[Chapter 4] - Wall of Fame

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[Name] POV

I sat in class Professor Uchiha's class. He seems to be moving slower today, but also a lot stricter. He scolded a girl for popping her gum to hard in class and kicked her out for the day. I couldn't focus on anything today. My mind just kept racing back to last night. The professor stripped in front of me, and why did he say what he said. 

"Goodnight [Name]. You're my favorite student" 

Like, what was that about! I thought he despised me. I literally scolded him that same day, so how can I possibly be his favorite. This usually happens in those horror movies. The popular guy likes the normal girl and she finds out he's the killer. I'M NOT READY TO DIE!

 I snapped out of thought when a pair of papers landed on my desk. I looked up to see Professor Uchiha glaring at me. I looked around to see the entire class was empty. The bell must've rung. "Are you listening to me [Name]?" he questioned. I sweatdropped. "Uh.. haha refresh my memory?" I said hoping he wouldn't go on a rant. "I don't have time for your nonsense. I was thinking about what you said yesterday and since you came up with the ideas you'll be doing it. This will also be your punishment for yelling at someone older than you. You are to decorate the classroom, but of course run it by me first. Second, you are to start making Powerpoints for the end of each lecture to summarize what was talked about today, starting with today's lecture. Understood?" he questioned. I nodded happily. He actually took my idea. Yes! 10 points go to [Name] cha! Wait? Did he say starting with today... I WASN'T PAYING ATTENTION TODAY! 

"Uh.. Professor Uchiha for the powerpoint can you show me how you want it done. Like, do todays, so I can use that example to do tomorrows," I lied. "You weren't listening today were you," he said. He saw right through me...

I was about to say something when he cut me off. "Just go work on the decorations," he said. I took that as a victory. 


"Professor Uchiha what colors do you like," I questioned. "Black and blue" he stated. I sweatdropped. Well, black won't help raise the gloomy tone, but blue... I think I can work with blue. I cut out some papers and taped them to the wall. I added many different shades of blue to the room. I looked back at the professor he was resting his head on the desk. Now, that I think about it he was drinking yesterday maybe he has a hangover. I wonder if he remembers what he said to me. I kinda want to know why I'm his favorite. Uhhh!! Now is not the time brain to start overthinking things he's my teacher. But... then again he doesn't seem that older than me. After all, I did decided to come to college three years after I graduated high school. He doesn't look a day over 27 and if that's the case then that would mean we're only 6 years apart. Hmm... WAIT! Why am I thinking about this? It's not like I could ever like him. He's arrogant, annoying, uptight AND.. and.. so good looking. NO! I think I;m starting to hang out with my best friend too much.I mentally slapped myself and finished the wall.


Sasuke POV

I sighed as this headache continued to kill me as I graded these papers. Damn Naruto getting me drunk. "Professor~! I finished." [Name] said. She finished? She didn't ask me about anything, but what color I liked. I looked up and saw at the back of the classroom was a wall labeled, "Wall of Fame" in different shades of blue glitter. I stood and walked over to her. "What is this?" I questioned. "It is the wall of fame. I thought to motivate students to work harder you give them an opportunity. So, here it is. We have like five quizzes and three tests and a final in the class right? So, if you get an A your paper makes it to the hall of fame. For quizzes, an A is worth 25 points on the hall of fame, and for a tests an A is worth 50 points. So, if you make it to 200 points on the hall of fame you don't need to take the final and automatically receive an 100 on it," [Name] explained. I hated to admit it, but it was a good idea. 

[Name] POV

I waited for the professor to say something. "Didn't I tell you to tell me before you do things," he scolded. UNBELIEVABLE! Does he know how hard it was for me to do this. I'm SHORT! I had to use a chair with all this! "But... it's a great idea. Good job," he said as he turned around, and went back to his paperwork. I was left there surprised. Good... job? He praised me? I don't know why, but that makes me happy. It's like finding being in a room and you're chosen as the last survivor. It's rare. 


-Later that Night-

I sat in my dorm room trying to do my homework. Professor Uchiha was grading papers. He put down his pen and sighed. Then turned to me. "Is there something you want to say [Name]? You've been glancing at me ever since I walked into the room," he questioned. EEP! "N-no nothing really! Haha," I laughed nervously. "You're terrible at lying?" he said. My smile twitched. 

"Do you remember yesterday?" I questioned. I furrowed his eyebrows trying to remember. "Not entirely why?" he questioned. "Nothing serious you were just really drunk is all," I laughed. He didn't seem amused however. "So, when you were drunk I was trying to guess your age, but you fell asleep before you told me," I lied. He looked at me. "I'm 24" he said before turning back to his papers. SO YOUNG! "Really?!" I questioned. "Yes, why is that hard to believe," he questioned. "Because you're like a bitter old-" I stopped once I saw him glaring at me. "I mean cause you're no that much older than me. I'm 21" I said. "What is your point?" he questioned. What was my point? "Haha.. I don't know I was just curious I guess,"  I said. He sighed. "You truly like wasting my time don't you," he said. I didn't know what to say. He left the room. I sighed in relief. Why don't I ever stop talking! Why was I so nervous when talking to him. He came back in a pair of sweatpants and a white tank top. "I'm going to sleep," he said turning off the lights. Gee thanks not like I was doing work or anything! Hey... wait...


Dorming with My College Professor (Sasuke Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon