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Hey guys I know I have been gone for a while but here is a new chapter I hope you enjoy!

"Who is in here"

"Shit what do we do," I say

"Be quiet and go hide over there" Mattheo says as he points to a corner away from the door

"What about you?"

"Don't worry love it will be fine now go"

I go and watch as Mattheo opens the door to the professor.

"What are you doing in here Mr.Riddle"

"Sorry I was looking for a place to study its loud everywhere else, even the library"

"Very well then, but do not do this again"

"Yes ma'am"

The professor leaves and he shuts the door again.

"Now where were we"

I walk over to him not knowing what to do.

"What is wrong" He says

"I don't know what to do I think I like both you and Harry and I don't want to hurt either of you because I really care about you both"

"Hey it's okay, you will know what is right and when. I will always be here waiting for you no matter how long it takes. Okay?"

"Okay I'm sorry"

"Don't be"

I laugh and roll my eyes I can't even imagine how I will ever pick one of them. They are both different but the same. Harry is kind, respectful, and nervous, he's not very confident to say what's on his mind, but Mattheo says and does whatever he wants and I don't think I will ever know what to do.

"Okay well I'm going to go Mattheo I will see you later, okay?"

"Okay see you later Y/n"



I was sitting in my room and studying I got stressed and decided to go on a walk, and while I was walking I was hit with a spell then I blacked out. When I woke up I was in a dark cold grey room. I was tied to a chair and I could not get out.

"What the hell"

Someone walks in....Its Voldemort

"What the fuck do you want"

"Just information from you dear" He smiles


"I need to know where Harry goes in the summer and where he sleeps"

"No, I won't tell you that"

"Then you will be tortured and maybe killed"

"I would rather do that than you kill him"

"As you wish" he pulls out his wand and shoots me with the Curcio curse. It burns and feels like one million hot pans touching my skin. I scream in pain and still say nothing. Voldemort and some of his followers lock me up. I was there for days and day after day after day I was questioned and hurt for hours. Will I ever get out of here? Will anyone ever find me? Did I see Mattheo and Harry for the last time before I could ever tell them how I feel? One day Voldemort Takes me out and puts me back in the room I arrived in....the one I'm always torcherd in, there is blood all over the room from me. I'm weak now, I'm too skinny I can see my rib cage, I'm pale, I'm always losing blood. I could not fight for myself even if I wanted to.

"Sit down"

I sit down

"This is your last chance child...tell me about the boy and you will live," he said pulling out his wand. I knew he was not bluffing, he would kill me, I did not want to die but to protect Harry I would do anything, for any of my friends I would do this. If they will be safe from harm, I'm willing to die.

"No no nose, I will never tell you anything"

"Fine then...you did this to yourself, child, say goodbye to the world" He sets up his wand about to say the curse when Mattheo, Harry, Ron, and Hermione burst through the door holding their wands. In a swift motion, Voldemort picks me up and puts his wand to my neck.

"My child you brought me Harry Potter"

"No Voldemort let her go"

"No Dad, just Voldemort"

"You were never a father to me"

"Well such a shame"

"Let her go" Ron yells

"No, she will not leave"

Then Harry shoots a spell at Voldemort and Voldemort starts shooting spells at Harry, they are fighting, I run over to Mattheo and he holds me into his arm, I am weak

"Hey hey hey it's okay you are safe now"

"I'm so sorry," I say

"No, I'm sorry it's my fault"

"No, it's not I love you"

He smiles "I love you too"

In what feels like seconds Harry looks at me the Voldemort shoots me with the deadly curse

I gasp

"No no no no," Mattheo says "Hey hang on" Ron and Hermione runs over to me. Harry kills Voldemort and runs to me

"No no no you can't leave no yet," Harry says

"Im sorry sis hang on"

"No Y/N please," Hermione says

"Y/n please don't leave me I love you please please I can't live without you," Mattheo said

"I love you all. Please don't forget me. I will always be with you anytime you see a daisy it's me watching you. I love both of you Harry and Mattheo now I do not have to choose" I laugh weakly

"Please live for me guys Ron eat for me and make jokes for me, Hermione work hard for me, Harry be kind for me, and Mattheo speak your mind for me. I love you. Ron tell everyone I love them, tell them, please. I know you all will make me proud" Those are my last words.



It's been 3 years since she has been gone. And every day I miss her more. We all did what she told us to do, we lived for her, and I speak my mind for her. Today Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I are going to the forest to celebrate her and speak memories of her. We all meet and start walking to the forest with her favorite food. As we walk we talk about her.

"I remember every time she would blow something up she would say "I don't know what that was but I know it was me" she was amazing," Hermione said

"She used to always make jokes for me when I was upset, even when she was not okay," said Ron smiling

"She would always clean up after parties and she would always help me or try even if she did not know what was going on," said Harry

"She really was amazing, I always liked her, even when she was hurting she would make sure I was okay, and she would say sorry even though most of the time it was not her fault," I say

We all smile in thought of her then once we get to our spot we see 4 daises, one for each of us. We all smile knowing she is watching us. It gives us enough to know she is okay, and so are we.

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