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Heyyy so I this one is kinda short but I was busy today but I should be back to normal next week about how long each chapter is. Anyway I hope y'all like this one!!!

Omg I had blacked out. I woke up but I didn't. I was awake. I could hear everything they were saying but I could not move. I was stuck.

"Is she awake yet?" said a voice I could not tell who it was yet

"Nope I have been here all night and nothing. She has not moved at all" that's Ron. He has been here all night?

"You go get some rest I'll stay with her"

"You sure Harry" that's who it was. He cared. If I could see him I would read his mind. But well you know I can't move.

"Yes I'm sure Ron"

"Okay I'll be back later"

I heard Ron walk off and as he was leaving I was thinking "how long had I been asleep?"

"Hey y/n" said harry

"I don't know if you can hear me...but I'm sorry" His voice broke

"I should have been there for you"

"I should have noticed"

"Gosh, how many times did you sit with us and not eat"

"And I never knew"

"Not once"

"I thought you were okay"

"And I hate myself for it"

"I love you y/n" wait he loves me? What does he mean? Like love love or like as a friend?

"I always have and-" he could not hold his tears anymore

"I- I let this happen"

"It- it's all my fault"

"I should have talked to you more"

"Maybe I would have known"

"Maybe if I talked to you more you would not be here"

"Everyone misses you"

"It's not the same anywhere without you"

"Even Snape looks down"

"You have such an effect on people y/n"

"And you don't even realize it"

"We all were so busy using you as our support"

"Always knowing you would be there for us"

"That- that we never once thought about" he took a deep breath

"We never thought twice about how you were doing"

"And I will beat myself up for that for the rest of my life" he sobbed then he grabbed my hand in both of his and he just held my hand in silence. Then after awhile someone else entered the room.

"Harry" the guy said

"Draco" Harry said calmly. DRACO? Wait? What is he doing here?

"How is she"

"Not awake"


"It's been two months how- how is she still like this?" Harry said as his voice broke again. TWO MONTHS I HAVE BEEN STUCK FOR THAT LONG

"I know it- it's all my fault" Said Draco as his voice broke as well

"Don't blame yourself" said Hermione I don't know when she got there or if she had always been there

"Ether of you" she added

"But maybe if we would have cared for her more she would not be-"

"SHUT UP" yelled Hermione

"Just stop- okay she she- is here because of m- because of me" Hermione said

"That night that we found out I went to talk to her- the loud boom- and when I went in there she- she didn't want to talk- but- but I kept trying to talk to her- we um- we got in a fight- and her powers took over- they took over and she said she froze everything just because she got mad- and she said- she said- "WE CANT BE FRIENDS I CAN'T HURT YOU OR ANYONE JUST PLEASE GO AWAY BEFORE- BEFORE SOMETHING ELSE HAPPENS" and I- I just let her push me- us- everyone away- when- when she needed us-" Hermione said crying

"It was not just you Hermione" said Harry

"We all took her for granted" said Draco

"If I could go back in time I would stop all of this from happening- this, fights, and her ED" said Harry as he started to cry

"I'm sorry y/n" He said

"I'm so sorry I let this happen"


They had all stayed for a while, they were not talking a lot. Hermione said she could no longer see me like this and left. Draco stayed then he said he needed to go study. But Harry never left. He just stayed holding my hand. Then I fell asleep.


"Hey y/n" said Harry

"You probably can't hear me but good morning its is 6:00 December 24th" I woke up I wondered how long he ad been doing this. Telling me good morning. And telling me what day it was. Maybe it helped him in a way. I could not think for much longer before....

I opened my eyes.

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