[Chapter 3] - Favorite Student

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Sasuke POV 

 I sighed in relief as I made my way to the dorm after dropping Naruto home. The idiot got drunk before we even made it to the cookout. I waste so much time just taking care of him. If we were't friends I would've killed him a long time ago. I entered the dorm  to see [Name] passed out on her bed. There were some papers on the floor near her bed. Geez, I will not have her make a mess of this room. I will definitely address this tomorrow. I should wake her up now and scold her for the shit she pulled earlier. I picked up one of the papers. It was from my notepad.

It read:

Ways to make the class more 'student-friendly':

-Put up PowerPoint study guides 

-Decorate the classroom

-Give rewards if you get an answer right

-Give rewards if everyone in the class passes a test with a B or above 


Smile.... I'm not these kids friends, and why should I reward these kids for what they're supposed to do. I crumpled up the paper and threw it in the trash. 


Next Afternoon

[Name's] POV

I sighed as I sat in that prison cell of a class. I don't know what it was, but t was as if Professor douchbag was deliberately going faster than normal. The bell rang. "Don't forget to turn in your homework on my desk, and study the material you learned in class today because I'll be quizzing you on it next class," Professor Sasuke announced. I stood to leave. "Ms.[Last Name] I need to speak with you after class," he said. Whaaaaat! What did I do now?! I walked up to his desk. "Yes, Professor Uchiha?" I said. I have to try and stay nice or he might make me stay longer. "You clearly don't understand my rules, so I'll go over them again. Don't annoy me.keep the room clean, don't touch my things. And, if someone is looking for me and I say I'm not here, I'm NOT here" he said.  "So you saw the paper?" I questioned ignoring everything else he said.  I could tell it annoyed him. "Yes I saw the paper" he said. "So what did you think?"I questioned a little too enthusiastic than I meant to. It seemed to throw him off.  He recovered himself and said, "I thought it was idiotic. Rewarding the students for doing what they're supposed to. This isn't kindergarten, so I especially won't be decorating the class. If the students want notes, they should pay attention more. And, I definitely wont be smiling at any student especially if there isn't anything to be happy for  ," he said. This man is unbelievable! He shot down all of my ideas with some bullshit excuse! I was starting to see red. "You are unbelievable." I muttered. "Excuse me" he questioned. "YOU ARE UNBELIEVABLE! How do you expect to make this class student friendly when you are nothing, but bitter to you students. I know college isn't supposed to be easy, but it isn't supposed to feel like prison either! Like not even the sunshine wants to appear in your classroom because its so gloomy. You know what they call you outside of class Warden Uchiha! There is no reason you shouldn't give students a fair chance. Students will be more inclined to do better if you reward them. That's like saying your boss shouldn't give you a raise because your doing what your supposed to by teaching these kids. And, I'm convinced the ONLY reason you don't smile is because you don't know how to because you've been nothing, but mean your whole life! No wonder they're going to terminate you!" I  exclaimed. He just looked at me. Not glaring, but I couldn't read it. I was scared. I just scolded the meanest teacher in school. He opened his mouth my only instinct was...



I was hiding out in my best friends room. "[Name] you can't hide here forever, you know" Rayvn said. "You don't understand that man will kill me!" I exclaimed. "You're exaggerating! Hot guys are never the killer" she said. "I'm pretty sure 90% of the hot guys are usually the killer..." I said.  She pushed me out the room. "It's almost midnight [Name], but if anything bad does happen I''ll leave my room door unlocked tonight just for you," she said pushing me out. 


I've been standing outside my room door for like 13 minutes. "How long are you going to wait to open the door," said a familiar voice. "eep! Professor!" I exclaimed. He yawned and walked past me to enter the room. I followed. "I don't have time for your nonsense," he said. I looked closer he looked a bit tired. He didn't even correct me. He climbed onto his bed not even bothering to get out of his suit or shoes. I walked over to his bedside. "Um Professor Uchiha? Are you okay?" I questioned. "I'm fine," he yawned. "But... you can't sleep in a suit and your shoes," I said. "I don't care," he said. That's when I smelt it. He's been drinking. "Okay sit up" I said. He sighed and did so. I took off his shoes and loosened his tie. I was embarrassed, so I was avoiding all eye contact. I could feel him just staring at me though. Geez, if I wasn't a good person... "Okay lift your arms up," I said. He did as I said. I removed his coat. "Okay now do you have any clothes to wear to sleep?" I asked as I turned towards his drawer. He shook his head. "I don't sleep in clothes," was all he said. "huh" I questioned as I turned around. That's when I noticed he was stripping down to his boxers. I immediately turned away. I could tell my face was red. He noticed this, and walked in front of me. He felt my forehead. "Your red? Are you getting a cold because I can't have you getting me sick." he slurred. An asshole even while he's drunk. I shoo'd his hand away. "I'm not sick now back to bed," I said pushing him to his bed. I couldn't help but notice how amazing he looked. He was so ...toned. He laid down on his bed. I turned to walk away. 

"Goodnight [Name]. You're my favorite student."

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