone groaned as they walked out the classroom muttering comments like,

"I totally failed that test" or "goodbye 3.0 GPA"

I felt bad. I was trying my hardest. It just seemed like no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't understand. The material wasn't making sense, and it seemed like he added new things we didn't even learn yet the test. 

I sighed, and walked out the class only to be met with Rayvn. 

"Sorry, Rayvn I can't hang right now. The final exam is two weeks away and I have to help at least 80 students understand the material," I said. 

"Aweee, but I have good news. I know of a way to get Asshole Uchiha back," she smiled evilly. 

That name. I've tried my best to block it out of existence. Even now, just hearing it makes me want to cry. 

"I'm sorry, Rayvn but I don't have time to waste on the past. I have to focus on my future along with everyone else's," I said walking past her. 

I know she was shocked and maybe hurt by my words, but to speak that name so carelessly to me. It really breaks my heart. 

[Rayvn's] POV

I watched as [Name] walked away. I see now this is how she felt when he walked  away from her.  I sighed. 

"Don't worry [Name]! I'll make you smile again. I promise."


[Name] POV

It was now the day of the final exam. I sighed. God give me and the rest of the class a miracle to pass this class. Just as I was arriving to class I heard commotion. I turned the corner and saw a protest happening in front of my classroom. Leading that protest was Rayvn. She had a megaphone in one hand and a sign in the other. There were at least 300 students behind her. I recognized the students from my class, but I didn't know any of the others.

"WHAT DO WE WANT!" Rayvn exclaimed. 

"A BETTER TEACHER!" The group of 300 yelled.

"WHEN DO WE WANT HIM!" she yelled.


I noticed the students were blocking Professor Orochimaru from entering the class so they must have been there for a while. The Principal didn't even know what to do. He was yelling at security to handle the students, but security could only do so much without actually harming the students. Especially since there was reporters and press everywhere.

I walked up to the group and that's when both Rayvn and Professor Orochimaru noticed me. Rayvn was about to say something to me when Professor Orochimaru pulled me to the side. 

"[Name]! I'm glad you're here. Quickly, handle your peerssssss. Calming them down should be easssssy ssssssince you're classsssss rep." he said. 

I could say the same for him since he's the teacher. I walked up to Rayvn and with stern look.

"What are you doing?" I questioned. 

"We're getting professor asshole back." she said. 

"How did you even get this many people?" I questioned. 

"About half of them have this class, and the other ones are graduates and sponsors that were helped by Professor Uchiha's teaching to get a great career. I only told your class about it, so everyone else just came out of nowhere," she said. 

"Rayvn give me the megaphone," I said with my hand out. 

[Narrator] POV

Rayvn pouted and handed her the megaphone. 

[Name] looked at Professor Orochimaru who nodded at her in approval. She looked back at Rayvn who just stared at the floor angrily. [Name] raised the megaphone to her lips, and tears streamed down her face as she spoke. 

"WHAT DO WE WANT!" she exclaimed.

"A BETTER TEACHER!" The group of 300 yelled.

"WHEN DO WE WANT HIM!" she yelled.


Professor Orochimaru was outraged. 

[Sasuke] POV

I sat on my couch relaxing. TOTALLY not sulking.

"Lil brother how long are you gonna stay on the couch sulking?" Itachi asked. 

"I'm not sulking! I'm resting!" I exclaimed. 

"Resting doesn't mean lay on the couch for week," Itachi explained. 

"Itachi you don't understand okay. Everything that could've went wrong all happened in the span of a weekend. My account has gone into debt cause someone stole my credit card. I got fired and accused of sexual misconduct with a student which nothing happened by the way!" I explained. 

"Yet... but your both legal to make your own decisions so continue," Itachi chimed in.

"And I'm pretty sure I made [Name] cry when I left," I said. 

"Well you can always go see her," Itachi said. 

"Have you forgotten I'm not allowed on school grounds," I said. 

"Disguises duh!" Itachi said. 

"You've been hanging around Rayvn too much," I said. 

He simply shrugged and went back to cooking. He walked over to me and gave me a plate. 

"Fine, but at least turn on the TV instead of sitting in the dark," Itachi said. 

Before I could protest, Itachi turned on the news. I shielded my eyes from the bright light, but suddenly the sound of chanting hit my eyes. 





No... it couldn't be could it?

I looked at the screen and sure enough there it was a protest happening at Konoha College. And the one leading that protest....


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