[Chapter 1] - Student Teacher Program

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I panicked as I looked through the halls franticly. I knew this university was big ,but I thought I would be at least able to find my way around it. NOPE! I started to get dizzy and bumped into someone. "Hey are you alright?" the person questioned. I looked up at the person to reveal a tall male with a nice smile ,but cold eyes. "No..! I've been looking everywhere for my class, but the layout is just too...complicated. The man laughed at my little panic. "You must be a freshman then," he said. I nodded. "Well I can help you find your class. Let me see your schedule," he said. "Oh thank you so much Mr..." "Uchiha. Mr.Uchiha" he said with a smile. "Mr. Uchiha? Then that means I'm in your class" I said with a smile.

He kind of tensed up when I said that. "No... I don't teach here. You must be talking about my younger brother, Professor Uchiha," Mr. Uchiha said. "Younger brother?" I questioned handing him my schedule. "Yep and if that's the case then we definitely need to get you to class right away," he said. He looked at my schedule and returned it. He looked at his watch. "We better hurry," he said. I followed Mr. Uchiha. "Is he really strict,"I questioned. "You could say that. He has this  thing if you aren't  in class before he starts his lecture, he'll fail you or drop you from his class." Itachi said. "Fail!? That's not strict that's-" I paused when I remembered that was his brother. "It's... very strict." I said. Mr. Uchiha laughed. "He does tend to over do it, but then again for the past three years the classes that he lectures always get 95% or above," he said. 95%? He stopped in front of a door. "This is your class," he said. As soon as I opened the door, I felt a sudden chill. "You must be [Name] [Last Name]," the male said. I looked to see the man did resemble Mr. Uchiha. This must have been professor Uchiha. "Yes sir! Sorry I am-" "You are dropped from this class," the male said as he continued his lecture. At that moment my life flashed before my eyes. What am I going to do? I can't go back to my parents they're going to kill me. I'll have to start a new life working as a cashier at McDonald's and- Suddenly a hand was placed on my shoulder. I looked up to see Mr. Uchiha's reassuring smile. He told me to take my seat. He walked over to Professor Uchiha, and they discussed. I quickly found that the only empty seat was right in the front. Great... I watched as the two had a discussion and finally Professor Uchiha sighed. Mr. Uchiha smiled signifying he had one. He began to walk out ,but gave me a thumbs up before leaving. I sighed in relief. 


Professor Uchiha dismissed everyone. I began to pack up my things. "Not you Ms. [Last Name]" he said as his cold eyes squinted at me. It made me shiver. I looked around and noticed everyone else had left this prison of a classroom. "Because you were late this morning you have detention after class," he said. I was shocked. "Detention? Sir if you just let me explain to you why I was late-" "There is no talking in detention," he said. I fumed. Why is he such and ass? Never in my life have I met such a jerk before. I walked back over to my seat and sat down. I didn't even know college could give detentions... 


It has been almost an hour now of me just sitting here.Good thing I didn't have my other class till the afternoon. For a man who has been here three years he hasn't really decorated his room much. It looked so boring. Justan all white room. No posters, no wall scrolls, no anything. It was kind of depressing. 

I was snapped out of thought when a packet landed on my desk. "I passed this out to everyone before you arrived. I am required to give this to all my students otherwise you wouldn't get one," he said. I wanted to glare at him so bad, but I just gave him a big smile. "Thank you Professor" I said. The level of sarcasm dripping from my mouth. I could tell he noticed it too. "Professor Uchiha, and I was going to let you out early ,but I decided I'll have you stay another ten minutes," he said. My smile immediately plummeted. Great....


Professor Uchiha finally dismissed me. I stood in freedom as I rushed out the door. I guess now I know what it feels like to be released from prison. 

Sasuke POV

I stood about to leave, myself when I noticed [Name] had forgotten her packet. I hate when kids just leave their trash around. At least throw it away of you weren't planning on using it. I picked it up and tossed it in the trash. 


-Later that day-

I sighed as I sat at the cafeteria table trying to eat away the pain of the first day. Suddenly I was attacked from behind in a bone crushing hug. "[Name]! I've been looking for you everywhere! Sooo how was your first day?" questioned the overly excited girl. That was none other than my high school life saver and best friend Ravyn. "It sucked. I went to the wrong class, was late for my next class and got detention from my prior class," I said. "Oh that's sounds terrible.." she said. "It's fine what about you?" I questioned. She smiled. "Well it has been going great. I have seen so many hot guys! Even the teachers were pretty hot. Men and women," she said. That'smy best friend for you. She has no standards. As long as you're hot, she approves. I snickered. "Oh and did you hear about this program? It's about dorming for free," she said. "Really?" I questioned. "Yeah it's in this packet," she said. I looked at the packet. Oh that's the one Professor Uchiha gave me. "What do you have to do?" I questioned. "All you have to do is sign your name at the bottom and a few students will have the luck of getting a free dorm. I could really use that. It would save my mom parents a lot of money. "I'll sign up," I said. Ravyn gleamed happily. "Me too. Do you have a packet?" she questioned. I looked in my binder. It wasn't there! "I.. did have one" I muttered. She laughed. "Good thing I snuck an extra one then," she said. I hugged her happily. I signed my name at the bottom. "Were do we drop it off?" I questioned. "Oh don't worry I'll handle it," she said taking my paper and running off. 

Why did I feel like I just sold my soul off to the devil?


As the next few day rolled in, I was just getting adjusted to my dorm room when a knock came from it. 

I hopped off my very high bed and walked over to answer it. There I saw Professor Uchiha. He had a duffle bag on his shoulder and was carrying a box. "Professor?" I questioned. He looked past the box to see it was me. He gave an annoyed groan. Well same to you buddy! "Well are you going to let me in?" he questioned. I hesitantly nodded and let him inside my dorm. I kept the dorm propped open in case he was trying to murder me. "What are you doing here Professor?" I questioned. "Professor Uchiha," he corrected. "Right..." I said. "You put in an application for a free dorm," he said. My eyes went wide. "I won?" I questioned. He nodded. I cheered happily. "Wait then why are you here Professor Uchiha?" I questioned. He just looked at me like I was stupid. "Did you even read the packet?" he questioned. "More or less" I said. "Then tell me the title of the program" he said. "I said more or less"  I repeated. He shook his head and groand annoyed. He pulled up a chair and sat me down in front of it. He took of his glasses and looked me deep in the eyes. He was really close to my face. It made my mind think dirty thoughts. "This program is called the Student Teacher Program. Student is required to dorm with the teacher that gave out this form. The teacher pays for the students dorm as long as the student does two things: gets good grades in all their classes and follows the rules. The student must also help the teacher make their classroom more welcoming for their classmates. As well as, help make the worksheets. This the program gives you an extra 2 credits if you can last the semester year," he explained. "Do you understand?" he questioned. I nodded because words failed me at this point. Professor Uchiha was a attractive but scary man. He pulled away. "Good. As long as you follow my rules this program should go by in a flash," he said. He began packing his things. 

As long as I follow his  rules....

Dorming with My College Professor (Sasuke Love Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ