[Chapter 16] - Final Exam

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[Name] POV

Many students joined in with the protest.  Professor Orochimaru was fumming at this point.

"Alright, enough!" he exclaimed. 

Professor Orochimaru walked up to me and yanked the megaphone from my hand pushing me to the ground. I was too shocked to even realize until Rayvn offered to help me up. 

"Alright ssssssssssstudentssss! Lisssssten up! I am giving everyone one opportunity to go back to the classssssssssesssss. If you refussssss it will be expulsion!" he threatened. 

Rayvn spoke through her megaphone. 

"Unfortunately you can't expel everyone. Half of these students are graduates, others are sponsors, and lastly you can't expel every student from your class or you'll lose credibility as a teacher," she explained. 

Suddenly and to our surprise, Professor Orochimaru smirked. 

"Very well then. I have a propossssition for my classsssss then," he said.

The students looked around confused. "Proposition?"

I questioned him. "What proposition?" 

"It'ssssss quite ssssssimple, classsss rep. A 100 percccccent on the final. A guaranteed A+" he said. 

Everyone behind me cheered happily, but something felt wrong. Like he was lying. 

"And what's the catch?" I questioned.

"Well of courssssssse only one sssssstudent can recccccieve a guaranteeed A+. That ssssstudent must come forward to thissss sssssside. Everyone else either must take the final or... Fail/Be expelled," Professor Orochimaru said. 

Everyone began looking at each other. A guaranteed a.... That's something everyone in this class wants, and he knows that. Putting everyone against each other. I grabbed Rayvn's megaphone and spoke, "Don't do it! There is no such thing as a guaranteed A in life. He could be lying just to get you expelled. Think of how hard we worked up to this point. That was because we studied together, and learned together. What do we learn from taking an easy A? Nothing..." I shouted. 

It didn't work...

The students ran passed me trying to be the first one to receive the A. Life for me slowed down and I felt like I was about to faint. I failed...

Suddenly, the megaphone was yanked from hand and a palm rested on my head as I heard a familiar voice. 

"You should all feel ashamed," said the voice. 

Everyone looked back and I looked up with eyes wide. It was him. "Professor..."

He smiled at me and patted my head. "You did well," he said. 

"I want each and everyone of you to head to class or your expected destinations at this very  moment. As was said earlier you all worked too hard to get here. [Name] here wasted her time helping you learn and understand the material. And, I say wasted because it seems like you still have yet to learn anything. The real world is team operation not a stepping stool. You were chanting for a better teacher, but are you willing to be better students. If so, take your seat so I can begin teaching for today's final test. And, believe when I say this I know you all have the knowledge necessary to pass. You all are capable of A's," Professor said. 

With those words, the crowd dispersed. Students went back to class. The commotion was over. The principle walked up to the professor. 

"Professor Uchiha" he said. 

"I believe it's just Uchiha, sir," the professor corrected. 

"No, it's Professor Uchiha. Never in all my years have I seen a professor handle a situation as well as you did. You are once again hired affective immediately," the principle said. 

"Excussssse me, ssssssir! But-"

"And YOU! Never in my days have I seen another teacher shove another student. Have you gone mad, and on nation TV no less. You are on temporary leave starting now. Grab your belongings and follow me!" the principal scolded.

The class cheered and Professor Uchiha looked back to glare at them. They quickly hushed. Suddenly, a loud voice came out of nowhere. 


Rayvn and I looked to see random girl and her friend. 

"Hey that's the girl that bought me and the whole store alcohol," Rayvn said. 

"Was the total of that payment about $730?" Professor questioned.

"You there were like five people in line before me,  so yeah that seems about right. Oh wait! I have the receipt in my purse. I always keep my receipt," she said handing the professor the paper.

"Yup, $729.29. Security, I like to report an act of financial fraud. This student right here either stole my card or embezzled money out of my bank account," the professor said. 

"Ha! Good luck proving that," the girl said. 

Suddenly, a wild Itachi appeared and grabbed the receipt from the professors hand. 

"Actually, it's not that hard to prove. The date and time of purchase is on the receipt and if we match it with the date an time of the video cameras from the liquor store, I'm positive we can build a case from there. Oh, did I forget to mention. I graduated from this school as a lawyer," Itachi explained.

The girl and her friend were fuming with rage.

"Wait! Okay! It was all her idea. She made up everything from the drinking allegations to the Professor sleeping with his students. It was all her. She wanted to get back at him not me. Please, I can't go to jail," one of the girls said. 

"You little bitch!" the other girl exclaimed as she charged at her.

Security stepped in before anything happened, and dragged the girls away. The professor looked down at me noticing I was still on the floor. He reached his hand out and pulled me to my feet. 

"Didn't you hear me. Class has started. You're late" he said.

 I smiled as tears streamed my face. I wanted to hug him so bad. I quickly wiped my tears and nodded. 

"Yes, Professor."

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