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Heyy so this chapter is not very long and I'm sorry I dis not update y'all yesterday I was very busy and same with today. Anyway I hope you like this one.

I had cried myself to sleep that night and boy could you tell I had been crying my eyes were red and puffy. Great, now they will know that what they said made me cry. I don't think I'm ready for today. It's going to be awful. I did not even bother going to breakfast so at least no one can give me weird or sympathetic looks just yet. I quickly got ready and I had to straighten my hair because well you know I kinda blew up my curling iron. Then I walked into the common room. That was mistake number one.Once I was in the eyesight of one person that's right when the whispers started, the looks, and the stairs. Okay it's fine I was about to leave when

"y/n" said a voice I could not tell who it was

"Yes" I said turning to look at Neville

"Is- is it true"

"Is what true" I said even though I was 100% sure of what he was going to ask

He looked around at everyone "that you have a ED" Said Dean

I mean they all probably knew the answer but they asked and from my face you could probably tell that it was true and I did not want to reply but I did, "yes" everyone in the room acted like they did not already know. Like come on I'm not an dummy

"But I have a question" I said to Dean


"How do you know"

"Well everyone knows"

"Yes, but that's not what I'm asking. I'm asking how YOU know"

"Well Ron has been talking about it" Said Neville

"HE WHAT" I said spinning my head towards Neville

"Yeah, he was talking about it at breakfast" said Angelina

"That little-" I was cut off which was probably for the best

"Y/n" said Harry

Everyone went silent

"What do you want" I said not making eye contact

"To talk"

"Let me think about it...yeah um how about...NO"

"But y/n I-"

"Nope I'm out"

"Oh and tell my dear brother that he is dead to me" Then I left the common room crying

As I was walking down the hall I bumped into someone


"I'm sorry I'm just going to go-"

"Hey wait are you okay...darling"

"Draco?" I had been looking at the floor so I did not know who I was talking too


"I'm sorry I was just in a rush but I'm going to go now"

"No come with me you should not be alone when you are this upset"

"But I-"

"Trust me"

"Okay" I said

"Follow me" he said

A few moments later we were one the astronomy tower

"I thought only I knew about this place" I said

"Well I mean it's pretty big so it does not take a lot to find it" Draco said with a slight laugh

"You know what I mean"

"No I don't"

"Oh shut up" I said shoving he shoulder 

"Okay talk to me about whats wrong" He said

"Well I'm sure you already know"

"Maybe I do...but that does not mean we can't talk about it"


"Okay so talk"

"It's just my own brother not even that my twin told everyone that I have a ED and it's just like why would he do that"

"I hear you but-"

"Oh great" I said rolling my eyes

"Hold on...maybe he thought by saying something it would fix it"

"Not following"

"Well you see he obviously does not understand what made this happen and I don't either but I'm not here to judge anyway he might have thought that by saying something you could be more open about it and that might help you"

"Okay that makes sense but still I have a right to be upset"

"Yes but maybe you should hear what Hermione and Harry have to say"



"Ugh I hate when you are right"

"It's a gift darling"

"Why do you call me that" I asked I mean I did not care It was just a name but I really wanted to know why he calls me darling because he does not call anyone else that.

"I don't know" he said looking at me in my eyes

"I guess I have always liked you and I just thought the name fits" he leaned in for a kiss but I stopped him

"I'm sorry" I said

"I just can't date you I need you as a friend not a boyfriend"

"I understand. Friends?" He said he looked a little said but understanding at the same time

"Friends" I said

"I'm going to take your advice and talk to Hermione and Harry"

"Okay let me know what happens y/n"

"Will do" Then I walked off now it's time for the hard part as I was walking to the common room I just starting stressing out so much then I reached the common room. I could barely breath. It felt like I could not breath and I could barely see. And then I saw them Harry, Hermione, and Ron all sitting. That was the last thing I saw. Then I blacked out.

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