where we meet

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Heyy thanks for reading I hope you like this story. This chapter is kinda short. There will be no smex in this because i'm a miner. Btw this "------------------------------------" means time jump/skip. Feel free to point out any spelling mistakes. Thank you.

I walk into the train station. It's cold even though it's September. I wonder what's going to happen this year. A new school that means a fresh start. For most people, not me. I could try but would it ever work.no. It's hard to get a fresh start when your family has been in the magical world forever and your brothers have made their marks around the school. Ugh, it's so annoying. As I was just thinking I run into someone.

"Ow" the boy says

"I'm so sorry I was not looking and I was thinking and then I ran into you I'm so sorr-" he cut me off

"Hey it's okay"

"I still feel bad"

"Are you a first year?"

"Yeah why?"

"Me too. I know how you can make it up to me"

Said the mystery boy

"How?" I say coolly but on the inside I was scared for what he would say next even though we are only 11

"You can sit with me on the way to Hogwarts"

I take a deep breath "oh yeah of course I don't know anyone either besides my brothers and I'd rather not sit with them" I say with a smile

"But what's your name i'm not supposed to sit with strangers" I say with a slight laugh

"I'm Harry Potter"

"Cool I'm y/n Weasley"

"Honey where are you going" said my mother

"I was just talking to-"

"HARRY" yelled my twin brother Ron Weasley

"RON" Harry yelled back

"What are you doing talking to my sister? Do you know her?"

"No um we just met"

"Ron y/n dear come here I need to tell you goodbye"

Harry let out a chuckle as Ron and I went to tell our mother goodbye

"Be safe dears and y/n stay out of trouble" said our mother

"But what about Ron" I said

"Oh sorry dear Ron keep your sister out of trouble" She said laughing at the sight of her daughters face

"Unbelievable you are definitely moms favorite"

"Well I mean I am irresistible"

"In your dreams Ron" said Harry

"Yeah what Harry said" I said smiling

"Whatever" Ron said rolling his eyes

"I think we should get on the train before there are no more seats" Ron Said




Once we got on the train Harry and Ron sat in a seat together and I sat on the other side after some time we all started to get to know each other well at least Ron and I were getting to know Harry. Trust me I don't need to know more about my brother. A little while later a girl with big bushy hair came into our compartment

"You should put on your robs we will be arriving at Hogwarts soon" she said

"Okay thanks" I said

"Holy cricket you're Harry Potter" she said staring at Harry

"Um yeah" he said awkwardly

"I'm Hermione Granger"

"Hi I'm y/n Weasley"

"Hello and you are"

"Oh hi i'm Ron" he said with food in his mouth

"Pleasure" she said

There was a long silence before the bushy haired girl spoke

"Well I better get going see you at the castle"

"Bye" we all said in sink

Not long after Hermione left the train came to a stop we were here everyone grabbed their things and got off. I got butterflies in my stomach. I was going to get sorted into my house. What if I didn't get into Gryffindor. A nice professor led us into the great hall where we would be sorted. A guy who I saw Harry talking to got sorted into Slytherin. Hermione got Gryffindor, so did Ron and Harry then it was my turn.

"y/n Weasley" the women called

"Please sit"

"Ahh yes another Weasley" said the hat

"But not like the others" the hat continued

"You are different in deed...you feel the need to prove yourself worthy and show others what you can do and you must not be underestimated there is a power deep within you that has yet to be released....better be gryffindor"

There were loud cheers from the Gryffindor table but what did the hat mean by a power deep within me. I quickly took a seat next to Ron.


After the feast we all were going to our rooms when professor Dumbledore called my name.

"y/n come here"

"Um hi professor did i do something wrong"

"Of course not I need to talk to you about your powers"

"My what"

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