He's here

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Heyy so this chapter is not very long and I'm sorry. The chapters this week are going to be short because I'm on vacation. I hope y'all understand. Anyway I hope yall like this.

As I was walking into the kings cross station I just needed a moment to take it all in. I was going to be a 4th year this year. I had a feeling that a lot was going to happen this year. Good and bad. Okay moment over I need to find the others. Ron and I split up. He went to find Harry. I went to find Hermione. Only I found Harry.

"Hey Harry" I said hugging him

"Hey y/n"

"Come on Ron was looking for you"

"What do you mean was" He said

"Well I found you and he probably gave up after 3 minutes"

"You have a point there" Harry said with a laugh

"Come on he will be waiting"

"Okay coming"

"Hey Ron I found Harry" I said

"I found Hermione" He said

"Hermione" I yelled then pulled her into a tight hug

"Hello y/n" She said back with a smile

"Okay are you guys ready to get onto the train" Hermione said

"yeah I don't want to share a compartment" Said Harry

"Yeah me eaither lets go" Ron said

"Lead the way boys" I said putting my arm around Hermione (This is not in like a love way it's just like a friend way)

"So is Sally coming this year?" Hermione asked. We gave astronomy boy a nickname so it was easier to talk about him in front of the boys. For all they knew Sally was someone Hermione and I met at the candy shop on one of the school trips.

"That's what I was told I can't wait to see him"

"Yeah well you will soon" Hermione said

"I know everytime I think about it about seeing him I mean I get butterflies in my stomach"

"It sounds like your in love"

"I am not... might be at the end of the year though" I said with a laugh

"Maybe you will be"

"Yeah I know you don't have to say it I'm never wrong" I said

We all reached an empty compartment and starting talking than Ron said

"Oh guys"

"What" We all said

"I heard from Draco that a new boy is coming this year and that he is a slytherin"

Hermione and I gave each other knowing looks

"I wonder what he looks like," Hermione said. I had given her my best explanation of how he looked once but I have no idea if she saw what I saw.

"Why do you care" Ron snapped

"Someone seems jealous" I said with a laugh

"What I'm not" Ron grew red in the face. Looks like someone has a little crush

"Sure Ron" Harry said smiling

We all talked for the rest of the ride looking back at memories from 3rd year and 1rst year. We did not talk about 2nd year much. All of us would rather not talk about it. Especially Ron. He felt bad that he obviated a professor. After what felt like forever we made it to Hogwarts. I was so excited but so nervous at the same time. I could not wait to see astronomy boy again and learn his name. I never asked because I liked his nickname I made and well I would forget to ask because we could never really talked for long. As we were walking into the great hall there was a lot that I needed to take in....again. There was this cup to the side of where professor Dumbledoor would speak. We all came in and sat down. The first years got sorted into their houses and then Dumbledoor spoke.

"Hello and welcome back" He started

"I have a few announcements to make first the Triwizard tournament" He began talking and explaining things but he said only 17 and up could do it so I did not really care to listen. I was just waiting for him to talk about the new student "Sally".

"Now we have a new student" he said everyone got silent

"He will be a 4th year slytherin. Please help me welcome Mattheo Riddle" everyone clapped as he came in but they were also in shock. Voldemort's son in hogwarts. I could tell Harry cared but I did not care. You can't judge someone based on their parents or what their patents had done. It would not be fair.

"Astronomy boy" I yelled and went to hug him

"y/n" he yelled back and wrapped his arms around me and spun me around as he hugged me. I did not want him to let go but he did.

"y/n I need to go but meet me later at the library okay?"

"Okay see you later" I said with a smile and walked away

I went back to my seat and got an orange and sat down.

"Really y/n" said Ron

"What" I said

"A Riddle you hugged a Riddle" Harry said not looking at me but messing with his plate of food

"Yeah what's the problem" I said 

"That, that is the problem y/n you can't do that you can't hang out with him" Said Ron

"And why is that exactly" I said rolling my eyes

"He is voldemorts son for crying out loud y/n he is bad news" said Harry

"You barely even know him you can't judge someone off of what their parents did" I shot back

"You can't hang out with him y/n"

I looked over to see where Mattheo was sitting. He was with Draco, Pansy, and Blase. I knew all of them and they did not have a problem with me.

"You can't tell me what to do Ron you don't see me telling you to not hang out with Harry or  Hermione" 

"Yeah well their parents are not voldemort!" Ron said  

"'m sorry but Ron is right y/n you don't need to be hanging out with him " Harry said 

"Watch me" I said, getting up from the gryffindor table and going to the slytherins table to sit with Mattheo.

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